
Detailed Translations for suspected from English to German


Antonyms for "suspected":

Related Definitions for "suspected":

  1. believed likely1
    • a suspected thief1
    • a suspected infection1


suspect [the ~] nomen

  1. the suspect (accused; defendant)
    der Beschuldigte; der Angeklagte

Translation Matrix for suspect:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Angeklagte accused; defendant; suspect
Beschuldigte accused; defendant; suspect
- defendant
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- distrust; mistrust; surmise
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- fishy; funny; shady; suspicious
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
teuflisch damned; devilish
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bösartig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; bad; badly; blackguardly; cunning; detestable; double-tongued; evil-minded; false; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; roguish; scoundrelly; shady; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; terrible; underhand; unholy; venomous; vicious; vile; villainous; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention; woody
böse dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; angry; annoyed; appalling; bad; badly; bitter; blackguardly; blazing; cunning; detestable; displeased; enraged; evil-minded; false; fierce; fiery; furious; ghastly; glaring; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; indignant; infuriated; irate; livid; low; macabre; mad; malicious; mean; nasty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; raging; roguish; scoundrelly; seething; shady; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; terrible; underhand; unholy; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; vile; villainous; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention; wrathful
dubios dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable
fraglich dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable concerning; uncertain
fragwürdig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable not bright; not clear; turbid
gemein dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable altogether; bad; base; bogus; combined; cunning; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; in all; jointly; low; macabre; mean; nasty; normal; not genuine; pedestrian; shady; sham; shared; sharp; sheet; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; sordid; spooky; stingy; together; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous; with each other; with one another; woody
gespenstisch dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; alarming; appalling; creepy; detestable; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; imminent; impending; obnoxious; odious; ominous; scary; sinister; spooky; terrible; terrifying; threatening; unholy
glitschig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bald; cunning; greasy; icy; immoral; lack of moral; obscene; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly
gruselig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; creepy; detestable; eerie; frightening; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; lugubrious; obnoxious; odious; ominous; scary; sinister; terrible; terrifying; unholy
heimtückisch dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; banal; behind one's back; below the belt; bogus; coarse; cunning; disloyal; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; pedestrian; perfidious; ribald; rotten; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; stealthily; stingy; traitorous; treacherous; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; vulgar
hinterhältig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; banal; behind one's back; below the belt; blackguardly; bogus; coarse; cunning; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; roguish; rotten; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slick; slippery; sly; spooky; stingy; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
hinterlistig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable astute; bad; badly; banal; behind one's back; behind someone's back; below the belt; bogus; bright; clever; coarse; covert; crafty; cunning; double-tongued; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; gross; indecent; ingenious; intelligent; jarring; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; ominous; on the sly; pedestrian; ribald; roguish; rotten; sagacious; scurvy; secretive; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; sneakily; sneaky; spooky; stealthily; stingy; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; vulgar; wily; wise; with evil intention
häßlich dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable ghastly; hideous; horrible; macabre; not presentable; plain; repellant; repellent; repulsive; revolting; seedy; shabby; shady; sinister; spooky; ugly; ugly as hell; ugly as sin; unattractive; unsightly
mies dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bad; bogus; boring; dreadful; dull; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; low; mean; not genuine; not high; pedestrian; sham; stingy; vile
niederträchtig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; bad; base; blackguardly; bogus; cunning; detestable; dishonorable; dishonourable; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; inglorious; low; mean; nasty; nefarious; not genuine; not high; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous
obskur dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable creepy; inconvenient; indistinct; nontransparent; obscure; opaque; scary; unclear; vague
schmierig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable bald; banal; below the belt; churlish; coarse; cunning; dirty; disgusting; distasteful; dowdy; filthy; greasy; gross; grubby; gruesome; heinous; icy; immoral; lack of moral; loathsome; messy; nasty; obscene; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; rotten; shabby; shocking; shoddy; sickening; sleek; slippery; slithery; sloppy; slovenly; slutty; smooth; smoothly; sordid; tarty; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
schuftig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abusive; banal; base; below the belt; blackguardly; bogus; caddish; coarse; crass; cunning; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; gross; indistinct; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; not high; obscure; ominous; pedestrian; roguish; rotten; scoundrelly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; sinister; slippery; sly; spooky; stingy; trite; trivial; unclear; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vague; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
teuflisch dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; appalling; blackguardly; blast; damn it; darned; dash it; demonic; detestable; devilish; diabolic; foul; ghastly; hellish; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; infernal; malicious; obnoxious; odious; ominous; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; sinister; terrible; unholy; villainous
unheimlich dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable abominable; alarming; appalling; creepy; detestable; eerie; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; imminent; impending; lugubrious; obnoxious; odious; ominous; scary; sinister; spooky; terrible; terrifying; threatening; unholy
verdächtig dubious; grimy; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable

Related Words for "suspect":

  • suspects

Synonyms for "suspect":

Antonyms for "suspect":

Related Definitions for "suspect":

  1. not as expected1
    • her motives were suspect1
  2. a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused1
  3. someone who is under suspicion1
  4. regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in1
  5. imagine to be the case or true or probable1
    • I suspect he is a fugitive1
  6. hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty1
    • The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks1

Wiktionary Translations for suspect:

  1. imagine or suppose to be true, without proof
  2. distrust, have doubts about
  3. believe to be guilty
  4. have suspicion
  1. person suspected of something
  1. viewed with suspicion
  1. zu einem Menschen oder einer Sache kein Vertrauen haben
  2. einen Argwohn gegen etwas oder jemanden haben
  3. einen Verdacht gegen jemanden haben, aussprechen
  1. eine Befürchtung haben
  2. Person, die verdächtigen wird, etwas getan zu haben, wobei man noch nicht weiß, ob die Person das tatsächlich getan hat
  1. verdächtig, fragwürdig, zweifelhaft, unglaubwürdig

Cross Translation:
suspect vermuten vermoeden — een gedachte koesteren waarvan men niet zeker is maar die een zekere waarschijnlijkheid inhoudt
suspect verdächtigen verdenken — het vermoeden hebben van iets slechts
suspect würdigen; hochschätzen; einschätzen estimer — Croire, conjecturer, présumer, penser.
suspect argwöhnen; verdächtigen soupçonner — Avoir, concernant quelqu’un ou quelque chose, une opinion, une présomption désavantageux, mais incertaine et mêlée de doute.
suspect argwöhnen; verdächtigen suspectersoupçonner, tenir pour suspect.

External Machine Translations: