
Detailed Translations for gatherings from English to German


gatherings [the ~] nomen

  1. the gatherings (meetings; conversations; discussion; symposia)
    die Besprechungen; die Zusammenkünfte
  2. the gatherings (meetings)
    die Zusammenkünfte

Translation Matrix for gatherings:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Besprechungen conversations; discussion; gatherings; meetings; symposia
Zusammenkünfte conversations; discussion; gatherings; meetings; symposia encounters

Related Words for "gatherings":

gatherings form of gathering:

gathering [the ~] nomen

  1. the gathering (conference; consultation; meeting; talks; seminar)
    die Beratung; die Besprechung; die Konferenz; die Unterredung; die Zusammenkunft; die Verhandlung; Treffen; die Sitzung; Zusammentreffen; die Tagung; die Versammlung
  2. the gathering (meeting; conference; assembly; symposium; congress)
    die Beratung; die Sitzung; die Veranstaltung; die Versammlung; die Konferenz; Treffen; Zusammentreffen; die Tagung; die Zusammenkunft; die Begegnung; der Kongreß; die Unterredung
  3. the gathering (accumulation; collection; clutter; )
    die Menge; die Ansammlung; die Häufung; der Haufen
  4. the gathering (collection)
    die Einsammlung; die Kollekte; die Geldsammlung
  5. the gathering (assembly)
    Zusammensein; Beisammensein
  6. the gathering (assembling; crowd; accumulation; )
    die Ansammlung; die Zusammenrottung
  7. the gathering
    Einholen; Einziehen
  8. the gathering
    die Einberufung; die Zusammenrufung
  9. the gathering (group; crowd)
    die Schar; die Menge; der Schwarm; die Masse; der Ansturm; der Andrang; Gedränge; Gewühl; der Trupp; die Volksmenge

Translation Matrix for gathering:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Andrang crowd; gathering; group bedlam; caprice; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; impulse; inflow; influx; insistence; noise; pandemonium; racket; stream; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; urgency; whim
Ansammlung accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; compilation; crowd; gang; gathering; pack; party; pile; piling up; set; sifting; sorting accumulation; compilation; heap; load; pile; piling up
Ansturm crowd; gathering; group assault; attack; raid; round-up; run; rush; scaling; storming; swoop
Begegnung assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium encounter; meeting; treatment
Beisammensein assembly; gathering
Beratung assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks consultation; information; informing
Besprechung conference; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; talks Meeting; Web conference; analysis; book review; criticism; critique; deliver a lecture; meeting; review
Einberufung gathering canvassing; drawing of new members; enlistment; recruiting; recruitment
Einholen gathering
Einsammlung collection; gathering compilation; crop; cultivated plants; grape harvest; harvest; harvesting; reaping; vintage
Einziehen gathering
Gedränge crowd; gathering; group agitation; ballyhoo; bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; flow; fuss; group; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; noise; pandemonium; pushing; racket; rush; squash; stampede; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar
Geldsammlung collection; gathering
Gewühl crowd; gathering; group ballyhoo; bedlam; burrowing; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drudgery; fuss; grubbing; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; noise; pandemonium; racket; rooting; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Haufen accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting a whole lot; accumulation; bunch; clan; clique; clutter; common herd; compilation; crowd; drove; flock; gang; heap; heaps; herd; horde; load; lot; lots; mass; mob; multitude; pack; party; pile; piles; piling up; quite a lot; stacking; stacks; tons; troop; troupe; wattle
Häufung accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; compilation; heap; load; pile; piling up
Kollekte collection; gathering
Konferenz assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks Conference; conference
Kongreß assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium conference; congress; seminar; symposium
Masse crowd; gathering; group a whole lot; accumulation; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; group; heap; herd; horde; load; lot; lots; mass; mob; multitude; pile; piling up; quite a lot; tons
Menge accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; crowd; gathering; group; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting a whole lot; accumulation; amount; bunch; chunk; clutter; common herd; crowd; dose; drove; flock; gang; group; heap; herd; horde; load; lot; lots; mass; mob; multitude; named set; number; pack; parcel; party; pile; piling up; quantity; quite a lot; set; size; tons; troop; troupe; wattle
Schar crowd; gathering; group bunch; clutter; cohort; common herd; company; crowd; drove; flock; gang; group; heap; herd; horde; hotchpotch; jumble; load; lot; medley; mishmash; mob; multitude; pack; party; troop; troupe; wattle
Schwarm crowd; gathering; group common herd; crowd; drove; flock; herd; horde; idol; mob; multitude; swarm
Sitzung assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks modeling; modelling; pose; seance; session; sharing session; sitting
Tagung assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks conference; congress; seminar; symposium
Treffen assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks affecting; concerning; encounter; meeting; touching
Trupp crowd; gathering; group common herd; company; crowd; drove; flock; group; herd; horde; mob; multitude; party
Unterredung assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks bargain; chaffer; chat; conversation; deliver a lecture; haggle; sustenance; talk
Veranstaltung assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium exhibition; exposition; happening; show
Verhandlung conference; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; talks bargain; chaffer; haggle
Versammlung assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks
Volksmenge crowd; gathering; group common herd; crowd; drove; flock; group; herd; horde; mob; multitude
Zusammenkunft assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks encounter; meeting
Zusammenrottung accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set
Zusammenrufung gathering
Zusammensein assembly; gathering being collected; being gathered
Zusammentreffen assembly; conference; congress; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks encounter; meeting
- assemblage; assembly; gather
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Konferenz Conference
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- collection

Related Words for "gathering":

Synonyms for "gathering":

Antonyms for "gathering":

Related Definitions for "gathering":

  1. the act of gathering something1
  2. the social act of assembling1
  3. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching1
  4. a group of persons together in one place1

Wiktionary Translations for gathering:

  1. get-together, social function
  1. das Treffen mehrer Menschen, um etwas bestimmtes zu tun
  2. Ansammlung mehrerer Personen (meist zu einem gemeinsamen Zweck)
  3. eine Menge unbestimmter Anzahlhttp://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Haufen&oldid=50122336

Cross Translation:
gathering Versammlung; Zusammenkunft réunionaction de rapprocher, de réunir des parties qui avaient été diviser, désunir, isolées, ou résultat de cette action.

External Machine Translations: