
Detailed Translations for blower from English to Spanish

blower form of blow:

to blow verb (blows, blew, blowing)

  1. to blow (whistle; hum)
  2. to blow (give a blow-job; suck)
    – provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation 1
  3. to blow (pant; wheeze; gasp; puff)
  4. to blow (fly about)
  5. to blow (flutter; wave; flap; snap)
  6. to blow (ruin; destroy)
  7. to blow (fan; stir up)
  8. to blow (be off; beat it)

Conjugations for blow:

  1. blow
  2. blow
  3. blows
  4. blow
  5. blow
  6. blow
simple past
  1. blew
  2. blew
  3. blew
  4. blew
  5. blew
  6. blew
present perfect
  1. have blown
  2. have blown
  3. has blown
  4. have blown
  5. have blown
  6. have blown
past continuous
  1. was blowing
  2. were blowing
  3. was blowing
  4. were blowing
  5. were blowing
  6. were blowing
  1. shall blow
  2. will blow
  3. will blow
  4. shall blow
  5. will blow
  6. will blow
continuous present
  1. am blowing
  2. are blowing
  3. is blowing
  4. are blowing
  5. are blowing
  6. are blowing
  1. be blown
  2. be blown
  3. be blown
  4. be blown
  5. be blown
  6. be blown
  1. blow!
  2. let's blow!
  3. blown
  4. blowing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

blow [the ~] nomen

  1. the blow (dent)
    la abolladura; el hondón; el bollo
  2. the blow (disappointment; mishap; comedown; letdown)
    el desengaño; la decepción; el contratiempo; la mala suerte; la desilusión
  3. the blow (knock; slap; smack)
    la patada; el golpe; la bofetada; la baza; la guantada; la brazada; la batalla
  4. the blow (slap; bang)
    el golpe; la mancha; el toque
  5. the blow (nudge; push; shove; )
    el empujón; el empujoncito
  6. the blow (smack; slap)
    la patada; el golpe; la palmada; la baza; el combate
  7. the blow (punch; nudge; whopper; )
    – a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon 1
    el puñetazo; el golpe; la bofetada; el cachete; el tortazo; el manotazo; la cachetada; el sopapo; la manotada
  8. the blow (swipe; stroke; slap; lash; smack)
    la palmada

Translation Matrix for blow:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abolladura blow; dent dent; overripe spot
animar encouragement; encouraging; impelling; inciting; motivation; stimulation; support; turning on
batalla blow; knock; slap; smack battle; doubt; fight; hesitation; indecision; indecisiveness; scuffle; shilly-shallying; single combat; struggle; tussle; vacillation; war; wrestle
baza blow; knock; slap; smack battle; war
bofetada blow; clout; jab; knock; nudge; punch; slap; smack; wallop; whopper box on the ear; nonsense; punch on the jaw; rubbish; slap; slap in the face; tattle
bollo blow; dent ball; ball of wool; block; brain; brain-pan; bread roll; growth; knob; lump; roll; swelling; swollen spot; tumor; tumour
brazada blow; knock; slap; smack swim stroke
cachetada blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper box on the ear; punch on the jaw; slap in the face
cachete blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper cheek; slap
combate blow; slap; smack battle; competition; contest; fight; game; match; play; scuffle; set; struggle; tussle; war; wrestle
contratiempo blow; comedown; disappointment; letdown; mishap come-down; disappointment; disillusionment
decepción blow; comedown; disappointment; letdown; mishap come-down; disappointment; disillusionment; dissapointment; let-down
desengaño blow; comedown; disappointment; letdown; mishap come-down; disappointment; disillusionment; dissapointment; let-down; sobering
desilusión blow; comedown; disappointment; letdown; mishap come-down; disappointment; disillusionment; dissapointment; let-down
empujoncito blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust
empujón blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust
golpe bang; blow; clout; jab; knock; nudge; punch; slap; smack; wallop; whopper bang; battle; blast; boom; bump; clot; colossus; crack; crash; dab; dollop; hook; kink; lump; monster; nonsense; punch; rubbish; shake; smack; small slap; strapper; tattle; thud; thump; war; whopper
guantada blow; knock; slap; smack
hondón blow; dent
mala suerte blow; comedown; disappointment; letdown; mishap accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; come-down; destitution; disappointment; disaster; disillusionment; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble
mancha bang; blow; slap blame; blob; blot; clot; dab; dirt-mark; dollop; fault; hamlet; lump; mop; reproach; slush; spatter; speck; splash; spot; stain; swab
manotada blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper
manotazo blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper
palmada blow; lash; slap; smack; stroke; swipe hand's breadth; small slap
patada blow; knock; slap; smack boot; kick; kicking
puñetazo blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper punch
sopapo blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper clout; punch; slap; smack; wallop
toque bang; blow; slap brushstroke; clot; dab; dollop; lump; stroke of the brush; touch
tortazo blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; wallop; whopper clout; punch; slap; smack; wallop
- C; black eye; blast; bump; coke; gust; nose candy; puff; reversal; reverse; setback; shock; snow
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
animar blow; fan; stir up activate; aggravate; animate; arouse; awake; badger; bait; boost; brighten up; cheer on; cheer up; comfort; console; drive; encourage; encourage someone; excite; fire; freshen; generate; give rise to; gladden; incite; inspire; instigate; jack up v; liven up; motivate; motivate someone; needle; patch up; pep up; prompt; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; reactivate; recover; refresh; refurbish; revive; rouse; solace; stimulate; stir up; strike into; support; urge
atizar blow; fan; stir up bait; blow the fire; fan; fan a flame; foment; incite; instigate; poke; poke up; stir; stir up
chuparsela blow; give a blow-job; suck
chupetear blow; give a blow-job; suck suck
dispersarse blow; fly about break up; disperse; dissipate; scatter; spread
emponzoñar blow; destroy; ruin contaminate; infect; poison
encandilar blow; fan; stir up
escabullirse be off; beat it; blow break away; duck out; elude; escape; get away; make a duck; ooze; seep; slip quietly into the night; squeeze out of it; trickle
estropear blow; destroy; ruin attack; botch up; break; bungle; corrupt; crush; damage; dash; debase; deprave; erode; foul up; mess up; muck up; pervert; pulverise; pulverize; rub fine; ruin; ruin by neglect; run down; shatter; smash; spoil; throw in; tinker; upset
levantar polvo blow; fly about
ondear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave flow; gush; heave; roll; undulate; wave; wobble
revolear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave
revoletear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave
silbar blow; hum; whistle catcall; hiss at; lisp; rustle; sough; speak with a lisp; whisper; whizz; whoosh
soplar blow; blow hard; gasp; hum; pant; puff; wheeze; whistle blab; blow away; blow off; blurt out; booze; breathe out; let slip out; prompt; tell; tip the scales; whisper
tocar la flauta blow; hum; whistle
- ball up; be adrift; blow out; bodge; bollix; bollix up; bollocks; bollocks up; botch; botch up; bumble; bungle; burn out; drift; fellate; float; flub; fluff; fumble; go down on; muck up; muff; screw up; shove along; shove off; spoil; squander; suck; waste

Related Words for "blow":

Synonyms for "blow":

Antonyms for "blow":

Related Definitions for "blow":

  1. forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth1
    • he gave his nose a loud blow1
  2. a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon1
    • a blow on the head1
  3. street names for cocaine1
  4. an unpleasant or disappointing surprise1
  5. an impact (as from a collision)1
  6. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating1
  7. a strong current of air1
  8. exhale hard1
    • blow on the soup to cool it down1
  9. free of obstruction by blowing air through1
    • blow one's nose1
  10. burst suddenly1
  11. melt, break, or become otherwise unusable1
  12. shape by blowing1
  13. allow to regain its breath1
    • blow a horse1
  14. cause to be revealed and jeopardized1
    • The double agent was blown by the other side1
  15. lay eggs1
    • certain insects are said to blow1
  16. leave; informal or rude1
  17. be in motion due to some air or water current1
    • The leaves were blowing in the wind1
  18. spout moist air from the blowhole1
  19. cause to move by means of an air current1
  20. cause air to go in, on, or through1
  21. provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation1
  22. play or sound a wind instrument1
  23. make a sound as if blown1
  24. sound by having air expelled through a tube1
  25. spend lavishly or wastefully on1
  26. spend thoughtlessly; throw away1
  27. make a mess of, destroy or ruin1
  28. be blowing or storming1

Wiktionary Translations for blow:

  1. damaging occurrence
  2. act of striking or hitting
  1. to leave
  2. to fellate
  3. be very undesirable
  4. to squander
  5. to fail suddenly destructively
  6. to cause sudden destruction
  7. to create or shape by blowing
  8. to propel by an air current
  9. to produce an air current

Cross Translation:
blow soplar waaien — plaatsvinden van een sterke luchtstroming
blow golpe klap — plotselinge, luidruchtige slag
blow blanca; frula; falopa; pala; perico; coca; farlopa; merca KoksJargon: Kokain
blow soplar blasen — ausstoßen von Luft aus dem Mund; etwas in die Luft bzw. Atmosphäre überleiten; in etwas hineinpusten
blow soplar pustenumgangssprachlich: durch plötzliches heftiges Ausatmen einen starken Luftstrom erzeugen
blow soplar wehenvon Wind oder Sturm: blasen, winden
blow batalla; golpe; acción bataille — guerre|fr combat général entre deux armées.
blow choque; golpe; colisión choccollision brusque, impact d’un corps avec un autre corps.
blow castaña châtaigne — Fruit du châtaignier (Castanea sativa), dont l’écorce est lisse, de couleur brune tirant un peu sur le rouge, enfermé à un, deux ou trois exemplaires dans une bogue, enveloppe dure et recouverte d'épines.
blow golpe coupimpression que fait un corps sur un autre en le frappant.
blow arruinar; chapucear; chafallar gâcher — maçonnerie|fr délayer du plâtre, du mortier avec de l’eau.
blow soplar souffler — Pousser l’air hors de la bouche


blower [the ~] nomen

  1. the blower

Translation Matrix for blower:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
instrumentista de viento blower
- cetacean; cetacean mammal; electric fan
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- blast

Related Words for "blower":

Synonyms for "blower":

  • device
  • electric fan; fan
  • cetacean; cetacean mammal; aquatic mammal

Related Definitions for "blower":

  1. large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals1
  2. a device that produces a current of air1
  3. a fan run by an electric motor1

Wiktionary Translations for blower:

  1. device

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for blower