
Detailed Translations for aider from English to German


aid [the ~] nomen

  1. the aid (assistance; helpfulness; relief; help)
    die Sozialhilfe; die Unterstützung; die Dienstleistung; die Hilfeleistung; die Hilfe; die Fürsorge; die Mithilfe; die Handreichung; die Sozialhilferegelung; die Familienhilfe; der Dienst; der Service; der Beistand; die Familienfürsorge
  2. the aid (help; assistance)
    die Unterstützung; die Hilfe; die Assistenz
  3. the aid (support; assistance; help)
    die Unterstützung; die Stütze; der Beistand; die Hilfe; der Halt
  4. the aid (assistant; valet; help; hand)
    der Knecht; die Hilfe; die Aushilfe; der Bauernknecht; der Stallknecht
  5. the aid (support; help; assistance)
    die Dienstleistung; der Kundendienst; die Hilfe; die Unterstützung; die Fürsorge; der Dienst; der Service; die Beihilfe; die Hilfeleistung; der Beistand; die Familienhilfe
  6. the aid (assistance; relief)

to aid verb (aids, aided, aiding)

  1. to aid (help; assist; attend; )
    helfen; stützen; beistehen; beitragen; mithelfen; mildtätig sein; einspringen; gutes tun; sekundieren
    • helfen verb (helfe, hilfst, hilft, half, halft, geholfen)
    • stützen verb (stütze, stützt, stützte, stütztet, gestützt)
    • beistehen verb (stehe bei, stehst bei, steht bei, stand bei, standet bei, beigestanden)
    • beitragen verb (trage bei, trägst bei, trägt bei, trug bei, trugt bei, beigetragen)
    • mithelfen verb (helfe mit, hilfst, hilft, half mit, halft mit, mitgeholfen)
    • mildtätig sein verb (bin mildtätig, bist mildtätig, ist mildtätig, war mildtätig, wart mildtätig, mildtätig gewesen)
    • einspringen verb (springe ein, springst ein, springt ein, sprang ein, sprangt ein, eingesprungen)
    • gutes tun verb
    • sekundieren verb (sekundiere, sekundierst, sekundiert, sekundierte, sekundiertet, sekundiert)
  2. to aid (assist; help)
    • assistieren verb (assistiere, assistierst, assistiert, assistierte, assistiertet, assistiert)

Conjugations for aid:

  1. aid
  2. aid
  3. aids
  4. aid
  5. aid
  6. aid
simple past
  1. aided
  2. aided
  3. aided
  4. aided
  5. aided
  6. aided
present perfect
  1. have aided
  2. have aided
  3. has aided
  4. have aided
  5. have aided
  6. have aided
past continuous
  1. was aiding
  2. were aiding
  3. was aiding
  4. were aiding
  5. were aiding
  6. were aiding
  1. shall aid
  2. will aid
  3. will aid
  4. shall aid
  5. will aid
  6. will aid
continuous present
  1. am aiding
  2. are aiding
  3. is aiding
  4. are aiding
  5. are aiding
  6. are aiding
  1. be aided
  2. be aided
  3. be aided
  4. be aided
  5. be aided
  6. be aided
  1. aid!
  2. let's aid!
  3. aided
  4. aiding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for aid:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Assistenz aid; assistance; help assistance; help; support
Aushilfe aid; assistant; hand; help; valet allaying; appeasement; appeasing; assistant; benefit; bystander; calming; calming down; clerk; deputy; footman; helper; pacifying; quieting; relieve; replacement; second servant; social assistance; social security; soothing; stand-in; steadying; substitute; temporary helper; unemployment benefit; valet; welfare
Bauernknecht aid; assistant; hand; help; valet farm hand; hand; help
Beihilfe aid; assistance; help; support acting as an accomplice; acting as as an accessory; acting as partisan to; allowance; complicity; dole; social assistance; unemployment benefit; welfare
Beistand aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support allowance; assistance; benefit; dole; helpfulness; relief; social assistance; social security; social work; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; welfare work
Dienst aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support Mass; boon; corvée; fatigue duty; favor; favour; forced labour; goodwill; grace; mass; patronage; service; statute labour; support; vassal service; worship
Dienstleistung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support provision of services; service; services
Familienfürsorge aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief home help
Familienhilfe aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare
Fürsorge aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support benefit; care; concern; dole; maintenance; nursing; provision; relief; service; social assistance; social care; social security; supplementary benefit; unemployment benefit; welfare; worry
Halt aid; assistance; help; support anchor; certainty; coarseness; crutch; firmness; mainstay; reality; solidity; stability; stableness; stop; support; wait
Handreichung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief concession
Hilfe aid; assistance; assistant; hand; help; helpfulness; relief; support; valet Help; anchor; assistant; bystander; charwoman; cleaning-person; clerk; crutch; footman; help; helper; mainstay; online help; second servant; social assistance; social security; social work; valet; welfare work
Hilfe leisten aid; assistance; relief
Hilfeleistung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support concession; provision of services; services; social assistance; social work; welfare work
Knecht aid; assistant; hand; help; valet butler; chamber servant; footman; lackey; man; pallbearer; servant; valet
Kundendienst aid; assistance; help; support after-sales; after-sales service; customer service; service; service department
Mithilfe aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief co-operation; social work; welfare work
Service aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support service; serving
Sozialhilfe aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief assistance; benefit; dole; helpfulness; payment; relief; social assistance; social security; supplementary benefit; unemployment benefit; welfare
Sozialhilferegelung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief social security; supplementary benefit
Stallknecht aid; assistant; hand; help; valet butler; chamber servant; farm hand; footman; hand; help; lackey; man; pallbearer; servant; stable hand; stableboy; valet
Stütze aid; assistance; help; support anchor; benefit; book end; buttress; crutch; dole; mainstay; outlet; prop; relief; shore; social assistance; social security; support; unemployment benefit; welfare
Unterstützung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support allowance; anchor; assistance; back support; benefit; crutch; dole; helpfulness; mainstay; relief; social assistance; social security; social work; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; welfare work
- assist; assistance; attention; care; economic aid; financial aid; help; tending
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assistieren aid; assist; help assist; give a hand; help; help out; lend a hand; support
beistehen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; carry; carry along; give a hand; help; lend a hand; shore; support
beitragen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second contribute; contribute to
einspringen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; deputise; deputize; dive into; interchange; jump into; leap into; reappoint; replace; substitute; swap
gutes tun aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
helfen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second accomodate; be attentive; be charitable to; be helpful; be of help; be useful; extend the hand; give a hand; have to; help; lend a hand; make do; make ends meet; make oneself useful; make someone glad; make someone happy; must; need; oblige; oblige someone with; support; want
mildtätig sein aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to
mithelfen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second accomodate; assist; be of help; extend the hand; give a hand; help; help out; lend a hand; make oneself useful; oblige; support
sekundieren aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
stützen aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second base; base oneself; be charitable to; carry; carry along; lean; prop; prop up; shore; support; underpin
- assist; help

Related Words for "aid":

  • aiding, aids, aider

Synonyms for "aid":

Related Definitions for "aid":

  1. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something1
  2. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose1
    • rescue party went to their aid1
  3. a resource1
    • visual aids in teaching1
  4. money to support a worthy person or cause1
  5. improve the condition of1
  6. give help or assistance; be of service1

Wiktionary Translations for aid:

  1. something which helps; a material source of help
  2. a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper
  3. help; succor; assistance; relief
  1. to support
  1. jemanden beim Vorankommen unterstützen; zum Erfolg verhelfen
  1. die Verwendung einer Sache zum Erreichen eines Ziels
  2. Etwas, das hinzuziehen / verwenden wird, um eine Sache leichter / schneller / gut erledigen zu können

Cross Translation:
aid Hilfe hulp — handeling om iemand steun of bijstand te verlenen
aid Assistent; Gehilfe; Helfer; Adjunkt; Dienstgehilfe; Amtsgehilfe adjointpersonne qui est adjoindre à une autre pour certaines fonctions.
aid Beihilfe; Beistand; Handreichung; Hilfe aideaction d’apporter son soutien physiquement, verbalement, financièrement ou de tout autre manière.
aid helfen; beistehen; beispringen; assistieren; unterstützen; mithelfen; zur Hand gehen aiderfaciliter l’accomplissement d’une action.
aid beistehen; beispringen; helfen; mithelfen; assistieren; unterstützen; zur Hand gehen secouriraider ; courir à l’aide de quelqu’un ; prêter assistance à qui en avoir besoin de.

External Machine Translations:

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