
Detailed Translations for flaws from English to German


flaws [the ~] nomen

  1. the flaws (shortcomings; defects)
    die Defekte

Translation Matrix for flaws:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Defekte defects; flaws; shortcomings defects; deficiencies; faults; handicaps; hitches; problems; troubles

Related Words for "flaws":

flaws form of flaw:

flaw [the ~] nomen

  1. the flaw (error; fault; mistake; )
    der Fehler; der Irrtum; Versehen
  2. the flaw (crack; cracking; crash)
    der Riß; der Bruch; der Sprung
  3. the flaw (fault; imperfection; defect)
  4. the flaw (gap)
    Manko; die Hinfälligkeit; der Mangel; die Schwäche; die Schwachheit; die Ermangelung; die Kränklichkeit
  5. the flaw (error; incorrectness; fault; defect)
    der Fehler; der Irrtum; die Falschheit; der Fehlschlag; der Schnitzer
  6. the flaw (scream; howler; oversight; )
    der Brüller; der Irrtum; der Fehler; der Schnitzer
  7. the flaw (ailment; infirmity)
    der Übel; die Krankheit; Leiden

Translation Matrix for flaw:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Bruch crack; cracking; crash; flaw break; breaking; breaks; crack; disentanglement; division; divorce; fraction; fracture; kink; litter; mine; mineshaft; partition; pit; refuse; rubbish; segregation; separation; waste
Brüller blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip
Ermangelung flaw; gap deficiency; disability; famine; handicap; lack; needyness; paucity; physical defect; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness; want
Falschheit defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness cunning; deceit; falseness; falsity; illegitimacy; malignity; shrewdness; slyness; sneakiness; spuriousness; venomousness; viciousness; virulence
Fehler blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; bug; defeat; error; failure; fall-through; fault; fiasco; flop; let down; machine defect; miscalculation; miss; mistake
Fehlschlag defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness blunder; default; defeat; error; failure; fall-through; fiasco; flop; let down; miscalculation; miss; mistake
Hinfälligkeit flaw; gap crumbliness; deficiency; faultiness; feebleness; frailty; imperfection; impressionability; inadequacy; poorness; slackness; trivial; weakness
Irrtum blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; error; failure; miscalculation; miss; mistake
Krankheit ailment; flaw; infirmity ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; illness; trouble
Kränklichkeit flaw; gap feebleness; frailty; impressionability; morbid tendency; morbidity; sickliness; slackness; trivial; weakness
Leiden ailment; flaw; infirmity ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; illness; suffering; trouble
Mangel flaw; gap blank; blunder; deficiency; famine; gap; hiatus; imperfection; lack; lacuna; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; shortcoming; tightness; void; want; wringer; wringing machine
Manko flaw; gap blank; gap; hiatus; lacuna; shortage; void
Riß crack; cracking; crash; flaw cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; rent; rip; saving; split; tear
Schnitzer blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blooper; blunder; enormity; erroneousness; errors; inaccuracy; lapses; mistake; slips; wood carver; wood engraver; wood worker; woodcut artist; woodcutter
Schwachheit flaw; gap fainting fit; feebleness; frailty; impressionability; slackness; swoon; trivial; weakness
Schwäche flaw; gap blunder; caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; deficiency; fall; falling down; feebleness; frailty; imperfection; impotence; impressionability; lack; powerlessness; relapse; sagging; shortcoming; slackness; trivial; want; weak point; weakness
Sprung crack; cracking; crash; flaw
Versehen blunder; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; slip blunder; error; failure; miscalculation; miss; mistake
Übel ailment; defect; fault; flaw; imperfection; infirmity aching; complaint; disarray; disorder; illness; inconvenience; nuisance; pain; sore
- defect; fault
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- blemish
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Fehler failed
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Sprung jump
- fault

Related Words for "flaw":

Synonyms for "flaw":

Related Definitions for "flaw":

  1. an imperfection in a plan or theory or legal document that causes it to fail or that reduces its effectiveness1
  2. defect or weakness in a person's character1
    • he had his flaws, but he was great nonetheless1
  3. an imperfection in an object or machine1
    • a flaw caused the crystal to shatter1
  4. add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective1

Wiktionary Translations for flaw:

  1. burst of wind
  2. crack or breach
  3. defect, fault
  1. eine schadhafte Stelle, eine Stelle mit einem Mangel

Cross Translation:
flaw Makel défautimperfection physique.
flaw Verderbnis; Beschädigung; Defekt; Mangel; Schaden dégâtdommage, détérioration amener par un accident ou une cause violente.
flaw Fehlen; Fehler; Manko insuffisanceétat de ce qui est insuffisant.
flaw Fehler; Manko; Mangel manqueabsence, défaut, fait de manquer.
flaw Fehlen; Fehler; Manko privationperte, absence, manque d’un bien, d’un avantage qu’on avait, ou qu’on devait, qu’on pouvait avoir.
flaw Verlust; Verderbnis; Beschädigung; Defekt; Mangel; Schaden préjudicetort ; dommage.
flaw Fehler; Mangel; Manko vice — Défaut.

External Machine Translations:

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