
Detailed Translations for stoutest from English to German

stoutest form of stout:

Translation Matrix for stout:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
energisch act vigourously; take a hard line
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dick obese; stout as fat as a pig; as plump as a partridge; banal; below the belt; bloated; broad; bulky; coarse; detailed; elaborate; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; gross; heavily built; heavyset; in detail; massive; nasty; rotten; shabby; sizeable; thick; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; very overweight; voluminous; vulgar; wide; widespread
fett obese; stout as fat as a pig; as plump as a partridge; banal; below the belt; bloated; bold; bulky; churlish; coarse; detailed; dowdy; elaborate; extensive; fatty; filling; greasy; gross; grubby; heavy; huge; nasty; rich; rotten; shabby; shoddy; sizeable; sloppy; slovenly; terrible; tremendous; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; very overweight; voluminous; vulgar
groß at large extent; big; enormous; great; tall; vast
stattlich at large extent; big; enormous; great; tall; vast
- hardy; portly; stalwart; sturdy
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
energisch game
- inclined to stoutness; somewhat stout
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
beleibt obese; stout bulky; detailed; elaborate; extensive; sizeable; voluminous
dauerhaft firm; solid; stable; stout; substantial consistent; constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; firm; lasting; reliable; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; steady; stiff; substantial
derb hefty; muscular; powerfully built; solid; stout; strong; sturdy; well built arrogant; as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; banal; below the belt; big-boned; boorish; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; coarse; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; gross; heavily-built; hefty; ill-bred; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indelicat; insolent; luminous; manifest; nasty; obvious; out of place; overbearing; presumptuous; rotten; rude; rustic; shabby; shameless; stocky; tactless; transparent; trite; trivial; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; unseemly; unsuitable; vapid; vulgar
dickleibig obese; stout
drastisch drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous drastic; energetic; forceful; potent; powerful; radical; root-and-branch; strong; vigorous
durchgreifend drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous doing thoroughly; drastic; energetic; forceful; hard working; potent; powerful; strong; vigorous
eingehend drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous accurate; accurately; appalling; broad; careful; consummate; crying shame; crying to heaven; deep; detailed; disgraceful; elaborate; exact; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; in depth; in detail; meticulous; outrageous; painstaking; penetrating; perfect; precise; precisely; profound; rank; scrupulous; shocking; stringent; thorough; wide; widespread
eisern muscular; solid; stout; strong; sturdy; well built cast-iron; deafening; firm; headstrong; iron; loud; made of iron; obstinate; persistent; punish; severe; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stiff-necked; stubborn; wilful; willful
energisch drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous decided; decisive; determined; drastic; driven; energetic; firm; forceful; huge; lively; potent; powerful; resolute; spirited; strong; terrible; tremendous; unshakable; vigorous
entschieden drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous assured; bold; brave; brisk; certain; certainly; conclusive; courageous; decided; decisive; determined; drastic; energetic; estimated; firm; fixed; forceful; heroic; heroical; incontrovertible; indisputable; irrefutable; of course; positive; positively; potent; powerful; prescribed; rated; resolute; specific; specified; strong; sure; sure and certain; unambiguous; undoubted; unflinching; valiant; vigorous
entschlossen drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous bold; brave; brisk; certain; certainly; courageous; decided; decisive; determined; drastic; energetic; firm; forceful; heroic; heroical; of course; positive; positively; potent; powerful; resolute; strong; sure; sure and certain; undoubted; unflinching; unshakable; valiant; vigorous
fest firm; solid; stable; stout; substantial aloud; deep rooted; drastic; durable; energetic; firm; forceful; inherent; out loud; potent; powerful; punish; reliable; severe; solid; sound; staunch; stiff; strong; substantial; vigorous
forsch drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; hefty; muscular; potent; powerful; powerfully built; robust; solid; stout; strong; sturdy; tough; vigorous; well built burly; decided; decisive; determined; energetic; heavily built; lively; massive; powerful; resolute; robust; spirited; strapping; strong; sturdy; vigorous
gediegen firm; muscular; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built atypical; durable; odd; reliable; solid; sound; strange; substantial
groß hefty; powerfully built; stout; sturdy ample; big; broad; detailed; elaborate; enormous; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; gigantic; great; huge; immense; in detail; increased threefold; large; lengthy; magnificent; out of proportion; splendid; stupendous; tall; thrice; to a huge extent; tremendous; vast; very large; wide; widespread
handfest firm; solid; stable; stout; substantial assured; conclusive; durable; incontrovertible; indisputable; irrefutable; punish; reliable; severe; solid; sound; stiff; substantial; sure
korpulent obese; stout bulky; detailed; elaborate; extensive; heavily built; heavyset; massive; sizeable; voluminous
kraftvoll drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; muscular; potent; powerful; robust; solid; stout; strong; sturdy; tough; vigorous; well built decisive; energetic; lively; powerful; robust; spirited; strapping; strong; vigorous
kräftig drastic; energetic; energetically; firm; forceful; hefty; muscular; potent; powerful; powerfully built; robust; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; tough; vigorous; well built big; burly; decisive; drastic; durable; effective; energetic; fierce; forceful; heavily built; intense; lively; massive; potent; powerful; reliable; robust; severe; solid; sound; spirited; strapping; strong; sturdy; substantial; vigorous; violent
robust firm; hefty; muscular; powerfully built; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built big; burly; durable; heavily built; massive; reliable; robust; solid; sound; stable; steady; sturdy; substantial
solide firm; muscular; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built durable; exhaustive; familiar; known; reliable; solid; sound; stable; steady; substantial; thorough; trusted; underpinned
stabil firm; muscular; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built burly; durable; heavily built; massive; reliable; robust; solid; sound; stable; stationary; steady; sturdy; substantial
stark hefty; powerfully built; stout; sturdy agressive; big; bold; brave; broad; bulky; burly; cool; courageous; detailed; elaborate; enormous; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; fantastic; fierce; frequently; gigantic; grand; grandiose; heavily built; heroic; heroical; huge; immense; in detail; inflexible; intense; many times; massive; offensive; often; out of proportion; outrageous; powerful; robust; severe; sizeable; stable; steady; stern; strapping; strict; strong; sturdy; super; swell; terrible; tremendous; valiant; vast; very large; vigorous; violent; wide; widespread
stattlich hefty; powerfully built; stout; sturdy aesthetic; bold; brave; burly; ceremonious; classy; considerable; considerably; courageous; distinguished; elegant; esthetic; generously; glamorous; glamourous; glorious; graceful; haughty; heroic; heroical; high ranking; illustrious; in good style; in good taste; lofty; magnificent; noteworthy; powerful; proud; refined; renowned; robust; sizable; solemn; sophisticated; splendid; stately; strapping; strong; sturdy; stylish; substantial; tall; tasteful; valiant; vigorous; weighty; with class
stämmig hefty; powerfully built; stout; sturdy burly; forceful; heavily built; massive; muscular; powerful; robust; strapping; strong; sturdy; tough; vigorous
tatkräftig drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; robust; stout; strong; tough; vigorous decisive; energetic; firm; lively; resolute; unshakable
tauglich firm; solid; stable; stout; substantial able; adroit; capable; dexterous; durable; expert; handy; neat; nimble; physically capable; proficient; reliable; skilful; skillful; solid; sound; substantial; useful
umfangreich obese; stout broad; detailed; elaborate; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; in detail; loose; wide; widespread
wohlbeleibt obese; stout
zuverlässig firm; solid; stable; stout; substantial durable; familiar; known; reliable; solid; sound; substantial; trusted

Related Words for "stout":

Synonyms for "stout":

Related Definitions for "stout":

  1. euphemisms for `fat'1
    • men are portly and women are stout1
  2. dependable1
    • stout hearts1
  3. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships1
    • stout seamen1
  4. a garment size for a large or heavy person1
  5. a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops1

Wiktionary Translations for stout:

  1. tapfer, unerschrocken
  2. entschlossen, tatkräftig

Cross Translation:
stout beleibt; korpulent zwaarlijvig — van groot lichaamsgewicht
stout dick; grob; zähflüssig; klebrig; fett gros — Qui a beaucoup de circonférence ou de volume.
stout Festkörper; gesetzt; solide solide — physique|fr Qui a de la consistance.

External Machine Translations: