
Detailed Translations for ruthlessness from English to German


ruthlessness [the ~] nomen

  1. the ruthlessness
    die Härte

Translation Matrix for ruthlessness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Härte ruthlessness austerity; harshness; rigidity; roughness; severity; starkness; sternness; stiffness; strictness
- cruelty; mercilessness; pitilessness
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- inconsiderateness; lack of consideration

Related Words for "ruthlessness":

Synonyms for "ruthlessness":

  • pitilessness; mercilessness; unmercifulness
  • cruelty; mercilessness; heartlessness; coldheartedness; hardheartedness

Related Definitions for "ruthlessness":

  1. mercilessness characterized by a lack of pity1
  2. feelings of extreme heartlessness1

Wiktionary Translations for ruthlessness:

  1. die Eigenschaft, keine Rücksicht zu nehmen oder eine rücksichtslose Handlung

ruthlessness form of ruthless:

Translation Matrix for ruthless:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- pitiless; remorseless; unpitying
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- merciless
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
anzüglich brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless prickly; sarcastic; shrill; stinging; thorny
barbarisch brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane
beißend brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless biting; corroding; corrosive; cutting; dead sharp; dire; embittered; exasperated; fierce; grinding; piercing; prickly; sarcastic; stinging; thorny
bestialisch brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; barbaric; beastly; bestial; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane
bissig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless acrid; biting; brusque; catty; corroding; corrosive; currish; curt; cutting; embittered; exasperated; fierce; nipping; prickly; querulous; sarcastic; snappish; snappy; stinging; thorny
eckig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abstemious; angular; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; rugged; sharp; sharp-edged; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
erbarmungslos heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless
feurig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless agile; agitated; ardent; aroused; blazing; broiling; burning; enthusiastic; excited; exciting; fervent; fierce; fiery; flaming; fluttered; glowing; heated; horny; hot; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; impassioned; intense; lascivious; passionate; peppered; peppery; randy; scalding; seasoned; severe; spiced; spicy; strong; temperamental; temperamentful; violent; warm
gefühllos brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless aloud; callous; deafening; groundless; impassive; insensible; loud; numb; out loud; unfeeling; unfounded
geharnischt brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless armor-clad; armored; armour-clad; armoured; embittered; exasperated; fierce; in armour
gewissenlos heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless amoral; bald; cunning; icy; immoral; indecent; lack of moral; obscene; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; unethical; unscrupulous
gnadenlos heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless inexorable; unrelenting; unyielding
grausam brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; appalling; barbaric; bold; brutal; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; disgraceful; dreadful; frightful; gruesome; heinous; horrible; inhuman; inhumane; outrageous; rank; shocking; terrible; terrifying
grell brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless embittered; exasperated; fierce; garish; glaring; shrill; staring; uncontrolled
grob brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; abstemious; appalling; arrogant; banal; barbaric; beastly; below the belt; bestial; big-boned; blurred; bold; boorish; brutal; chubby; clumsy; coarse; commonplace; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; detailed; disgraceful; doggish; doltish; elaborate; extensive; faint; gawky; gross; gruesome; hard; hard-handed; harsh; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; heinous; ill-bred; impolite; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indelicat; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; nasty; not very good; out of focus; out of place; outrageous; overbearing; owlish; plump; poor; presumptuous; rank; rotten; rough; rude; rustic; seedy; shabby; shameless; shocking; squat; stiff; stocky; subdued; tactless; trite; trivial; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uncontrolled; uneasy; uneducated; unhandy; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; unseemly; unsuitable; untrue; vague; vapid; violent; vulgar; wooden
hart brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; abrasive; aloud; as hard as a nails; barbaric; brutal; burly; close; closely; cruel; deafening; embittered; exasperated; fierce; gruesome; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; heavily built; heinous; inexorable; inhuman; inhumane; intense; intolerable; iron-hard; just; loud; massive; narrowly; out loud; robust; severe; stone-hard; strong; sturdy; unbearable; uncontrolled; violent
heftig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless ardent; boisterousness; embittered; exasperated; fervent; fierce; fiery; furious; heated; heavy; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; intense; intolerable; massive; passionate; quick tempered; severe; strong; tempestuous; unbearable; uncontrolled; uninhibited; unrestrained; vehement; violent
herzlos callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane
kaltblütig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless aloud; bold; brave; cold-blooded; coldly; coolly; courageous; drily; dryly; fearless; heroic; heroical; intrepid; out loud; valiant
kantig brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abstemious; angular; clumsy; crenated; doltish; gawky; jagged; keen-edged; not very good; owlish; poor; rugged; serrated; sharp; sharp-edged; stiff; toothed; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
mitleidslos callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless
rücksichtslos callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless inexorable; unscrupulous
schonungslos heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless
unbarmherzig callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless
unmenschlich brutal; inhuman; pityless; ruthless abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane

Related Words for "ruthless":

Synonyms for "ruthless":

Related Definitions for "ruthless":

  1. without mercy or pity1
    • an act of ruthless ferocity1

Wiktionary Translations for ruthless:

  1. without pity or compassion
  1. ohne Skrupel, niederträchtig
  2. sich ohne Rücksichtnahme ein- oder durchsetzend

Cross Translation:
ruthless schonungslos; erbarmungslos impitoyable — Qui est insensible à la pitié, qui est sans pitié.

External Machine Translations: