
Detailed Translations for shabbiness from English to Spanish


shabbiness [the ~] nomen

  1. the shabbiness (harbourless; poorness; seediness; depravedness; destituteness)
    la pobreza; la indigencia

Translation Matrix for shabbiness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
indigencia depravedness; destituteness; harbourless; poorness; seediness; shabbiness adversity; destitution; disability; disaster; handicap; necessity; need; neediness; physical defect
pobreza depravedness; destituteness; harbourless; poorness; seediness; shabbiness dearth; destitution; famine; hardship; indigentness; insolvency; lack; meagerness; meagreness; need; needyness; of limited means; parsimony; paucity; penury; poorness; poverty; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; slenderness; tightness; want
- iniquity; injustice; manginess; seediness; sleaziness; unfairness

Related Words for "shabbiness":

Synonyms for "shabbiness":

Related Definitions for "shabbiness":

  1. an unjust act1
  2. a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing1

Wiktionary Translations for shabbiness:

shabbiness form of shabby:

shabby adj

  1. shabby (unsightly; seedy)
  2. shabby (poor; lean; flimsy; miserable; thin)
  3. shabby (messy; smudged; gross; )
  4. shabby
  5. shabby (ragged; unsightly; poor; )
  6. shabby (nasty; banal; coarse; )
  7. shabby (poverty stricken; lousy)
  8. shabby (in gutter; miserable)

Translation Matrix for shabby:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bajo bass; contrabass; sandbank
bruto asshole; barbarian; bastard; blackguard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; cruel person; dolt; duffer; fiend; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; lout; lubber; madman; oaf; prole; rennet; ruffian; shithead; slob; swine; thug; tough; unlicked cub; yokel
criminal bastard; cad; criminal; delinquent; evil-doer; malefactor; offender; perpetrator; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
guarro dirty fellow; dirty-fellow; dirtyness; obscenity; pervert; piglet; pigling; prole; skunk; slob; smut; smutty talk; swine; wretch
malo nasty character
menos minus; minus sign
miserable asshole; bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; louse; lout; nasty piece of work; pain in the neck; prole; rotter; scoundrel; slob; swine; villain; wretch; wretched fellow
pasado past
pobre bolt; bourgeois; clap of thunder; common folk; flash of lightning; pauper; poor fellow; poor wretch; populace; streak; thunderbolt; unfortunate; wretch
sucio dirty fellow
vil robber; thief
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- moth-eaten; ratty; tatty
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- threadbare; worn
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
a sotavento banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar base; bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; mean; nasty; pedestrian; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vile; villainous; vulgar
andrajoso miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly bad; base; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; slutty; sly; tarty; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous
añejo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar matured; more than one year old; ripe; seasoned; stale
bajamente banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar base; mean; nasty; pedestrian; vile; villainous
bajo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar bad; base; behind one's back; blackguardly; crude; cunning; diminutive; false; falsely; foul; inadequate; indecent; indigent; inferior; jarring; little; low; low-grade; low-hanging; mean; middling; minuscule; nasty; needy; not high; offensive; pedestrian; pennyless; poor; ribald; roguish; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; sharp; short; shortish; shrewd; slippery; sly; small; tiny; under; underhand; undersized; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
banal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar futile; insignificant; mean; meaningless; sheet; sordid; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unremarkable
basto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; coarse; crass; heavily-built; hefty; stocky
bruto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abominable; agressive; arrogant; barbaric; beastly; bestial; blunt; boorish; brutal; coarse; commonplace; cruel; gross; gruesome; heinous; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pityless; presumptuous; rude; rustic; ruthless; seedy; shameless; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unprocessed; unsavory; unsavoury; violent; vulgar
burdo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; chubby; coarse; crass; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; plump; squat; stocky
caducado in gutter; miserable; shabby
chapuzo grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged
criminal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar blackguardly; criminal; illegal; mean; of criminal law; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; vile; villainous
decaído in gutter; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly annoyed; dejected; depressed; despondent; disgruntled; displeased with; gloomy; limp; listless; low spirited; pessimistic
delgado flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin delicate; indigent; lightly built; needy; pennyless; petite; poor; slender; slight; small-boned; thin
delgaducho flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin avaricious; delicate; emaciated; gaunt; haggard; hollow; hollow-eyed; lank; lanky; meager; meagre; miserly; niggardly; petite; puny; skinny; slender; slim; small-boned; starved; stingy; sunken; thin; weedy
desaliñado grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged ash grey; ashen; careless; confused; disorderly; grubby; inattentive; mixed up; negligent; nonchalant; pell mell
desaseado banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar dirty; grubby; messy; not tidy; repulsive; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; unappetising; unappetizing; unclean; unhygienic; unsavory; unsavoury
descarnado flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin indigent; needy; pennyless; poor
descuidado miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly abandoned; careless; disorderly; disorederly; disorganised; disorganized; inattentive; indolent; lawless; lax; negligent; nonchalant; not tidy; ownerless; supine; unattended; undisciplined; wild
desharrapado in gutter; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly
deshonroso banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar disgraceful; disgusting; dishonorable; dishonourable; humiliating; immoral; improper; indecent; inglorious; mean; outrageous; pedestrian; scandalous; vile
endeble flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin empty; facetiously; minimal; slight
feo seedy; shabby; unsightly impolite; plain; ugly; unattractive; uncivil; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; unsightly
flaco flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin barren; delicate; emaciated; gaunt; haggard; hollow; hollow-eyed; lank; lanky; meager; meagre; parched; petite; poor; puny; skinny; slender; slim; small-boned; spidery; spiky; starved; sunken; thin; unfruitful; weedy
guarro grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged cunning; false; greasy; low; mean; nasty; pedestrian; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
harapiento miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly bad; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
haraposo miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly
indecente in gutter; miserable; shabby audacious; bad mannered; bald; base; blackguardly; corrupt; cunning; degenerate; depraved; dirty; disgraceful; disgusting; false; grubby; icy; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indecorous; indelicat; indelicate; lack of moral; low; mangy; mean; nasty; objectionable; obscene; offending; offensive; out of place; outrageous; pedestrian; perverted; putrefied; roguish; rotten; rude; sanguine; scabby; scandalous; scoundrelly; scurfy; shameful; sharp; shrewd; sinful; sleek; slippery; slithery; sly; smooth; smoothly; tactless; uncalled for; unclean; underhand; unfeeling; unhygienic; unseemly; unsuitable; vicious; vile; villainous
lamentable miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly abominable; complaining; dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disheartened; dismal; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; eccentric; exceptional; extremely; gloomy; greatly; highly; lamenting; low spirited; meager; meagre; miserable; naseaus; paltry; particular; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiful; plaintive; poor; rotten; sad; sorrowful; sorry; special; terrible; ultra; unfortunate; wailing; weak; woeful; wretched
magro flimsy; lean; miserable; poor; shabby; thin delicate; emaciated; few; gaunt; haggard; hollow; hollow-eyed; lank; lanky; meager; meagre; petite; poor; puny; skinny; slender; slender of figure; small-boned; spidery; spiky; starved; sunken; thin; weedy
malo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar angry; bad; badly; base; behind one's back; blackguardly; bogus; common; commonly; corrupt; critical; cunning; customary; degenerate; demonic; depraved; devilish; diabolic; diseased; dizy; enraged; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grave; habitual; ill; impolite; indecent; irate; jarring; livid; low; malicious; mean; miserable; naseaus; nasty; not genuine; offensive; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; perverted; putrefied; quite common; ribald; roguish; rotten; satanic; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; seething; serious; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; suffering from a disease; uncivil; underhand; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; usual; vicious; vile; villainous; weak; with evil intention; worrying; wretched
marchito seedy; shabby; unsightly faded; languishing; lingering; sickly; wilted; withered
menos banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar

Related Words for "shabby":

Synonyms for "shabby":

Related Definitions for "shabby":

  1. mean and unworthy and despicable1
    • shabby treatment1
  2. showing signs of wear and tear1
    • shabby furniture1

Wiktionary Translations for shabby:

  1. torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged