German to English: more detail...
dingfest → come to grips, seize control, master, take into custody, arrest
Detailed Translations for dingfest from German to English
dingfest: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- Ding: matter; good; object; item; article; thing; gadget; infant; child; lass; little girl; little child; toddler; baby; kid; tot; trifle; futility; nipper; kiddy; tyke; small child; small one; tiny tot; small matter; small affair; little kid; small thing; tike; something unimportant
- fest: firm; staunch; aloud; out loud; stable; stout; severe; stiff; punish; reliable; substantial; solid; sound; durable; vigorous; strong; powerful; potent; energetic; forceful; drastic; inherent; deep rooted
- Fest: treat; party; feast; celebration; festivity; festival; feast-day; anniversary; bash; feasting
Spelling Suggestions for: dingfest
Wiktionary Translations for dingfest:
nur im adverbialen Gebrauch von: etwas dingfest machen: eine Sache in den Griff bekommen, unter Kontrolle bringen, zum Ziel führen
- dingfest → come to grips; seize control; master
nur im adverbialen Gebrauch von: jemanden dingfest machen: jemandem die Bewegungsfreiheit nehmen, um ihn einer Gerichtsverhandlung und etwaigen Verurteilung zuführen
- dingfest → take into custody; arrest
External Machine Translations: