
Detailed Translations for notions from English to German


notions [the ~] nomen

  1. the notions (ideas)
    die Ahnungen

Translation Matrix for notions:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Ahnungen ideas; notions

Related Words for "notions":

notions form of notion:

notion [the ~] nomen

  1. the notion (concept; conception; idea)
    der Begriff; der Verstand; die Erkenntnis; Begriffsvermögen; der Eindruck; die Idee; der Gedanke; die Ansicht; Gedächtnis; Fassungsvermögen; die Meinung; die Auffassung; die Vernunft; der Intellekt; die Eingebung; Bewußtsein; die Eindrücke; die Denkweise; die Vorstellung; die Einsicht
  2. the notion (idea; vision; view; opinion)
    die Vorstellung; die Auffassung; die Idee; die Ansicht; der Standpunkt; die Denkweise; der Gedanke; die Einsicht; die Anschauungsweise; die Meinung; der Eindruck; die Anschauung; die Eindrücke
  3. the notion (thought; idea; image)
    die Idee; Gedächtnis; der Gedanke; die Vorstellung; die Denkweise
  4. the notion (awareness; consciousness; realization; idea; realisation)
    Bewußtsein; der Verstand; der Begriff; die Erkenntnis; Erkennen; die Vorstellung; die Einsicht
  5. the notion (understanding; comprehension; grasp)
  6. the notion (vision; insight; idea)
    die Sicht; die Vorstellung; die Auffassung; die Meinung; der Gesichtspunkt; die Erkenntnis; die Anschauungsweise; der Eindruck; die Ansicht; die Idee; der Einfall; der Gedanke; der Standpunkt; die Eindrücke; die Denkweise; der Begriff; die Einfälle; Erkennen; die Erkennung; der Blickpunkt; die Eingebung
  7. the notion (opinion; view; idea)
    die Meinung; der Standpunkt; die Überzeugung; die Ansicht; der Glaube; die Entscheidung; Urteil; die Anschauungsweise; die Auffassung; die Absicht; die Vorstellung; die Anschauung; die Denkweise; der Eindruck; die Wertung
  8. the notion (way of thinking; perspective; point of view; )
    die Ansicht; die Denkweise; die Anschauung; die Ansichtsweise
  9. the notion (discernment; understanding; insight; brain)
    der Verstand; Begriffsvermögen; die Klugheit; die Intelligenz; der Intellekt
  10. the notion (conviction; disposition; inclination; )
    die Überzeugung; die Auffassung; die Ansicht; die Gesinnung; der Standpunkt; die Anschauung; die Denkweise
  11. the notion
    die Ahnung

Translation Matrix for notion:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Absicht idea; notion; opinion; view aim; design; goal; goal post; idea; intention; objective; scheme; will; wish
Ahnung notion a spark of; hunch; instinct; intuition; presentiment; presumption; supposition; suspicion
Anschauung angle; aspect; attitude; conception; conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking apperception; detection; observation; perception
Anschauungsweise idea; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision
Ansicht angle; aspect; attitude; concept; conception; conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; insight; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking View; allure; appearance; apperception; detection; discernment; idea; insight; judgement; looks; observation; opinion; panorama; perception; picture postcard; sight; view; way of looking
Ansichtsweise angle; aspect; attitude; conception; idea; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking
Auffassung concept; conception; conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision discernment; insight
Begriff awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; idea; insight; notion; realisation; realization; vision concept
Begriffsvermögen brain; concept; conception; discernment; idea; insight; notion; understanding ability to understand; comprehension; intellectual grasp; mental grasp
Bewußtsein awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; idea; notion; realisation; realization awareness; mind; reason
Blickpunkt idea; insight; notion; vision Spotlight; aspect; facet; opinion; point of view; position; standpoint; view
Denkweise angle; aspect; attitude; concept; conception; conviction; creed; disposition; idea; image; inclination; insight; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; thought; version; view; vision; way of thinking range of ideas; realm of thought; way of thinking
Eindruck concept; conception; idea; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision blow; dent; feeling; general impression; impression; knack; perception; sensation; suggestion
Eindrücke concept; conception; idea; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision blow; dent; feeling; impression; knack; suggestion
Einfall idea; insight; notion; vision bust; caprice; idea; impulse; instinct; intuition; invasion; police raid; raid; thought; whim
Einfälle idea; insight; notion; vision
Eingebung concept; conception; idea; insight; notion; vision hunch; idea; inspiration; instinct; intuition; presentiment; presumption; supposition; thought
Einsicht awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; idea; notion; opinion; realisation; realization; view; vision acknowledgement; admission; awareness; discernment; insight; mind; perception; reason; understanding; wisdom
Entscheidung idea; notion; opinion; view cathedral; decision; judgement; quote; sentence; verdict
Erkennen awareness; consciousness; idea; insight; notion; realisation; realization; vision awareness; badge; decoration; insignia; mark; mind; reason
Erkenntnis awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; idea; insight; notion; realisation; realization; vision acknowledgement; admission; appreciation; awareness; discernment; discovery; experience; finding; gnosis; gratefulness; gratitude; insight; mind; reason; recognition; recognizing; thankfulness; thanks
Erkennung idea; insight; notion; vision acknowledgement; admission; appreciation; detection; discernment; gratefulness; gratitude; insight; recognition; recognizing; thankfulness; thanks
Fassungsvermögen concept; conception; idea; notion
Gedanke concept; conception; idea; image; insight; notion; opinion; thought; view; vision idea; insight; perception; thought; understanding
Gedächtnis concept; conception; idea; image; notion; thought afterthought; commemoration; keepsake; memento; memorandum; memory; recollection; remembrance; reminder; souvenir
Gesichtspunkt idea; insight; notion; vision aspect; facet; opinion; point of view; position; standpoint; view; vision
Gesinnung conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; notion; opinion; view inclination; nature; tendency; tenor; trend
Glaube idea; notion; opinion; view belief; conviction; creed; disposition; divine worship; faith; inclination; persuasion; presuming; presumption; religion; religious conviction; supposition
Idee concept; conception; idea; image; insight; notion; opinion; thought; view; vision idea; level; thought
Intellekt brain; concept; conception; discernment; idea; insight; notion; understanding ability to understand; acumen; acuteness; brainpower; comprehension; discernment; genius; intellect; intellectual grasp; intelligence; keen perception; mental capacity; mental grasp; sagacity; sense; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; thought; understanding
Intelligenz brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding beauty; brightness; cleverness; comeliness; discernment; good looks; handsomeness; insight; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; neatness; sagacity; smartness; understanding
Klugheit brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acumen; acuteness; adeptness; beauty; brightness; cleverness; comeliness; discernment; good looks; handsomeness; insight; intelligence; keen perception; neatness; policy; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness
Meinung concept; conception; idea; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision idea; judgement; opinion; view
Sicht idea; insight; notion; vision panorama; sight; view
Standpunkt conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; insight; notion; opinion; view; vision
Urteil idea; notion; opinion; view enunciation; judgement; pronunciation; quote; ruling; sentence; verdict
Vernunft concept; conception; idea; notion brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought
Verstand awareness; brain; concept; conception; consciousness; discernment; idea; insight; notion; realisation; realization; understanding acumen; acuteness; awareness; brainpower; discernment; genius; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; keen perception; mental capacity; mind; reason; sagacity; sense; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; thought
Verstehen comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding
Vorstellung awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; idea; image; insight; notion; opinion; realisation; realization; thought; view; vision ceremony; comedy; exhibition; exposition; fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; happening; illusion; imagination; perception; performance; phantasy; pipe dream; show; showing; vision
Wertung idea; notion; opinion; view appraisal; appreciation; assessment; classification; esteem; estimate; estimation; placing; regard; respect; valuation
Überzeugung conviction; creed; disposition; idea; inclination; notion; opinion; view belief; conviction; persuasion
- belief; feeling; impression; opinion; whim; whimsey; whimsy

Related Words for "notion":

Synonyms for "notion":

Related Definitions for "notion":

  1. (usually plural) small personal articles or clothing or sewing items1
    • buttons and needles are notions1
  2. a general inclusive concept1
  3. a vague idea in which some confidence is placed1
  4. an odd or fanciful or capricious idea1
    • the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories1

Wiktionary Translations for notion:

  1. inclination; intention; disposition
  2. sentiment; an opinion
  3. mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception
Cross Translation:
notion Erkenntnis; Bewusstsein besef — een reëel bewustzijn
notion Einfall; Idee; Gedanke; Vorstellung idée — Façon de faire, plus ou moins originale, qu’un individu ou un groupe d’individus imagine dans le domaine de la connaissance, de l’action ou de la création artistique.
notion Kenntnis; Grundkenntnisse; Elememtarkenntnisse; Vorstellung notionconnaissance élémentaire, sommaire, idée plus ou moins précise qu’on a d’une chose.