German to English: more detail...
The word erstrebenswert exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from German to English.-
Synonyms for "erstrebenswert":
kostbar; lohnenswert; wertvoll
begehrenswert; begrüßenswert; erwünscht; willkommen; wünschenswert
Synonyms for "erstrebenswert":
Detailed Translations for erstrebenswert from German to English
erstrebenswert: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- erstreben: mean; strive; make for; pursue; seek; chase; haunt; aspire; persecute; aim for; strive for; aspire to; strive after; work towards; work for; devote oneself to; aim at
- wert: worth; dear; private; favourite; affectionate; exclusive; select; preferential; cherished; selected; favorite; distinguished; renowned; noteworthy; stately; illustrious; weighty; high ranking
- Erstreben: strive for; aiming at; aiming for
- Wert: merit; value; worth; sense; tendency; intent; purport; stature; tenor; meaning; significance; importance; weight
Synonyms for "erstrebenswert":
External Machine Translations: