German to English: more detail...
zu einem Ende bringen:
zu einem Ende bringen → put an end to
Detailed Translations for zu einem Ende bringen from German to English
zu einem Ende bringen: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- zu: in; to; for; towards; until; till; as far as; till at; at; close to; at the; against; for which
- Ende: end; termination; conclusion; ending; final end; result; tip; terminus; far end; finish; wrinkle; furrow; facial line; End
- enden: conclude; finish off; bring to an end; bring to a conclusion; fall; land; end up at; draw to an end; turn out; run down; come to rest; decide; terminate; end; finish; stop; wind up; come to an end; bring to a close; come; end up; arrive at
- bringen: carry; bring; bring along; provide; supply; send; deliver; give; ship; furnish; bring around; hand over to; send round; leave; hand over; deliver to the door
Spelling Suggestions for: zu einem Ende bringen
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Wiktionary Translations for zu einem Ende bringen:
zu einem Ende bringen
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Suggestions for zu einem Ende bringen in English
Spelling Suggestions for: zu einem Ende bringen
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