Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
beguiled; captivated; charmed; enthralled; entranced
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
amusing; animated; as pleased as punch; attentive; bright; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; excited; exciting; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; good-tempered; happy; heated; horny; hot; impassioned; in high spirits; inspired; jolly; joyful; joyous; lascivious; merry; mystified; neat; overjoyed; passionate; pleasant; randy; reliable; safe; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; very glad; very happy; vibrant
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
appealed to; as pleased as punch; attracted by; attracted to; be taken with; cheerful; drawn to; excited; exciting; gay; glad; happy; heated; horny; hot; in high spirits; lascivious; merry; overjoyed; pleased; randy; satisfied; very glad; very happy
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
gay; glad; gladdening; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; clear; cloudless; colorful; colourful; comic; comical; dependable; droll; eager; eagre; enchanted; engaged; enthusiastic; farcical; felicitous; festive; frisky; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; hilarious; humorous; humourous; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; occupied; passionate; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satisfied; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; tied up; trusted; trustworthy; unclouded; under enchantment; up; upbeat; vibrant
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
active; agile; agitated; alert; amusing; animated; aroused; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; clear; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; dependable; dynamic; eager; eagre; enchanted; energetic; engaged; enthusiastic; excited; festive; fluttered; frisky; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; heated; high-coloured; high-spirited; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; occupied; passionate; pleasant; pleased; quick; rapid; reliable; safe; satisfied; smart; spell bound; spirited; sprightly; sunny; tidy; tied up; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; up; upbeat; vibrant; vigorous
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
agreeable; animated; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; comfortable; conciliatory; cosy; cozy; cute; easy going; engaged; enjoyable; full of joy; gay; glad; good; good-tempered; gratifying; happy; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; lovely; memorable; merry; nice; occupied; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; salutary; satisfied; sympathetic; tied up; up; vibrant
delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
cute; easy going; good; jolly; lovely; merry; nice; pleasant