
Detailed Translations for filthiness from English to German


filthiness [the ~] nomen

  1. the filthiness (pollution)
  2. the filthiness (pollution; contamination)
    die Beschmutzung; die Schmutzigkeit; der Schmutz; der Dreck
  3. the filthiness (repellingness; meanness; baseness)
    die Widerwärtigkeit; die Ekelhaftigkeit

Translation Matrix for filthiness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Beschmutzung contamination; filthiness; pollution pollution; soiling
Dreck contamination; filthiness; pollution blob; clot; crap; dab; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; droppings; dust; excrements; excreta; excretion; faeces; feces; filth; filthy; filthyness; griminess; grit; grubbiness; mire; muck; mud; night soil; obscenity; shit; sloppiness; sludge; slush; smut; speck of dust; stool; turd
Ekelhaftigkeit baseness; filthiness; meanness; repellingness repellingness
Schmutz contamination; filthiness; pollution blob; carelessness; clot; crap; dab; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; droppings; filth; filthy; griminess; grubbiness; inaccuracy; mire; muck; mud; obscenity; shit; sloppiness; slovenliness; sludge; slush; smut; turd
Schmutzigkeit contamination; filthiness; pollution carelessness; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; filthyness; griminess; grubbiness; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut; smutty talk
Umweltverschmutzung filthiness; pollution
Umweltverunreinigung filthiness; pollution
Widerwärtigkeit baseness; filthiness; meanness; repellingness repellingness
- filth; foulness; nastiness

Related Words for "filthiness":

Synonyms for "filthiness":

Related Definitions for "filthiness":

  1. moral corruption or pollution1
    • this deformity and filthiness of sin1
  2. a state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse1

filthiness form of filthy:

filthy [the ~] nomen

  1. the filthy (dirtiness; dirt; smut; )
    die Schmutzigkeit; der Schmutz; der Dreck; die Schlüpfrigkeit; die Schmierigkeit; die Fettigkeit
  2. the filthy (dirtyness; filth; smut; )
    der Schmutz; die Sauerei; die Schmutzigkeit; die Schweinerei; die Dreckigkeit

Translation Matrix for filthy:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Dreck dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; smut blob; clot; contamination; crap; dab; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirtyness; droppings; dust; excrements; excreta; excretion; faeces; feces; filth; filthiness; filthyness; griminess; grit; grubbiness; mire; muck; mud; night soil; obscenity; pollution; shit; sloppiness; sludge; slush; smut; speck of dust; stool; turd
Dreckigkeit carelessness; dirt; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut
Fettigkeit dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; smut greasiness
Sauerei carelessness; dirt; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut dirtyness; filth; filthyness; impropriety; mess; muck; obscenity; rudeness; sloppiness; smut; smutty talk; unmannerliness; unreasonableness
Schlüpfrigkeit dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; smut ambiguity; dirtyness; obscenity; ribaldry; scurviness; slipperiness; smut; smutty talk
Schmierigkeit dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; smut
Schmutz carelessness; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut blob; clot; contamination; crap; dab; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; droppings; filthiness; griminess; grubbiness; mire; mud; pollution; shit; sludge; slush; turd
Schmutzigkeit carelessness; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut contamination; dinginess; dirtiness; dirtyness; filth; filthiness; filthyness; griminess; grubbiness; muck; obscenity; pollution; sloppiness; smut; smutty talk
Schweinerei carelessness; dirt; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; inaccuracy; muck; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut caboodle; crookedness; dirt; dirty trick; dirtyness; filth; filthyness; mayhem; mess; muck; nastiness; obscenity; rubbish; sloppiness; smut; trash
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- cruddy; dirty; foul; lousy; nasty; smutty
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- piggish
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abgestanden dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid banal; below the belt; coarse; commonplace; gross; nasty; rotten; seedy; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
abscheuerregend dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; ghastly; gruesome; heinous; hideous; horrible; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; repellant; repellent; repulsive; revolting; ugly as hell; ugly as sin
abscheulich dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; detestable; disgraceful; disgusting; ghastly; gruesome; heinous; hideous; horrible; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; nefarious; obnoxious; outrageous; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; ugly; ugly as hell; ugly as sin; unsightly
ekelerregend dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid distasteful; monstrous; repellant; repellent; repulsive; revolting; shocking; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
ekelhaft dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid abhorrent; banal; below the belt; churlish; coarse; distasteful; dowdy; gross; grubby; horrible; nasty; nauseous; obnoxious; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; rotten; shabby; shocking; shoddy; sick; sickly; sloppy; slovenly; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
eklig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid distasteful; forbidding; nasty; nauseous; repelling; repulsive; revolting; shocking; sick; sickly; unappetising; unappetizing; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
faul dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid banal; bearing no interests; below the belt; churlish; coarse; corrupt; dawdling; degenerate; depraved; dowdy; dragging; drooping; gross; grubby; idle; inactive; indistinct; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; nasty; obscure; passive; perverted; putrefied; rotten; shabby; shoddy; shuffling; sloppy; slovenly; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; spongy; tardy; trite; trivial; unclear; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vague; vapid; vulgar; woolly; wooly
fettig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid banal; below the belt; churlish; coarse; distasteful; dowdy; fatty; greasy; gross; grubby; high-fat; nasty; rotten; shabby; shocking; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
fleckig churlish; dirty; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; smutty churlish; dingy; dirty; dowdy; fouled; grubby; mucky; polluted; sallow; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; soiled; stained
grindig churlish; dirty; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; smutty scabby
ranzig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid corrupt; degenerate; depraved; perverted; putrefied; putrid; rancid; rank; rotten
scheußlich dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid abhorrent; abominable; appalling; barbaric; base; blast; brutal; cruel; damn it; darned; dash it; disgraceful; disgusting; dreadful; enormously; frightful; ghastly; gruesome; heinous; hideous; horrible; horribly; immensely; inhuman; inhumane; mean; nasty; obnoxious; outrageous; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; terrible; terribly; terrifying; ugly as hell; ugly as sin; villainous
schlüpfrig churlish; dirty; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; smutty ambiguous; bald; base; coarse; commonplace; cunning; distasteful; explainable in different ways; greasy; gross; icy; immoral; jokes with a double meaning; lack of moral; mean; nasty; obscene; seedy; shocking; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; suggestive; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; villainous; vulgar
schmierig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid bald; banal; below the belt; churlish; coarse; cunning; distasteful; dowdy; dubious; greasy; grimy; gross; grubby; icy; immoral; lack of moral; messy; nasty; obscene; obscure; problematic; questionable; rotten; scary; shabby; shady; shifty; shocking; shoddy; sinister; sleek; slimy; slippery; slithery; sloppy; slovenly; slutty; smooth; smoothly; suspect; suspicious; tarty; trite; trivial; uncertain; unmannerly; unpalatable; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
schmuddelig churlish; dirty; disgusting; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; smutty; sordid banal; below the belt; churlish; coarse; commonplace; distasteful; dowdy; greasy; grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; nasty; rotten; seedy; shabby; shocking; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; smudged; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
schmutzig churlish; dirty; disgusting; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; smutty; sordid bald; banal; base; below the belt; churlish; coarse; cunning; despicable; dirty; distasteful; dowdy; greasy; grimy; gross; grubby; icy; immoral; lack of moral; mean; messy; muck; nasty; obscene; rotten; seedy; shabby; shocking; shoddy; sleek; slippery; slithery; sloppy; slovenly; slutty; smooth; smoothly; smudged; tarty; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; villainous; vulgar
schmutziggrau churlish; dirty; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; smutty dirty grey
schweinisch dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid amoral; bald; base; bogus; cunning; despicable; distasteful; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; greasy; hoggish; icy; immoral; indecent; lack of moral; macabre; mean; nasty; niggardly; not genuine; obscene; scornful; shady; sham; shocking; sinister; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; spooky; stingy; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; villainous
stinkend dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid corrupt; degenerate; depraved; distasteful; malodorous; malodourous; perverted; putrefied; rotten; shocking; smelly; smoky; stinking; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
stinkig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid churlish; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; distasteful; dowdy; grubby; malodorous; malodourous; perverted; putrefied; rotten; shocking; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; smelly; smoky; stinking; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
unflätig dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid amoral; bald; coarse; commonplace; cunning; distasteful; gross; icy; immoral; indecent; lack of moral; lewd; obscene; seedy; shocking

Related Words for "filthy":

Synonyms for "filthy":

Related Definitions for "filthy":

  1. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter1
    • as filthy as a pigsty1
  2. characterized by obscenity1
    • had a filthy mouth1
  3. vile; despicable1
    • a filthy traitor1

Wiktionary Translations for filthy:

  1. obscene or offensive
  2. covered with filth; very dirty
  1. schmutzig, von Dreck befallen
  2. übertragen: unanständig, verfänglich
  3. nicht sauber, mit Schmutz behaftet

Cross Translation:
filthy dreckig; schmutzig vuil — niet schoon