
Detailed Translations for business from English to German


business [the ~] nomen

  1. the business (affairs; matters)
    die Geschäfte; die Angelegenehiten
  2. the business (company; enterprise; firm; )
    der Betrieb; die Firma; Unternehmen; der Geschäftsbetrieb; Handelsunternehmen; die Holdinggesellschaft; die Holding
  3. the business (matter; case; affair)
    die Sache; die Angelegenheit; die Affäre; die Frage
  4. the business (economic life; trade and industry)
    die Wirtschaft; die Volkswirtschaft; die Ökonomie
  5. the business (commerce; trade)
    der Handel; die Geschäfte; Kommerzie
  6. the business (trading partnership; corporation; company; )
    – a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it 1
    die Firma; die Gesellschaftsfirma; der Betrieb; die Genossenschaft
  7. the business (occupation; employment)
    Geschäft; der Laden; der Handelsbetrieb
  8. the business (event; occurrence; affair; matter; occasion)
    der Vorfall; die Ereignis; die Begebenheit; Geschehen; der Vorgang; Eintreten
  9. the business (merchandise; commodity; commerce; trade)
    die Handelsware; die Kaufware
  10. the business
    – An entity that provides goods and/or services to others. 2

Translation Matrix for business:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Affäre affair; business; case; matter affair; combination; connection; junction; liaison; linking; union
Angelegenehiten affairs; business; matters
Angelegenheit affair; business; case; matter affair; case; issue; point of discussion; question
Begebenheit affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence
Betrieb business; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; firm; house; industry; partnership; shop; trading partnership; venture clamor; clamour; factory; flow; fuss; hubbub; hullabaloo; influx; noise; plant; racket; rush; squash; stampede; trading company; tumult; tumultuousness
Eintreten affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence arrival; entering; entrance; entry; incoming; kicking in
Ereignis affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence event; history; occasion; occurrence
Firma business; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; firm; house; industry; partnership; shop; trading partnership; venture Colleagues; Company; account; business account; trading company
Frage affair; business; case; matter Question; case; issue; question
Genossenschaft business; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; firm; house; partnership; trading partnership; venture agreement; alliance; association; bond; circle; club; coalition; collaboration; cooperation; cooperative; corporation; craft; craft guild; craft union; fellowship; fraternity; guild; league; pact; professional organisation; professional organization; society; sorority; treaty; union
Geschehen affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence history
Geschäft business; employment; occupation bargain; deal; depot; shed; shop; store; storehouse; transaction; warehouse
Geschäfte affairs; business; commerce; matters; trade bargain; deal; depot; secular affairs; shed; store; storehouse; transaction; warehouse; worldly affairs
Geschäftsbetrieb business; company; concern; enterprise; firm; industry; shop trading company
Gesellschaftsfirma business; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; firm; house; partnership; trading partnership; venture trading company
Handel business; commerce; trade bargain; craft; deal; goods trade; market; market place; metier; métier; profession; trade; transaction
Handelsbetrieb business; employment; occupation
Handelsunternehmen business; company; concern; enterprise; firm; industry; shop business firm; commercial enterprise; commercial firm; concern; distribution business; firm; institution; trading association; trading company; trading firm; trading group; trading house
Handelsware business; commerce; commodity; merchandise; trade article; article of consumption; articles; commercial product; commodities; consumer article; consumer goods; goods; merchandise; produce; stuff; trading item; ware; wares
Holding business; company; concern; enterprise; firm; industry; shop holding company
Holdinggesellschaft business; company; concern; enterprise; firm; industry; shop holding company
Kaufware business; commerce; commodity; merchandise; trade articles; commodities; consumer goods; goods; merchandise; produce; stuff; ware; wares
Kommerzie business; commerce; trade
Laden business; employment; occupation charging; shop-space
Sache affair; business; case; matter affair; article; case; gadget; good; issue; item; matter; object; opinion; point of discussion; point of view; position; question; standpoint; thing; view
Unternehmen business; company; concern; enterprise; firm; industry; shop LORG; commercial enterprise; company; concern; enterprise; large organization; trading company; type of business
Volkswirtschaft business; economic life; trade and industry economics; economy; national economy; political economy; trade and industry
Vorfall affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence case; incident
Vorgang affair; business; event; matter; occasion; occurrence case; operation
Wirtschaft business; economic life; trade and industry bar; café; coffeeshop; craft; economics; economy; inn; metier; métier; political economy; profession; pub; public house; tavern; trade and industry
Ökonomie business; economic life; trade and industry economics; economy; political economy; trade and industry
- business concern; business enterprise; business organisation; business organization; business sector; byplay; clientele; commercial enterprise; concern; job; line; line of work; occupation; patronage; stage business
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Ereignis event; program event
Geschäft Business
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- branch of business; branch of industry; handling; industry; work

Related Words for "business":

Synonyms for "business":

Related Definitions for "business":

  1. incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect1
    • his business with the cane was hilarious1
  2. the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money1
    • he's not in my line of business1
  3. the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects1
    • computers are now widely used in business1
  4. the volume of commercial activity1
    • business is good today1
    • show me where the business was today1
  5. a rightful concern or responsibility1
    • it's none of your business1
    • mind your own business1
  6. an immediate objective1
    • gossip was the main business of the evening1
  7. business concerns collectively1
    • Government and business could not agree1
  8. a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it1
    • he bought his brother's business1
    • a small mom-and-pop business1
  9. customers collectively1
  10. An entity that provides goods and/or services to others.2

Wiktionary Translations for business:

  1. something involving one personally
  2. slang: excrement
  3. commercial, industrial or professional activity
  4. commercial enterprise or establishment
  1. übertragen: Teil eines größeren Komplexes
  2. alle Abläufe und Ereignisse innerhalb einer Wirtschaft
  3. Gesellschaft, die in Produktion oder Handel tätig ist oder Dienstleistungen erbringt
  4. Angelegenheit, Vorfall, Umstand
  5. was getan werden müssen, was von einem verlangen oder erwarten wird; Verpflichtung
  6. umgangssprachlich, übertragen: für Sache, Angelegenheit
  7. -
  8. der Kauf oder Verkauf von Waren
  9. Gesamtheit des Handels, des Dienstleistungssektors und der Industrie in Kaufmann Hinsicht
  10. kaufmännische (meist private) Gesellschaft; gewerbliches Unternehmen
  11. gewinnorientierte Unternehmung; kaufmännische Transaktion; Austausch von Gütern und Dienstleistungen
  12. (umgangssprachlich) das Unternehmen als solches, nicht nur sein Name[1]
  13. ohne Plural: produktive Tätigkeit, Geschäftigkeit
  14. Bezeichnung für eine spezielle, erlernte Erwerbstätigkeit
  15. etwas, das zu erledigen ist; Arbeitsauftrag
  16. Verhältnis, bei dem man eine Tätigkeit gegen Geld verrichtet
  17. Tätigkeit, die erledigt wird, um Geld zu verdienen
  18. die Sache, der Fall
  19. die Affäre, die Geschichte
  1. ein mehr oder weniger praktisches Tun
  2. Unternehmen, Firma

Cross Translation:
business Handel handel — de in- en verkoop van goederen
business Sache; Ding affaire — chose dont on doit s’occuper
business Grund; Rechtsfall; Rechtssache; Ursache; Verursachung; Angelegenheit; Ding; Sache; Werk; Affäre; Geschichte; Fall; Anlaß; Veranlassung cause — Ce qui fait qu’une chose est ou s’opère.
business woanders; hingehen changer de crémeriequitter un établissement et, par extension, un lieu quelconque, pour aller dans un autre.
business Ding; Sache; Angelegenheit chose — Rappelle un mot, une idée, un évènement, ou une énumération dont on parle ou dont on vient de parler ou dont l’on va parler


Business [the ~] nomen

  1. the Business
    – A field that contains a contact's business phone number. 2

Translation Matrix for Business:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Geschäft bargain; business; deal; depot; employment; occupation; shed; shop; store; storehouse; transaction; warehouse
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Geschäft Business

Related Definitions for "Business":

  1. A field that contains a contact's business phone number.2

business form of busy:

busy adj

  1. busy (busily engaged; occupied; engaged; tied up)
  2. busy (industrious; active; humming; )
  3. busy
    – Pertaining to time when a person is already scheduled for another task and is not available. 2
  4. busy
    – Pertaining to the state of a phone line when it is in use. 2

Translation Matrix for busy:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- occupy
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aktiv active; actively; busily; busy; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; operative; working active; dynamic; energetic; lively
beschäftigt active; actively; busily; busy; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; operative; working active; actively; at work; doing; hard-working; industrious; industriously; laborious; operative; working
besetzt busy
gebucht busy
- busybodied; engaged; fussy; in use; interfering; meddlesome; meddling; officious
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- hasty; sudden
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
angeheitert busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up boozed; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; tipsy
eifrig active; actively; busily; busily engaged; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; tied up; working ambitious; animated; ardent; aspiring; assiduous; avid; decisive; desirous; diligent; eager; eagre; energetic; excited; exciting; fanatical; fanatically; fervent; fierce; heated; high-flying; horny; hot; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; indefatigable; industrious; intense; keen; lascivious; lively; obsessed; passionate; practiced; practised; pushy; randy; temperamental; temperamentful; tireless; up; vibrant; zealous
emsig active; actively; busily; busily engaged; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; tied up; working active; animated; ardent; arduous; assiduous; diligent; furious; hard-working; indefatigable; industrious; mad; practiced; practised; sedulous; tireless; up; vibrant; zealous
existent busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up
fleißig active; actively; busily; busily engaged; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; tied up; working active; actively; arduous; assiduous; at work; diligent; furious; hard working; hard-working; industrious; industriously; laborious; mad; operative; sedulous; working; working hard; zealous
flott busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up alert; alluring; appealing; astute; attractive; beautiful; bright; charming; clever; crafty; desireable; fashionable; flashy; good looking; good-looking; handsome; ingenious; intelligent; inviting; lovely; nice; perky; personable; pretty; resourceful; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; snap; snappy; snazzy; stylish; tempting; trendy; wily; wise
freudig busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up as pleased as punch; blissful; bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; in high spirits; jolly; merry; overjoyed; pleased; satisfied; very glad; very happy
freudvoll busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; good-tempered; happy; in high spirits; jolly; merry
frisch busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agile; agitated; airy; aroused; blooming; bright; chaste; cheerful; chilli; chilly; coldly; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; contemporary; cool; coolly; excited; florid; flourishing; flowered; fluttered; fresh; freshly-baked; healthy; heated; high-coloured; immaculate; impeccable; little fresh; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day; prospering; spotless; unbroached; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused
fröhlich busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up amusing; animated; as pleased as punch; attentive; blissful; bright; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; contented; dependable; eager; eagre; ebullient; effusive; enchanted; enthusiastic; exuberant; felicitous; festive; fond of laughing; frisky; full of joy; fullfilled; funny; gay; given to laughter; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; overjoyed; passionate; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satiated; satisfied; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; up; very glad; very happy; vibrant
gedrängt busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up thick-set
geräuschvoll busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up aloud; at the top of one's voice; blatant; boisterous; buzzing; clamorous; humming; loud; loudly; lustily; noisy; openly; out loud; showy
geschäftig active; actively; busily; busily engaged; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; tied up; working active; actively; at work; hard-working; industrious; industriously; laborious; operative; working
gesellig busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agreeable; alluring; animated; appealing; attractive; charming; chatty; comfortable; conciliatory; congenial; cosy; cozy; cute; easy going; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; genial; good; good-natured; great; likable; lovely; nice; pleasant; pleasing; pleasurable; snug; sociable; sweet; sympathetic; up; vibrant; winsome
heiter busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; cloudless; colorful; colourful; comic; comical; delighted; dependable; droll; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; farcical; felicitous; festive; frisky; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; hilarious; humorous; humourous; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satisfied; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; unclouded; under enchantment; up; upbeat; vibrant
lebendig busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; agile; agitated; alert; animated; aroused; brisk; dynamic; energetic; excited; fluttered; heated; lively; quick; rapid; smart; spirited; up; vibrant; vigorous
lebhaft busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; agile; agitated; alert; animated; aroused; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; dynamic; energetic; excited; fluttered; full of joy; gay; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; heated; high-spirited; jolly; lively; merry; quick; rapid; smart; spirited; sprightly; up; upbeat; vibrant; vigorous
lustig busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up amusing; animated; attentive; bright; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; comic; comical; cute; dependable; droll; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; farcical; festive; frisky; full of joy; funny; gay; good-tempered; happy; hilarious; humorous; humourous; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; up; vibrant; waggish
munter busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; agile; agitated; alert; amusing; animated; aroused; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; delighted; dependable; dynamic; eager; eagre; enchanted; energetic; enthusiastic; excited; festive; fluttered; frisky; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; heated; high-coloured; high-spirited; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; pleased; quick; rapid; reliable; safe; satisfied; smart; spell bound; spirited; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; up; upbeat; vibrant; vigorous
quick busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; agile; agitated; alert; animated; aroused; brisk; dynamic; energetic; excited; fluttered; heated; lively; quick; rapid; smart; up; vibrant
vergnüglich busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agreeable; animated; bustling; cheerful; comfortable; conciliatory; cosy; cozy; cute; delighted; easy going; enjoyable; full of joy; gay; glad; good; good-tempered; gratifying; happy; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; lovely; memorable; merry; nice; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; salutary; satisfied; sympathetic; up; vibrant
üppig busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up abundant; copiously; exaggerated; excessive; opulent; overdone

Related Words for "busy":

Synonyms for "busy":

Antonyms for "busy":

Related Definitions for "busy":

  1. crowded with or characterized by much activity1
    • a very busy week1
    • a busy life1
    • a busy street1
    • a busy seaport1
  2. actively or fully engaged or occupied1
    • busy with her work1
    • a busy man1
    • too busy to eat lunch1
  3. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner1
    • busy about other people's business1
  4. (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line)1
    • her line is busy1
    • kept getting a busy signal1
  5. overcrowded or cluttered with detail1
    • a busy painting1
  6. keep busy with1
  7. Pertaining to time when a person is already scheduled for another task and is not available.2
  8. Pertaining to the state of a phone line when it is in use.2

Wiktionary Translations for busy:

  1. engaged
  2. doing a great deal
Cross Translation:
busy beschäftigt bezig — aan het werken

Related Translations for business