
Detailed Translations for maliciousness from English to Spanish


maliciousness [the ~] nomen

  1. the maliciousness (malice; sarcasm; acrimony; )
    la pulla; la odiosidad

Translation Matrix for maliciousness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
odiosidad acrimony; malice; maliciousness; sarcasm; scorn; scornful tone; spiteful remark; spitefulness
pulla acrimony; malice; maliciousness; sarcasm; scorn; scornful tone; spiteful remark; spitefulness gibe; jeer; taunt
- malice; spite; spitefulness; venom

Related Words for "maliciousness":

Synonyms for "maliciousness":

Related Definitions for "maliciousness":

  1. feeling a need to see others suffer1


malicious adj

  1. malicious (with evil intention; badly; vicious; )
  2. malicious (venomous; virulent; vicious; vitriolic)
  3. malicious (underhand; sneaky; secretly; )
  4. malicious (devilish; diabolic; foul; satanic; demonic)
  5. malicious (hateful; spiteful; snide; invidious)
  6. malicious (vicious)
  7. malicious
  8. malicious (wicked; nasty)
    vil; infame

Translation Matrix for malicious:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
enemigo adversary; antagonist; enemy; foe; hater; opponent; oppositional candidate; voter against
falso wrong
mal Beelzebuub; Lord of Evil; Lucifer; Prince of Darkness; Satan; ailment; complaint; daemon; demon; devil; disease; disorder; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble; wickedness
malicioso fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak
malo nasty character
malvado nasty character; rogue; shady chap; sneaker; snide; villain
taimado shady chap; sneaker; snide
vil robber; thief
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
diabólico damned; devilish
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
maligno evil
- evil-minded 7'; wicked
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
a hurtadillas behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand clandestine; concealed; cunning; false; furtive; low; mean; nasty; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; underhand; vicious; vile
a la chita callando behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand
airado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention airy; angry; cool; cross; enraged; fresh; incensed; irate; livid; seething; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
atravesado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention broken through; cleaved; overwrought; stressed
colérico badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention angry; inflamed; irate; kindled; pissed off; quick tempered; sore; very angry
demoniaco demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic
demoníaco demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic demoniacal; demonic; devilish; hellish; infernal; satanic
desafinado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention blackguardly; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; roguish; scoundrelly; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stealthily; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous
detestable hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful abominable; detestable; disgraceful; disgusting; hated; nefarious; odious; outrageous; scandalous
diabólico demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic devilish; hellish; infernal; satanic
disimulado behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; clandestine; concealed; covered; cunning; disguised; false; falsely; foul; furtive; hidden; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secret; secretly; sharp; shrewd; shrouded; slippery; sly; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; underhand; veiled; vicious; vile
enemigo hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful antagonistic; aversive; enemy; hostile
enfadado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention angry; annoyed; bad-tempered; bitter; blazing; cross; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; fiery; furious; glaring; gruff; grumpy; incensed; indignant; irate; irritated; livid; moody; nettled; peevish; piqued; pissed off; put out; seething; sharp; sore; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
enojado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention angry; bad-tempered; bitter; blazing; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; fiery; furious; glaring; indignant; irate; irritable; irritated; livid; nettled; piqued; pissed off; seething; sensitive; sharp; sore; touchy; very angry; virulent
falsamente badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention bad; behind one's back; bogus; cunning; double-tongued; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; not genuine; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; underhand; vicious; vile
falsificado badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention bogus; copied; cunning; fake; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; forged; imitated; low; mean; nasty; not genuine; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; underhand; vicious; vile
falso badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; vicious; with evil intention amiss; artificial; bad; behind one's back; blackguardly; bogus; catty; copied; cunning; deceitful; double-tongued; enforced; fake; faked; false; falsely; faulty; feigned; fictitious; forced; forged; foul; fresh; hypocritical; inaccurate; incorrect; indecent; insincere; jarring; low; lying; mean; mendacious; nasty; not genuine; off; off target; offensive; phoney; pretencious; querulous; ribald; roguish; sanctimonious; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; shady; sham; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; stingy; strained; unbroached; underhand; unnatural; unopened; unreliable; untouched; untrue; untruthful; unused; vicious; vile; villainous; wrong; wrongly
indebidamente badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention angry; enraged; irate; livid; seething
infame malicious; nasty; wicked abominable; appalling; awful; bad; base; crying shame; crying to heaven; detestable; disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; dismal; distressful; dreadful; immoral; indecent; inglorious; mean; miserable; nasty; nefarious; outrageous; pathetic; pedestrian; pitiful; rank; rotten; shocking; terrible; vile; villainous; wretched
ladino behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand astute; bright; clever; cunning; perky; polished; resourceful; roguish; sharp; sharpened; shrewd; slick; sly; smart; smoothened; well sharpened; wily
mal badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention all wrong; angry; bad; contrarily; crooked; devilish; diseased; enraged; grown crooked; ill; irate; livid; mean; nasty; nauseous; satanic; seething; sick; sickly; suffering from a disease
malamente badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention angry; enraged; irate; livid; seething
malicioso hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic bad; devilish; dubious; grimy; mean; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; satanic; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unreliable
maligno badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention bad; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; devilish; mean; perverted; putrefied; rotten; satanic
malo badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; vicious; with evil intention angry; bad; banal; base; behind one's back; below the belt; blackguardly; bogus; coarse; common; commonly; corrupt; critical; cunning; customary; degenerate; depraved; devilish; diseased; dizy; enraged; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grave; gross; habitual; ill; impolite; indecent; irate; jarring; livid; low; mean; miserable; naseaus; nasty; not genuine; offensive; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; perverted; putrefied; quite common; ribald; roguish; rotten; satanic; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; seething; serious; shabby; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; suffering from a disease; trite; trivial; uncivil; underhand; unfriendly; unkind; unmannerly; unpleasant; unsavory; unsavoury; usual; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar; weak; worrying; wretched
malvado badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; vicious; with evil intention devilish; inferior; poor; satanic
malévolo demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic devilish; evil-minded; satanic
odioso hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful antipathetic; insufferable; overbearing; unbearable
pérfido badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; vicious; with evil intention adulterous; bad; behind one's back; blackguardly; cunning; disloyal; double-tongued; faithless; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; perfidious; ribald; roguish; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stealthily; traitorous; treacherous; underhand; unfaithful; vicious; vile; villainous
sarcástico hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful bitter; derisive; prickly; sarcastic; scornful; sneering; sour; stinging; thorny
satánico demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic devilish; satanic
solapado behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand blackguardly; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; roguish; scoundrelly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous
subrepticio behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand clandestine; concealed; cunning; false; furtive; low; mean; nasty; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; underhand; vicious; vile
taimado behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand astute; clever; crafty; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; polished; resourceful; sharp; sharpened; shrewd; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; wily
tóxico malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic poisoned; poisonous; toxic; venominous; venomous
venenoso malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic poisoned; poisonous; toxic; venominous; venomous
vil malicious; nasty; wicked abominable; amoral; bad; bald; base; bogus; caddish; common; commonly; criminal; cunning; customary; detestable; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; greasy; habitual; icy; illegal; immoral; in gutter; indecent; lack of moral; mean

Related Words for "malicious":

Synonyms for "malicious":

Antonyms for "malicious":

  • unmalicious

Related Definitions for "malicious":

  1. having the nature of or resulting from malice1
    • malicious gossip1
    • took malicious pleasure in...watching me wince1

Wiktionary Translations for malicious:

  1. Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite

Cross Translation:
malicious malvado; maligno; malicioso; malévolo kwaadaardig — met een slecht karakter
malicious malévolo; maligno; malicioso; malo; malvado boosaardig — met de intentie om kwaad te doen
malicious odioso; malévolo; lleno de odio; hostil gehässig — jemand anderem Übles wünschend
malicious malicioso hämischschadenfroh, gehässig
malicious malicioso maliziösboshaft, hämisch, giftig (von Bemerkungen, Kommentaren u. a.)

External Machine Translations: