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Detailed Translations for super- from English to German


Translation Matrix for super:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- superintendent
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
riesig at large extent; big; enormous; great; tall; vast
toll cool; fantastic; outrageous; super easy going; enormous; excellent; fantastic; gigantic; good; great-looking; huge; immense; lovely; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; motivated; nice; out of proportion; pleasant; splendid; stupendous; superb; terrific; to a huge extent; tremendous; vast; very large; wonderful
- A-one; ace; crack; first-rate; tiptop; top-notch; topnotch; tops
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- exceedingly; extremely; passing
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
phantastisch super; swell
super super; swell
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- dead fun; dead funny; great
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dufte cool; fantastic; outrageous; super
großartig cool; fantastic; outrageous; super ambitious; aspiring; blinding; brilliant; colossal; dazzling; delightful; enormous; excellent; exquisite; extraordinary; fabulous; famous; fanciful; fantastic; first-rate; formidable; gigantic; glittering; glorious; grand; grandiose; great; haughty; high-flying; huge; immense; lofty; lordly; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; mighty; out of proportion; phenomenal; powerful; princely; prodigious; proud; pushy; royal; smashing; splendid; stupendous; superb; swell; terrible; terrific; to a huge extent; top-notch; tremendous; vast; very large; vigorous; wonderful
gut cool; fantastic; outrageous; super accurate; as fit as fiddle; correct; fine; grand; grandiose; great; precise; right; swell; wonderful
herrlich cool; fantastic; outrageous; super blessed; blinding; brilliant; ceremonious; cherubic; dazzling; delicate; delicious; delightful; distinguished; divine; easy going; exquisite; famous; fine; glittering; glorious; good; gorgeous; heavenly; high ranking; illustrious; lovely; magnificent; nice; noteworthy; paradisiacal; pleasant; ravishing; renowned; slim; solemn; splendid; stately; very tasteful; weighty; wonderful
hervorragend cool; fantastic; outrageous; super as fit as fiddle; better; blinding; brilliant; cherubic; classy; conspicuous; consummate; dazzling; delicious; delightful; distinct; divine; excellent; excessive; explicit; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; fabulous; famous; fantastic; fine; first-rate; glittering; glorious; gorgeous; grand; great; haughty; heavenly; high-quality; highly gifted; lofty; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; notable; obvious; outstanding; par excellence; paradisiacal; perfect; phenomenal; prodigious; pronounced; proud; ravishing; remarkable; smashing; splendid; striking; superb; superior; terrific; tiptop; top-notch; tremendous; unmistakable; vigorous; wonderful
hoch cool; fantastic; outrageous; super enormous; frequently; gigantic; high; huge; immense; many times; often; situated up-high; stupendous; to a huge extent
phantastisch delightful; excellent; extraordinary; fabulous; fancied; fanciful; fantastic; fictitious; first-rate; glorious; grand; grandiose; great; illusive; illusory; imaginary; marvellous; marvelous; phenomenal; prodigious; smashing; splendid; swell; terrific; top-notch; tremendous; wonderful
prima cool; fantastic; outrageous; super appealing; as fit as fiddle; congenial; endearing; engaging; fine; great; likable; nice; sympathetic; winsome; wonderful
riesig cool; fantastic; outrageous; super big; colossal; considerable; conspicuous; enormous; excellent; fine; gigantic; great; huge; immense; large; magnificent; notable; out of proportion; remarkable; respectable; splendid; striking; stupendous; substantial; tall; to a huge extent; tremendous; vast; very large
schick cool; fantastic; outrageous; super aesthetic; alluring; appealing; attractive; beautiful; bright; charming; classy; dainty; dapper; desireable; distinguished; dressed; elegant; esthetic; fashionable; flashy; glamorous; glamourous; good looking; good-looking; graceful; handsome; high ranking; illustrious; in good style; in good taste; inviting; lovely; nice; nimble; noteworthy; personable; petite; pretty; refined; renowned; slight; smart; snap; snappy; snazzy; sophisticated; sprightly; spry; stately; stylish; tasteful; tempting; trendy; weighty; with class; worldly minded
stark cool; fantastic; outrageous; super agressive; big; bold; brave; broad; bulky; burly; courageous; detailed; elaborate; enormous; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; fierce; frequently; gigantic; grand; grandiose; heavily built; hefty; heroic; heroical; huge; immense; in detail; inflexible; intense; many times; massive; offensive; often; out of proportion; powerful; powerfully built; robust; severe; sizeable; stable; steady; stern; stout; strapping; strict; strong; sturdy; swell; terrible; tremendous; valiant; vast; very large; vigorous; violent; wide; widespread
steil cool; fantastic; outrageous; super askew; leaning; lopsided; oblique; slanting; sloping; steep
super cool; fantastic; outrageous; super
tadellos cool; fantastic; outrageous; super accurate; agree; blameless; clean; consummate; correct; excellent; faultless; fine; first-rate; flawless; good; high-quality; ideal; impeccable; infallible; neat; perfect; precise; right; superb; thorough; tidy; tiptop; undamaged; untainted; whole
tipp-topp cool; fantastic; outrageous; super consummate; exact; excellent; filmy; first-rate; grand; grandiose; high-quality; minutely; perfect; precise; superb; swell; tiptop

Synonyms for "super":

Related Definitions for "super":

  1. including more than a specified category1
    • a super experiment1
  2. extremely large1
    • another super skyscraper1
  3. of the highest quality1
    • a super party1
  4. to an extreme degree1
  5. a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector1

Wiktionary Translations for super:

  1. better than usual
  1. Kaufmannssprache: erstklassig
  2. (umgangssprachlich) nur prädikativ: außergewöhnlich, sehr gut
  1. jugendsprachlich: hervorragend, super, gut

Cross Translation:
super ober; obere; oberer; oberes; höher; überlegen supérieur — Qui est situé au-dessus.

super- form of sup:

to sup verb (sups, supped, supping)

  1. to sup (eat; peck; dine)
    • essen verb (esse, ißt, aß, aßt, gegessen)
  2. to sup (eat; dine)
    soupieren; zu Abend essen
    • soupieren verb (soupiere, soupierst, soupiert, soupierte, soupiertet, soupiert)
    • zu Abend essen verb (esse zu Abend, ißt, aß, aßet, zu Abend gegegessen)

Conjugations for sup:

  1. sup
  2. sup
  3. sups
  4. sup
  5. sup
  6. sup
simple past
  1. supped
  2. supped
  3. supped
  4. supped
  5. supped
  6. supped
present perfect
  1. have supped
  2. have supped
  3. has supped
  4. have supped
  5. have supped
  6. have supped
past continuous
  1. was supping
  2. were supping
  3. was supping
  4. were supping
  5. were supping
  6. were supping
  1. shall sup
  2. will sup
  3. will sup
  4. shall sup
  5. will sup
  6. will sup
continuous present
  1. am supping
  2. are supping
  3. is supping
  4. are supping
  5. are supping
  6. are supping
  1. be supped
  2. be supped
  3. be supped
  4. be supped
  5. be supped
  6. be supped
  1. sup!
  2. let's sup!
  3. supped
  4. supping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for sup:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- swallow
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
essen dine; eat; peck; sup consume; dine; dine out; dispatch; eat; eat heartily; eat hungrily; eat up; feed; finish; gnaw; grab a bite; have a meal; have dinner; have lunch; have something to eat; having a good feed; lunch; munch; nibble; nourish; nybble; peck; pick; wine and dine; work inside
soupieren dine; eat; sup dine; dine out; wine and dine
zu Abend essen dine; eat; sup consume; dispatch

Synonyms for "sup":

Related Definitions for "sup":

  1. a small amount of liquid food1
    • a sup of ale1
  2. take solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon1

Wiktionary Translations for super-:

  1. super-

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for super-


Detailed Translations for super- from German to English


Translation Matrix for super:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cool Abkühlung; Beherschung; Erkaltung; Frische; Frischheit; Kontrolle; Kälte; Kühle; Kühlheit; Selbstbeherschung; Zurückhaltung
swell Dünung; Herumtreiber; Seegang; Sintflut; Treiben; Tumult; Wellengang; Wellenschlag; kleine Höhe
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cool abkühlen; erkaelten; erkalten; kühlen; kühler werden
swell anschwellen; ausbauen; ausbreiten; ausdehnen; ausweiten; erweitern; expandieren; schwellen; vergrößern
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cool dufte; großartig; gut; herrlich; hervorragend; hoch; prima; riesig; schick; stark; steil; super; tadellos; tipp-topp; toll cool; entgegenkommend; freundlich; freundschaftlich; friedlich; frierend; frisch; frostig; fröstelnd; gelassen; gleichgültig; gleichmütig; herzlich; jovial; kalt; kaltherzig; kühl; lakonisch; liebenswürdig; nüchtern; phlegmatisch; reserviert; ruhig; sachlich; sanft; unbewegt; unterkühlt; zugänglich
fantastic dufte; großartig; gut; herrlich; hervorragend; hoch; prima; riesig; schick; stark; steil; super; tadellos; tipp-topp; toll ausgezeichnet; außergewöhnlich; außerordentlich; eindrucksvoll; einmalig; einzigartig; fabelhaft; fantastische; genial; gewaltig; grandios; großartig; großartige; hervorragend; imponierend; imposant; originell; phantastisch; toll; unvergleichbar; unvergleichlich; überwältigend
outrageous dufte; großartig; gut; herrlich; hervorragend; hoch; prima; riesig; schick; stark; steil; super; tadellos; tipp-topp; toll abscheulich; ausschweifend; betrübt; eingehend; einschneidend; elend; empörend; entsetzlich; extravagant; extrem; freudlos; furchtbar; fürchterlich; gottverdammt; grauenerregend; grausam; grob; gräßlich; himmelschreiend; infam; kostspielig; maßlos; schaudererregend; schauderhaft; scheußlich; schmählich; schändlich; skandalös; sündhaft; sündig; unangebracht; unanständig; unerhört; ungehörig; ungehört; ungeziemend; ungezogen; unmäßig; unverschämt; über alle Maßen; übermäßig; übertrieben
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
super phantastisch; super
swell phantastisch; super
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
super dufte; großartig; gut; herrlich; hervorragend; hoch; prima; riesig; schick; stark; steil; super; tadellos; tipp-topp; toll
swell enorm; glanzreich; glänzend; grandios; großartig; gut; herausragend; phantastisch; piekfein; prachtvoll; stark; tipp-topp; vortrefflich

Synonyms for "super":

Wiktionary Translations for super:

  1. (umgangssprachlich) nur prädikativ: außergewöhnlich, sehr gut
  1. showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment
  2. slang: excellent
  3. better than usual
  4. slang: awesome
  1. Used to indicate support, favor or encouragement (2)


Synonyms for "Super":

  • Superbenzin

Wiktionary Translations for super-:

  1. super-

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for super-