
Detailed Translations for scarier from English to German

scarier form of scary:

scary adj

  1. scary (creepy)
    – provoking fear terror 1
  2. scary (frightning; fearfull; disturbing; )
    – provoking fear terror 1
  3. scary (terrifying; frightening; ominous; sinister)
    – provoking fear terror 1
  4. scary (terrifying; frightening; perilous; )
    – provoking fear terror 1
  5. scary (eerie; creepy; lugubrious; sinister)
    – provoking fear terror 1
  6. scary (threatening; imminent; impending; )
    – provoking fear terror 1
  7. scary (obscure; suspicious; suspect; )
    – provoking fear terror 1

Translation Matrix for scary:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- chilling; scarey; shivery; shuddery
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
teuflisch damned; devilish
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
angstanjagend alarming; appalling; creepy; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying
angsteinflößend creepy; scary
angsteinjagend alarming; creepy; disquieting; disturbing; fearfull; frightning; grizly; scary
angsterregend alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening
angsterweckend alarming; disquieting; disturbing; fearfull; frightning; grizly; scary
bedrohlich alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening antagonistic; critical; delicate; enemy; hateful; hostile; invidious; malicious; perilous; precarious; snide; spiteful; touchy
besorgniserregend alarming; disquieting; disturbing; fearfull; frightning; grizly; scary alarming; disquieting; disturbing; worrisome
beunruhigend alarming; disquieting; disturbing; fearfull; frightning; grizly; scary alarming; disquieting; disturbing; worrisome
brenzlig alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening critical; dangerous; deceptive; delicate; hazardous; perilous; precarious; risky; touchy; unsafe
bösartig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; bad; badly; blackguardly; cunning; detestable; double-tongued; evil-minded; false; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; roguish; scoundrelly; shady; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; terrible; underhand; unholy; venomous; vicious; vile; villainous; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention; woody
böse dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; angry; annoyed; appalling; bad; badly; bitter; blackguardly; blazing; cunning; detestable; displeased; enraged; evil-minded; false; fierce; fiery; furious; ghastly; glaring; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; indignant; infuriated; irate; livid; low; macabre; mad; malicious; mean; nasty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; raging; roguish; scoundrelly; seething; shady; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; terrible; underhand; unholy; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; vile; villainous; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention; wrathful
drohend alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening antagonistic; critical; delicate; enemy; hateful; hostile; invidious; malicious; perilous; precarious; snide; spiteful; touchy
dubios dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable
feindlich alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening antagonistic; critical; delicate; enemy; hateful; hostile; invidious; malicious; perilous; precarious; snide; spiteful; touchy
fraglich dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable concerning; uncertain
fragwürdig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable not bright; not clear; turbid
furchtbar alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful; barbaric; blast; brutal; critical; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; damn it; darned; dash it; delicate; disgraceful; disgusting; dreadful; enormously; exceedingly; exceptionally; extraordinarily; extremely; frightful; gruesome; hateful; heinous; horrible; horribly; immensely; inhuman; inhumane; invidious; malicious; obnoxious; outrageous; perilous; precarious; rank; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; shocking; snide; spiteful; terrible; terribly; terrifying; touchy
furchterregend alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening awful; huge; tremendous
gefährlich alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening antagonistic; critical; dangerous; deceptive; delicate; enemy; hateful; hazardous; hostile; invidious; malicious; perilous; precarious; risky; snide; spiteful; touchy; unsafe
geisterhaft alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening
gemein dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable altogether; bad; base; bogus; combined; cunning; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; in all; jointly; low; macabre; mean; nasty; normal; not genuine; pedestrian; shady; sham; shared; sharp; sheet; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; sordid; spooky; stingy; together; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous; with each other; with one another; woody
gespensterhaft alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; ominous; scary; sinister; spooky; terrifying; threatening abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
gespenstig alarming; creepy; frightening; frightful; grisly; imminent; impending; ominous; scary; sinister; spooky; terrifying; threatening abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
gespenstisch alarming; creepy; dubious; frightening; frightful; grimy; grisly; imminent; impending; nasty; obscure; ominous; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; spooky; suspect; suspicious; terrifying; threatening; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
glitschig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bald; cunning; greasy; icy; immoral; lack of moral; obscene; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly
grauenerregend creepy; eerie; lugubrious; scary; sinister abhorrent; abominable; appalling; barbaric; blast; brutal; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; damn it; darned; dash it; disgraceful; disgusting; dreadful; freezing; frightful; gruesome; heinous; horrible; horribly; icy; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; outrageous; rank; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; shocking; terrible; terribly; terrifying
gruselig creepy; dubious; eerie; frightening; grimy; lugubrious; nasty; obscure; ominous; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; terrifying; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
heimtückisch dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; banal; behind one's back; below the belt; bogus; coarse; cunning; disloyal; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; pedestrian; perfidious; ribald; rotten; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; stealthily; stingy; traitorous; treacherous; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; vulgar
hinterhältig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; banal; behind one's back; below the belt; blackguardly; bogus; coarse; cunning; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; roguish; rotten; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slick; slippery; sly; spooky; stingy; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
hinterlistig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable astute; bad; badly; banal; behind one's back; behind someone's back; below the belt; bogus; bright; clever; coarse; covert; crafty; cunning; double-tongued; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; ingenious; intelligent; jarring; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; ominous; on the sly; pedestrian; ribald; roguish; rotten; sagacious; scurvy; secretive; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; sneakily; sneaky; spooky; stealthily; stingy; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; vulgar; wily; wise; with evil intention
häßlich dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable ghastly; hideous; horrible; macabre; not presentable; plain; repellant; repellent; repulsive; revolting; seedy; shabby; shady; sinister; spooky; ugly; ugly as hell; ugly as sin; unattractive; unsightly
mies dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; bogus; boring; dreadful; dull; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; low; mean; not genuine; not high; pedestrian; sham; stingy

Related Words for "scary":

  • scariness, scarier, scariest

Synonyms for "scary":

Related Definitions for "scary":

  1. provoking fear terror1
    • a scary movie1

Wiktionary Translations for scary:

  1. causing, or able to cause, fright
Cross Translation:
scary unheimlich; schaurig; gruselig griezelig — angst en afkeer oproepend
scary unheimlich; schaurig; gruselig eng — angst veroorzakend
scary entsetzlich; fürchterlich; furchtbar; schrecklich; furchterregend effrayant — Qui faire peur ; qui donner de l'effroi ; qui effrayer.

External Machine Translations: