Detailed Synonyms for tiles in English
the tiles
Related Words for "tiles":
tiles form of tile:
the tile
the tile
– a flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum) used to cover surfaces 1 -
the tile
– game equipment consisting of a flat thin piece marked with characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, etc. 1 -
the tile
– a thin flat slab of fired clay used for roofing 1 -
the tile
– One of a number of separately printed parts of an oversized publication, such as a banner or poster, that cannot be printed as a single sheet. Separate tiles can be assembled to recreate the whole publication. 2 -
the tile
– A moveable object on the Start screen that links to applications, hubs, or other content or pages. 2 -
the tile
– An image that uses approved product signature lockups, key brand and product identity elements and colors, and the Microsoft logo. 2
– cover with tiles 1 -
– To print a document in overlapping pieces. 2 -
– In computer-graphics programming, to fill adjacent blocks of pixels on the screen with a design or pattern without allowing any blocks to overlap. 2