English to German: more detail...
- recommendable:
- recommendable → empfehlenswert, ratsam
Detailed Translations for recommendable from English to German
recommendable (advisable; expedient)
recommendable (expedient; advisable)
recommendable (commendable; praiseworthy; honourable; laudable; expedient; advisable; honorable)
lobenswert; löblich; empfehlenswert; ratsam-
lobenswert adj
löblich adj
empfehlenswert adj
ratsam adj
Translation Matrix for recommendable:
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
empfehlenswert | advisable; commendable; expedient; honorable; honourable; laudable; praiseworthy; recommendable | |
lobenswert | advisable; commendable; expedient; honorable; honourable; laudable; praiseworthy; recommendable | |
löblich | advisable; commendable; expedient; honorable; honourable; laudable; praiseworthy; recommendable | |
ratsam | advisable; commendable; expedient; honorable; honourable; laudable; praiseworthy; recommendable |
Wiktionary Translations for recommendable:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• recommendable | → empfehlenswert | ↔ recommandabel — een aanbeveling verdienend |
• recommendable | → empfehlenswert | ↔ aanbevelenswaardig — een aanbeveling verdienend |
• recommendable | → empfehlenswert; ratsam | ↔ recommandable — Qui est estimable, qui mériter d’considérer. |
External Machine Translations: