
Detailed Translations for strangeness from English to Spanish


strangeness [the ~] nomen

  1. the strangeness (singularity; peculiarity; oddity; )
    la curiosidad; la peculiaridad; la particularidad; la singularidad; la rareza; la notabilidad; la excentricidad; el detalle especial; la cosa notable
  2. the strangeness (peculiarity; oddness)
    la peculiaridad; la particularidad; la singularidad; la rareza; el detalle especial
  3. the strangeness (queerness; singularity; oddity)
    la peculiaridad; la curiosidad; la particularidad; la singularidad; la rareza; la excentricidad; la extravagancia

Translation Matrix for strangeness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cosa notable habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; singularity; strangeness oddity; peculiarity; peculiarness; remarkable thing; remarkableness
curiosidad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness curiosity; inquisitiveness; oddity; peculiarity; peculiarness; remarkable thing; remarkableness
detalle especial habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; singularity; strangeness detail; particular; peculiarity
excentricidad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness eccentricity; oddity; peculiarity
extravagancia oddity; queerness; singularity; strangeness delirium; eccentricity; ecstasy; excess; excrescence; frenzy; hysteria; oddity; peculiarity
notabilidad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; singularity; strangeness peculiarity; something striking; something that is eye-catching
particularidad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness character description; character profile; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; detail; feature; oddity; particular; peculiarity; peculiarness; quality; remarkable thing; remarkableness
peculiaridad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness character description; character profile; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; detail; feature; particular; peculiarity; quality; streak; trait
rareza habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness curiosity; peculiarity
singularidad habit; heterogeneity; oddity; oddness; peculiarity; queerness; singularity; strangeness detail; eccentricity; oddity; particular; peculiarity
- curiousness; foreignness; unfamiliarity

Related Words for "strangeness":

Synonyms for "strangeness":

  • unfamiliarity; unusualness
  • flavor; flavour
  • foreignness; curiousness; quality

Antonyms for "strangeness":

Related Definitions for "strangeness":

  1. unusualness as a consequence of not being well known1
  2. the quality of being alien or not native1
    • the strangeness of a foreigner1
  3. (physics) one of the six flavors of quark1

Wiktionary Translations for strangeness:

  1. (uncountable) quality of being strange

strangeness form of strange:

Translation Matrix for strange:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
desconocido alien; outsider; stranger; unknown person
extranjero abroad; alien; foreign country; foreign land; foreign national; foreigner; outsider; stranger; unknown person
extraño alien; odd person; outsider; strange person; stranger; unknown person
raro odd fellow; queer; strange person; weirdo
singular singular
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
desconocido curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; matchless; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; peerless; unequaled; unequalled; unheard; unknown; unmatched; unparalleled; unprecedented; unrivaled; unrivalled; unsurpassed; unusual
- foreign; unknown; unusual
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- wierd
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ajeno atypical; odd; strange aloof; another mans; bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; other peoples; peculiar; someone else's; unusual
asombroso atypical; odd; strange amazing; apposite; apt; astonishing; astounding; awecommanding; big; confounding; considerable; conspicuous; deferent; dumbfounded; enormous; grand; grandiose; great; implausible; imposing; impressive; incredible; large; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; notable; overpowering; overwhelming; regardful; remarkable; respectable; respectful; reverential; startling; striking; stupendous; substantial; surprising; tall; unbelievable; vast; wonderful
característico atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; crazy; curious; daft; describing; different; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; remarkable; ridiculous; silly; striking; stupid; typical; unmistakable; unusual; weird
chocante curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange distasteful; indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive; shocking; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
curioso atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; characteristic; conspicuous; crazy; curious; daft; different; distinct; distinctive; eager to learn; eager to see; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; informative; informatory; inquisitive; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; remarkable; ridiculous; silly; striking; stupid; typical; unmistakable; unusual; weird; worth having a peek at; worth looking at; worth seeing; worth the view
especial atypical; odd; strange bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; exclusive; exquisite; extremely; freak; greatly; highly; idiosyncratic; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; noteworthy; odd; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; particular; peculiar; separate; sole; special; the one and only; ultra; unique; unparalleled; unusual
extranjero atypical; odd; strange abroad; bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; foreign; freak; idiosyncratic; in foreign parts; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual
extraordinario curious; extraordinary; funny; hardly ever; little; odd; peculiar; phenomenal; prodigious; queer; rare; rarely; seldom; strange; uncommon; unique abominable; amazing; astonishing; astounding; barbaric; bizarre; brutal; cruel; curious; different; eccentric; exceedingly; exceptional; exclusive; exquisite; extra; extraordinarily; extraordinary; extremely; fabled; fabulous; freak; greatly; gruesome; heinous; highly; idiosyncratic; incomparable; inhuman; inhumane; inimitable; isolated; legendary; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; not used to; noteworthy; odd; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; particular; peculiar; rare; separate; sole; special; specially added; startling; surprising; the one and only; ultra; uncommon; unique; unparalleled; unusual; very; wonderful; wondrous
extravagante atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange absurd; baroque; bizarre; capricious; changeable; curious; different; eccentric; exaggerated; exceptional; excessive; exorbitant; extortionate; extravagant; extremely; fickle; flamboyant; freak; freakish; greatly; highly; idiosyncratic; incalculable; laughable; ludicrous; lush; luxurious; noteworthy; odd; opulent; outrageous; particular; peculiar; preposterous; prohibitive; ridicule; ridiculous; special; sumptuous; ultra; unprecedented; unpredictable; unstable; unsteady; unusual; wayward; whimsical
extraño atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange absurd; baroque; bizarre; crazy; curious; daft; different; eccentric; enigmatic; exceptional; fanciful; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; mysterious; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; ridiculous; silly; stupid; unusual; weird
exótico atypical; odd; strange bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; exotic; foreign; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; outlandish; peculiar; unusual
particular atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; characteristic; curious; different; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; extremely; freak; greatly; highly; idiosyncratic; native; noteworthy; odd; particular; peculiar; privately-owned; special; typical; ultra; unusual
peculariar alien; exotic; foreign; funny; odd; outlandish; queer; strange
peculiar atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; characteristic; crazy; curious; daft; different; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; exclusive; exquisite; extraordinary; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; incomparable; inimitable; insane; isolated; mad; mixed up; muzzy; noteworthy; odd; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; peculiar; rare; ridiculous; separate; silly; sole; special; stupid; the one and only; typical; uncommon; unique; unparalleled; unusual; weird
raro alien; atypical; curious; exotic; extraordinary; foreign; funny; hardly ever; little; odd; outlandish; peculiar; phenomenal; prodigious; queer; rare; rarely; seldom; strange; uncommon; unique baroque; bizarre; crazy; curious; daft; different; eccentric; exceptional; extraordinary; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; not used to; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; rare; ridiculous; scarce; silly; stupid; uncommon; unusual; weird
singular atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange apart; bizarre; characteristic; curious; different; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; extraordinary; freak; free-standing; idiosyncratic; isolated; not used to; noteworthy; odd; on its own; peculiar; rare; separate; singular; solo; typical; uncommon; unusual
sorprendente atypical; odd; strange amazing; astonishing; astounding; bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; startling; surprising; unusual; wonderful
típico atypical; curious; odd; peculiar; queer; strange bizarre; characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; crazy; curious; daft; describing; different; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; foolish; freak; funny; idiosyncratic; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; remarkable; ridiculous; silly; striking; stupid; typical; unmistakable; unusual; weird

Related Words for "strange":

Synonyms for "strange":

Antonyms for "strange":

Related Definitions for "strange":

  1. not known before1
    • used many strange words1
    • saw many strange faces in the crowd1
  2. being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird1
    • a strange exaltation that was indefinable1
    • a strange fantastical mind1
    • what a strange sense of humor she has1
  3. relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world1

Wiktionary Translations for strange:

  1. not normal
  2. not yet part of one’s experience
  3. in quantum mechanics

Cross Translation:
strange extraño; raro raar — afwijkend van gewoonlijk, verbazing opwekkend
strange raro zonderling — bij alle anderen bevreemding opwekkend
strange exótico; forastera ausländisch — auf das Ausland bezogen oder sich auf das Ausland beziehend, in der Art und Weise des Auslandes; im Ausland ansässig, aus diesem stammend
strange peculiar; raro eigenartig — besonders in seiner Art, vom Standard abweichend
strange desconocido fremd — nicht bekannt, fremdartig
strange forstero; estranjero fremd — von woanders her, ausländisch
strange notable merkwürdig — durch Abweichung des Üblichen auffallend; Staunen, Verwunderung oder aber leises Misstrauen bewirkend
strange extraño seltsam — nicht normal; merkwürdig, sonderbar
strange raro; extraño sonderbar — sich im Vergleich abhebend, einen unterschiedlichen Charakter besitzend, durch Absonderung entstanden oder entstehend (häufig mit der Tendenz zum Außergewöhnlichen, zum Komischen, zum Skurrilen)
strange extraño; curioso; raro drôle — Bizarre, inhabituel, qui sort du commun.
strange desconocido inconnu — qui n'est pas connu
strange singular singulier — Qui est différent ou particulier, qui ne ressembler pas aux autres.
strange extraño; raro étrange — Qui est en dehors de l’ordre, de l’usage commun ; qui est singulier, extraordinaire.

External Machine Translations: