
Detailed Translations for be able from English to Spanish

be able form of able:

able adj

  1. able (physically capable; capable; proficient)
  2. able (capable; qualified; competent; )
  3. able (competent; capable; efficient; good)
  4. able (capable)
  5. able (capable)
  6. able (dexterous; proficient; capable; )
  7. able (capable; proficient; skilled; )

Translation Matrix for able:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
atractivo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness
experto authority; connoisseur; expert; professional; specialist
listo bright spark; genius; smart fellow
perito authority; expert; specialist
profesional expert; prof.; professional
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
atractivo able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful acute; adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attracting; attractive; beautiful; biting; charming; cherished; clever; compelling; congenial; cute; dainty; desireable; dinky; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; good looking; good-looking; graceful; great-looking; handsome; inviting; keen; likable; lovely; most charming; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; sweetest; tempting; winsome
- able-bodied; capable
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sofisticado fully-featured site; loaded site; rich site
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
afilado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful astute; bright; clever; crafty; cunning; false; ground off; ingenious; intelligent; jagged; keen; keen-edged; lost; low; mean; nasty; perky; polished; razor-sharp; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sharp; sharp-edged; sharpened; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; wily; wise
agudo able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful acute; astute; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; burdensome; careful; clever; closely; crafty; dire; embittered; exasperated; fierce; galling; grinding; heavy; ingenious; intelligent; intense; irksome; jagged; keen; keen-edged; knowledgable; penetrating; perky; piercing; rasping; razor-sharp; resourceful; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharply; sharpwitted; shrewd; shrill; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; vehement; violent; wily; wise
aprovechado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; perky; resourceful; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; useful; wily; wise
apto able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
asentado able; capable; competent; efficient; good established; living; resident; residing; settled; situated; subdued
buen mozo able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful acute; alluring; astute; attractive; beautiful; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; charming; clever; crafty; good looking; good-looking; handsome; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; snap; wily; wise
calificado able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled authorised; authorized; certified; competent; experienced; qualified; seasoned; skilled
capaz able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; dexterous; efficient; expert; fit; good; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained alluring; attractive; experienced; seasoned
capáz able; capable
certero able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained accurate; well-aimed
competente able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; physically capable; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained authorised; authorized; competent; experienced; seasoned; skilled
cortante able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; crafty; embittered; exasperated; fierce; ingenious; intelligent; keen; razor-sharp; sagacious; sharp; sharp-edged; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; suppressed; wily; wise
descansado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful astute; bright; clever; crafty; cunning; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise
despierto able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful agile; agitated; alert; aroused; astute; bright; busily engaged; busy; canny; clever; cunning; engaged; excited; fluttered; heated; ingenious; keen; lost; occupied; perky; resourceful; sharp; shrewd; sly; smart; tied up; wily
diestro able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained astute; bright; clever; handy; ingenious; keen; manageable; perky; polished; resourceful; right; right-handed; sharp; sharpened; skilful; skillful; smart; smoothened; useful; well sharpened; wily
ducho able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; cunning; false; ingenious; keen; low; mean; nasty; nimble; perfect; proficient; quick; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slippery; sly; smart; thorough; underhand; useful; vicious; vile
entrenado able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well
espabilado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful clever; cunning; ingenious; nimble; quick; razor-sharp; resourceful; roguish; sharp; slick; sly; smart
experimentado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; physically capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained dyed-in-the-wool; experienced; seasoned; sophisticated; worldly-wise
experto able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; dexterous; efficient; expert; fit; good; handy; neat; nimble; physically capable; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained clever; experienced; ingenious; perfect; proficient; resourceful; thorough
experto en la materia able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled
habilidoso able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; cunning; ingenious; keen; polished; roguish; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smoothened; useful; well sharpened
hábil able; adroit; capable; physically capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained alluring; attractive; clever; cunning; false; ingenious; keen; low; mean; nasty; roguish; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; underhand; useful; vicious; vile
ingenioso able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful acute; astute; biting; bright; canny; clever; crafty; creative; cunning; ingenious; intelligent; inventive; keen; perky; quick-witted; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; wily; wise
juicioso able; capable; competent; efficient; good academic; brainy; bright; brilliant; cautious; clever; erudite; intelligent; knowledgable; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; sensible; sharp; smart; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
listo able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained accomplished; achieved; acute; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; calculating; canny; clear; clever; complete; completed; concluded; crafty; cunning; dodgy; done; evident; false; finished; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; low; mean; nasty; nimble; off; out; over; packed; perky; pointed; polished; prepared; quick; ready; ready for use; ready to go; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; willing; wily; wise
mañoso able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; crafty; cunning; ingenious; intelligent; keen; polished; roguish; sagacious; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; smoothened; useful; well sharpened; wily; wise
perito able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; ingenious; keen; resourceful; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful
profesional able; capable; competent; efficient; good experienced; professional
prudente able; capable; competent; efficient; good advisable; cautious; clairvoyant; clear-sighted; expedient; forward-looking; harmless; perspicuous; predictive; recommendable; visionary; without danger; without risk
sabiondo able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
sofisticado able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skillful cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; roguish; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
talentoso able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; gifted; ingenious; keen; resourceful; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; talented
versado able; adroit; capable; physically capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; grounded; keen

Related Words for "able":

Synonyms for "able":

Antonyms for "able":

Related Definitions for "able":

  1. (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something1
    • able to swim1
    • she was able to program her computer1
    • we were at last able to buy a car1
    • able to get a grant for the project1
  2. having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity1
    • able to learn1
    • human beings are able to walk on two feet1
    • Superman is able to leap tall buildings1
  3. have the skills and qualifications to do things well1
    • able teachers1
    • children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable1
  4. having a strong healthy body1
    • an able seaman1

Wiktionary Translations for able:

  1. legally qualified
  2. skillful
  3. permitted to

Cross Translation:
able capaz; perito; versado; hábil; experto kundig — in staat vaardigheden toe te passen
able capaz bekwaam — (van een persoon) in staat om bepaalde taken goed uit te voeren; competent
able diestro; hábil adroit — Qui a de l’adresse. (Sens général).
able competente compétent — juri|fr Qui appartenir, qui est dû en vertu de certains droits. Il ne se dit, en ce sens, que d’une portion de quelque bien, de quelque domaine.
able diestro; hábil habileadroit ; qui fait ce qu’il entreprendre avec souplesse.

be able:

to be able verb (can, could, being able)

  1. to be able
  2. to be able (may)

Conjugations for be able:

  1. can
  2. can
  3. can
  4. can
  5. can
  6. can
simple past
  1. could
  2. could
  3. could
  4. could
  5. could
  6. could
present perfect
  1. have been able
  2. have been able
  3. has been able
  4. have been able
  5. have been able
  6. have been able
past continuous
  1. was being able
  2. were being able
  3. was being able
  4. were being able
  5. were being able
  6. were being able
  1. shall be able
  2. will be able
  3. will be able
  4. shall be able
  5. will be able
  6. will be able
continuous present
  1. am being able
  2. are being able
  3. is being able
  4. are being able
  5. are being able
  6. are being able
  1. be able
  2. be able
  3. be able
  4. be able
  5. be able
  6. be able
  1. am able!
  2. let's be able!
  3. been able
  4. are able
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for be able:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
poder ability; administration; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; authorization form; cabinet; capacity; colonial administration; colonial government; command; dominion; fiat; force; form of proxy; government; instructions; licence; license; local government; mandate; mastery; power; power of attorney; strength; warrant
saber ability; handiness; skill
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
poder be able; may be allowed to; have permission; may
saber be able allocate; allot; assign; be acquainted with; be informed; bestow on; confer; give; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; know; question; subsidise; subsidize
ser capaz be able
tener permiso de be able; may

Wiktionary Translations for be able:

Cross Translation:
be able ser capaz de hacer vermögen — in der Lage sein, etwas zu tun

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for be able