
Detailed Translations for dearer from English to German

dearer form of dear:

dear [the ~] nomen

  1. the dear (sweetest; treasure; sweetheart; )
    – a beloved person; used as terms of endearment 1
    Schätzchen; der Schatz; der Liebste; die Liebe; Herzchen; Liebchen; der Liebling; die Geliebte; Lieb
  2. the dear (darling; love)
    der Liebling; Herzchen
  3. the dear (angel; darling)
    der Engel; der Himmlische; der Gottgesandte; die liebe Person; der Himmelsbewohner
  4. the dear (doll; cutie; sweetie; )
  5. the dear (loved one; apple of the eye; beloved)
    der Stern; der Augapfel; Hätschelkind

Translation Matrix for dear:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Augapfel apple of the eye; beloved; dear; loved one eyeball; protégé; ward
Engel angel; darling; dear angel; apostle; divine messenger
Geliebte beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; best friend; bosom friend; boyfriend; buddy; close friend; confidante; courters; darling; dearest; deary; ducky; heart; hearts desire; lady-love; ladylove; lover; lovers; mistress; peach; suitors; sweetheart; sweetie
Gottgesandte angel; darling; dear angel; apostle; divine messenger
Herzchen beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; cutie; darling; darlings; dear child; dearest; dears; deary; ducky; heart; hearts desire; honeys; lady-love; ladylove; little darling; love; lover; peach; sweetheart; sweetie; young man
Himmelsbewohner angel; darling; dear angel; celestial
Himmlische angel; darling; dear angel
Hätschelkind apple of the eye; beloved; dear; loved one darling pet; favourite child; mollycoddle; mother's darling; pampered child; spoiled child; spoilt brat; spoilt child
Lieb beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure
Liebchen beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; darling; darlings; dearest; dears; deary; ducky; heart; hearts desire; honeys; ladylove; lover; mistress; peach; pet; squeeze; sweetheart; sweetie
Liebe beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure affection; ardor; ardour; fervor; fervour; intimacy; love; warm heartedness
Liebling beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; cutie; darling; darling pet; darlings; dearest; dears; deary; ducky; favorite; favourite; heart; hearts desire; honeys; ladylove; little darling; lover; mistress; mollycoddle; mother's darling; pampered child; peach; spoiled child; sweetheart; sweetie
Liebste beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; confidante; darling; dearest; deary; ducky; heart; hearts desire; lady-love; ladylove; lover; mistress; peach; sweetheart; sweetie
Schatz beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; darling; darlings; dear child; dearest; dears; deary; hearts desire; honeys; lady-love; ladylove; love; lover; sweetheart; young man
Schätzchen beloved; candy; darling; dear; dearest; deary; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure beloved; chickadee; darling; darlings; dear child; dearest; dears; deary; ducky; favorite; favourite; hearts desire; honeys; ladylove; love; lover; loves; peach; pets; sweetheart; sweethearts; sweetie; sweetie pie; young man
Stern apple of the eye; beloved; dear; loved one diva; gleam; heavenly light; little star; phosphorescent celestial body; star
entzückende Kind cutie; darling; dear; doll; ducky; peach; sweet; sweetie
liebe Person angel; darling; dear
niedliche Kind cutie; darling; dear; doll; ducky; peach; sweet; sweetie
süße Kind cutie; darling; dear; doll; ducky; peach; sweet; sweetie
- beloved; dearest; honey; lamb; love
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ergeben bring in; capitulate; give up; give up to; produce; puke; quit; regurgigate; spew; spew out; surrender; throw up; vomit
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- beloved; costly; darling; devout; earnest; good; heartfelt; high-priced; near; pricey; pricy
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- affectionately; dearly
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
allerliebst adorable; beloved; cherished; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet alluring; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; dinky; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; likable; lovely; most charming; nice; pretty; sweet; sweetest; winsome
auserkoren beloved; cherished; dear; sweet chosen; elected; picked; selected
auserwählt beloved; cherished; dear; sweet chosen; elected; picked; selected
ausgewählt affectionate; cherished; dear; exclusive; favorite; favourite; preferential; private; select; selected assorted; choice; chosen; consummate; dainty; elite; excellent; exquisite; first-rate; high-quality; perfect; picked; select; selected; superb; superior; tiptop; very pretty
beliebt affectionate; beloved; cherished; dear; devote; loved; popular; precious; sweet adorable; desirable; familiar; favoured; gladly seen; honored; honoured; in demand; in request; most wanted; popular; sought-after; wanted
einmalig adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet delightful; excellent; extraordinary; fabulous; fanciful; fantastic; first-rate; glorious; grand; great; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; on its own; once in a life time; once only; particular; phenomenal; prodigious; separate; smashing; sole; splendid; superb; terrific; top-notch; tremendous; unique; wonderful
einzig adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet excellent; magnificent; on its own; particular; separate; splendid; superb; wonderful
einzigartig adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet delightful; exceedingly; excellent; exceptionally; excessive; exeptional; extraordinarily; extraordinary; extreme; extremely; fabulous; fanciful; fantastic; first-rate; glorious; grand; great; inimitable; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; matchless; once in a life time; once only; phenomenal; prodigious; smashing; sole; splendid; superb; terrific; top-notch; tremendous; unforgettable; unique; unparalleled; unusual; wonderful
ergeben affectionate; cherished; dear; exclusive; favorite; favourite; preferential; private; select; selected affectionate; attached; devoted; meek
flaumig adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet downy; fluffy; soft as fluff
geliebt affectionate; beloved; cherished; dear; devote; loved; popular; precious; sweet caressed; cherished; desirable; favoured; fondled; gladly seen; in demand; loved; most wanted; petted; popular; sought-after; stroked; wanted; well beloved
geliebte beloved; cherished; dear; sweet
gerngesehen affectionate; beloved; cherished; dear; devote; loved; popular; precious; sweet desirable; familiar; gladly seen; in demand; in request; popular; sought-after; wanted
goldig adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet alluring; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; likable; lovely; nice; pretty; sweet; winsome
lieb adorable; affectionate; beloved; cherished; cute; dear; enchanting; exclusive; favorite; favourite; lovely; nice; preferential; private; select; selected; sweet amiable; angelical; appealing; cherubic; congenial; endearing; engaging; likable; lovable; nice; sympathetic; winsome
liebe dear
lieber dear rather
nett adorable; beloved; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; nice; sweet agreeable; alluring; amiable; appealing; astute; attractive; beautiful; benevolent; bright; charming; clever; congenial; crafty; easy going; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; genial; good; good-natured; great; handsome; ingenious; intelligent; kind; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; nice; pleasant; pretty; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; sweet; sympathetic; wily; winsome; wise
niedlich adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet alluring; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; likable; lovely; nice; pretty; sweet; winsome
populär affectionate; beloved; cherished; dear; devote; loved; popular; precious; sweet adorable; celebrated; desirable; familiar; famous; far-famed; fashionable; gladly seen; in demand; in fashion; in request; in vogue; noted; popular; renowned; respected; sought-after; wanted; welcome
reizend adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; sweet adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attracting; attractive; beautiful; bewitching; charming; complimentary; congenial; cute; dainty; desireable; dinky; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fairy-like; funny; good looking; good-looking; graceful; handsome; inviting; likable; lovable; lovely; magical; most charming; mystical; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; sweetest; sympathetic; tempting; winsome
süß adorable; beloved; cute; dear; enchanting; lovely; nice; sweet appealing; beautiful; benevolent; charming; congenial; endearing; engaging; good looking; good-looking; good-natured; handsome; kind; likable; lovely; mawkish; mild; nice; personable; pretty; snap; sugary; sweet; sweeted; sweetish; sympathetic; winsome
teuer affectionate; cherished; dear; exclusive; favorite; favourite; preferential; private; select; selected costly; expensive; pricy
tierbare beloved; cherished; dear; sweet
wert affectionate; cherished; dear; exclusive; favorite; favourite; preferential; private; select; selected distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty; worth

Related Words for "dear":

Synonyms for "dear":

Related Definitions for "dear":

  1. with or in a close or intimate relationship1
    • my sisters and brothers are near and dear1
  2. having a high price1
    • much too dear for my pocketbook1
  3. dearly loved1
  4. earnest1
    • one's dearest wish1
  5. at a great cost1
    • this cost him dear1
  6. with affection1
  7. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment1
  8. a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)1

Wiktionary Translations for dear:

  1. a very kind, loving person
  1. a formal way to start (often after my) addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly
  2. an informal way of addressing the recipient in a letter's opening line
  3. formal way of addressing
  4. high in price; expensive
  5. precious to or greatly valued by someone
  6. loved; lovable
  1. geschätzt, gemocht
  2. gehoben: geliebt, von persönlichem Wert

Cross Translation:
dear hübsch; lieb lief — mooi, fijngebouwd
dear lieb lief — vriendelijk, zachtaardig
dear geachtet, geehrt geacht — als waardig beschouwd, beleefdheidsvorm in aanhef brief
dear teuer; lieb dierbaar — waaraan men grote waarde hecht
dear teuer; hold; lieb; geehrt; wert cher — Qui est chéri, tendrement aimer, auquel on tenir beaucoup.
dear Liebchen cœur — Tendresse, amour