
Detailed Translations for gentleness from English to German


gentleness [the ~] nomen

  1. the gentleness (tenderness; daintiness; lovingness; warm heartedness)
    die Zärtlichkeit; die Sanftheit; der Sanftmut; die Innigkeit
  2. the gentleness (kind-heartedness; kindness)
    der Sanftmut; die Sanftheit; die Gutartigkeit

Translation Matrix for gentleness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Gutartigkeit gentleness; kind-heartedness; kindness benign character; clemency; consideration; forbearance; goodness; indulgence; kind-heartedness; kindness; leniency; mercy; mildness; politeness
Innigkeit daintiness; gentleness; lovingness; tenderness; warm heartedness chumminess; companionableness; cosiness; coziness; intimacy; snugness
Sanftheit daintiness; gentleness; kind-heartedness; kindness; lovingness; tenderness; warm heartedness clemency; consideration; forbearance; indulgence; kindness; leniency; mercy; softness; weakness
Sanftmut daintiness; gentleness; kind-heartedness; kindness; lovingness; tenderness; warm heartedness clemency; consideration; forbearance; indulgence; kindness; leniency; mercy
Zärtlichkeit daintiness; gentleness; lovingness; tenderness; warm heartedness delicacy; sensibility; sensitiveness; sensitivity
- gradualness; mildness; softness

Related Words for "gentleness":

Synonyms for "gentleness":

Antonyms for "gentleness":

  • abruptness

Related Definitions for "gentleness":

  1. acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered1
    • his fingers have learned gentleness1
  2. the property possessed by a slope that is very gradual1

Wiktionary Translations for gentleness:

  1. being gentle
  1. ausgeglichene, ruhige, geduldige und wohlwollende Gesinnung, die einen Menschen selbst bei Kränkungen nicht in Zorn geraten lässt, sondern ein besonnenes Verhalten hervorbringt, das die Mitmenschen positiv beeinflusst
  2. Liebenswürdigkeit, wohlwollende Geneigtheit

gentleness form of gentle:

Translation Matrix for gentle:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- appease; assuage; conciliate; ennoble; entitle; gruntle; lenify; mollify; pacify; placate
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aristocratic; aristocratical; blue; blue-blooded; docile; easy; patrician; soft
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- meek; soft
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
duldsam gentle forbearing; generous; lenient; magnanimous; noble; permissive; tolerant
edel gentle aristocratic; consummate; costly; dainty; elegant; excellent; expensive; first-rate; generous; graceful; handsome; high-quality; highborn; highbred; lovely; magnanimous; nice; noble; perfect; personable; petite; pretty; pricy; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; superb; tiptop; valuable
gnädig gentle charitabel; charitable; clement; compassionate; forgiving; gracious; humane; lenient; merciful; philanthropic; piteous
gutherzig gentle benevolent; charitabel; clement; forgiving; good-natured; gracious; kind; kind-hearted; lenient; merciful; mild; obliging; readiness; ready; willing
jovial gentle amicable; amicably; calm; calmly; collected; composed; cool; equanimous; friendly; generous; genial; jovial; kind; kindly; liberal; magnanimous; munificent; noble; open-handed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; unsparing
mild gentle benevolent; generous; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; liberal; magnanimous; mild; munificent; noble; open minded; open-handed; unsparing
milde gentle
nicht nachtragend gentle
samtartig gentle velours; velvet; velvet-like; velvety
sanft gentle benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; composed; cool; delicate; easy; effortless; equanimous; fragile; frail; free; freely; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; like a butterfly; mild; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tender; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
sanftmütig gentle benevolent; delicate; fragile; frail; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; mild; tender
tolerant gentle broad-minded; forbearing; generous; lenient; magnanimous; noble; permissive; tolerant
weich gentle abstemious; chubby; clammy; clumsy; dizy; doltish; fuller figure; gawky; not very good; owlish; plump; poor; smelling of sweat; soft; stiff; sweaty; tender; tender hearted; uneasy; unhandy; weak; well-covered; wooden

Related Words for "gentle":

Synonyms for "gentle":

Related Definitions for "gentle":

  1. marked by moderate steepness1
    • a gentle slope1
  2. having little impact1
    • gentle rain1
    • a gentle breeze1
  3. having or showing a kindly or tender nature1
    • the gentle touch of her hand1
    • her gentle manner was comforting1
    • a gentle sensitive nature1
    • gentle blue eyes1
  4. quiet and soothing1
    • a gentle voice1
    • a gentle nocturne1
  5. soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe1
    • a gentle reprimand1
    • a vein of gentle irony1
    • poked gentle fun at him1
  6. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy1
    • of gentle blood1
  7. easily handled or managed1
    • a gentle old horse, docile and obedient1
  8. stroke soothingly1
  9. cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of1
  10. give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility1

Wiktionary Translations for gentle:

  1. Polite and respectful rather than rude
  2. Gradual rather than steep or sudden
  3. Docile and easily managed
  4. Soft and mild rather than hard or severe
  5. Tender and amiable
  1. sehr ruhig; ohne Kraftaufwand; zart
  2. sehr schwach, deshalb kaum zu merken; leicht, sanft, zart
  3. nicht stark im Geschmack
  4. gehoben/dichterisch: angenehm mild, glatt, lauwarm

Cross Translation:
gentle sanft; lieblich doux — Agréable à entendre.
gentle süß doux — Apportant du réconfort.
gentle delikat; fein; gelinde; zart; köstlich; lecker; wohlschmeckend; zartfühlend; feinfühlend; feinfühlig; empfindlich; taktvoll; behutsam; heikel; kitzlig; wählerisch; subtil délicat — Qui est d’une très grande finesse, très délié.
gentle weich; schwabbelig; schwammig mouÀ trier …

External Machine Translations: