

Detailed Translations for step- from English to German


step [the ~] nomen

  1. the step (scooter)
    die steppe; die Stufe
  2. the step (stride)
    der Schritt; der Tritt
  3. the step (stile)
    die Stufe
  4. the step (pace; tread; gait)
    der Schritt
  5. the step
    – A component of a job. 1
    der Schritt

to step verb (steps, stepped, stepping)

  1. to step (kick)
    – put down or press the foot, place the foot 2
    treten; stoßen; hauen; ausschlagen
    • treten verb (trete, trittst, tritt, trat, tratet, getreten)
    • stoßen verb (stoße, stößt, stieß, stießt, gestoßen)
    • hauen verb (haue, haust, haut, hieb, hiebt, gehauen)
    • ausschlagen verb (schlage aus, schlägst aus, schlägt aus, schlug aus, schlugt aus, ausgeschlagen)
  2. to step
    • treten verb (trete, trittst, tritt, trat, tratet, getreten)

Conjugations for step:

  1. step
  2. step
  3. steps
  4. step
  5. step
  6. step
simple past
  1. stepped
  2. stepped
  3. stepped
  4. stepped
  5. stepped
  6. stepped
present perfect
  1. have stepped
  2. have stepped
  3. has stepped
  4. have stepped
  5. have stepped
  6. have stepped
past continuous
  1. was stepping
  2. were stepping
  3. was stepping
  4. were stepping
  5. were stepping
  6. were stepping
  1. shall step
  2. will step
  3. will step
  4. shall step
  5. will step
  6. will step
continuous present
  1. am stepping
  2. are stepping
  3. is stepping
  4. are stepping
  5. are stepping
  6. are stepping
  1. be stepped
  2. be stepped
  3. be stepped
  4. be stepped
  5. be stepped
  6. be stepped
  1. step!
  2. let's step!
  3. stepped
  4. stepping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for step:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Schritt gait; pace; step; stride; tread footfall; footprint; footstep
Stufe scooter; step; stile level; stage; stair; terrace; workflow stage
Tritt step; stride footfall; footprint; footstep; pedal; treadle
steppe scooter; step
- dance step; footfall; footmark; footprint; footstep; gradation; measure; pace; stair; stone's throw; stride; tone; whole step; whole tone
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ausschlagen kick; step decline; denounce; disapprove; disclaim; hit out; hit the ball out; object to; refuse; reject; render thanks; repudiate; ricochet; say thank you to; spurn; thank; turn down
hauen kick; step bang; batter; beat; chop down; cudgel; cut down; drub; fell; hammer; hit; pound; slap; smack; smash; strike; thump; thwack; wallop
stoßen kick; step bang into; bump into; bump up against; collide; crash; dig; give a push; jab; kick hard; lead straight; nudge; poke; prod; punch; push; push on; push to; shake; thump; tremble
treten kick; step boot
- abuse; ill-treat; ill-use; maltreat; mistreat; pace; tread
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- measure; move

Related Words for "step":

Synonyms for "step":

Related Definitions for "step":

  1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal2
    • the police took steps to reduce crime2
  2. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down2
    • he walked with unsteady steps2
  3. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance2
    • he taught them the waltz step2
  4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway2
    • he paused on the bottom step2
  5. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed2
  6. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface2
  7. a musical interval of two semitones2
  8. the sound of a step of someone walking2
  9. the distance covered by a step2
    • he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig2
  10. a short distance2
    • it's only a step to the drugstore2
  11. relative position in a graded series2
    • always a step behind2
    • keep in step with the fashions2
  12. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation2
    • She stepped into a life of luxury2
    • he won't step into his father's footsteps2
  13. measure (distances) by pacing2
    • step off ten yards2
  14. place (a ship's mast) in its step2
  15. shift or move by taking a step2
    • step back2
  16. put down or press the foot, place the foot2
    • step on the brake2
  17. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner2
    • step over to the blackboard2
  18. move with one's feet in a specific manner2
    • step lively2
  19. furnish with steps2
    • The architect wants to step the terrace2
  20. treat badly2
    • She is always stepping on others to get ahead2
  21. cause (a computer) to execute a single command2
  22. A component of a job.1

Wiktionary Translations for step:

  1. intransitive: to move the foot in walking
  2. intransitive: to go on foot; especially, to walk a little distance
  3. intransitive, figuratively: to move mentally
  1. pace
  2. one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder
  3. manner of walking
  4. proceeding; measure; action; act
  1. (transitiv) einen Tritt auf den Boden ausführen
  2. Hilfsverb haben: mit der Fußsohle berühren, wobei meist das Körpergewicht darauf lastet
  3. Hilfsverb sein: wenige Schritte gehen
  1. Das Aufsetzen eines Fußes
  2. Aufstieg- und Abstieg aus Stufen in einem Gebäude, oder im Freien
  3. meist einzelner Teil einer Treppe, der zum Höher- oder Tiefersteigen dient, Trittfläche
  4. Längenmaß, Abstand der Füße beim Gehen
  1. kennzeichnet im Deutschen eine Verwandtschaftsbeziehung, die durch erneute Heirat eines Elternteiles nach Tod des anderen Elternteils (oder Scheidung von diesem) zwischen den aktuellen Familienmitgliedern entsteht

Cross Translation:
step Stufe tree — opstapje dat deel uitmaakt van een trap
step Stufe marche — Degré de l’escalier
step gehen; laufen; marschieren; treten marcher — Se déplacer par un mouvement alternatif des jambes ou des pattes, en ayant toujours un appui au sol.
step Schritt; Tritt; nicht; nichts pas — Le mouvement que fait une personne ou un animal mettre un pied devant l’autre pour marcher.
step Etappe; Phase; Stufe étape — Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Wiktionary Translations for step-:

  1. A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for step-