
Detailed Translations for niggardly from English to Spanish


Translation Matrix for niggardly:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avaro haggler; miser; money-grub; money-grubber; niggard; screw; short arms deep pockets; skinflint
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- grudging; scrimy
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- mean; parsimonious; sparing; stingy
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
agarrado avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy
avariento avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy
avaro avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy catty; querulous
cáustico avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy biting; catty; corroding; corrosive; cutting; embittered; exasperated; fierce; prickly; querulous; razor-sharp; sarcastic; sharp; stinging; suppressed; thorny
delgaducho avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy delicate; emaciated; flimsy; gaunt; haggard; hollow; hollow-eyed; lank; lanky; lean; meager; meagre; miserable; petite; poor; puny; shabby; skinny; slender; slim; small-boned; starved; sunken; thin; weedy
desdeñoso despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy arrogant; bogus; depreciatory; derogatory; disparaging; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; haughty; high-and-mighty; high-handed; mean; not genuine; presumptuous; proud; reducing; sham; slighting; stingy; supercilious; superior
despectivo despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy contemptuous; contumelious; depreciatory; derisive; derogatory; disdainful; disparaging; haughty; high-and-mighty; proud; scornful; slighting; sneering; supercilious
exiguo avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy barren; come off badly; few; inferior; meager; meagre; parched; poor; puny; skinny; thin; unfruitful; worst
frugal avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy frugal; meager; meagre; puny; skinny; thin
perseverante avaricious; miserly; niggardly; stingy indefatigable; persevering; persistent; persisting; tenacious; unwearying

Related Words for "niggardly":

Synonyms for "niggardly":

  • grudging; scrimy; stingy; ungenerous

Related Definitions for "niggardly":

  1. petty or reluctant in giving or spending1
    • a niggardly tip1

Wiktionary Translations for niggardly:

  1. withholding


niggard [the ~] nomen

  1. the niggard (miser; haggler; money-grub; skinflint; short arms deep pockets)
    el tacaño; el roñica; el avaro; el mercachifle; el roñoso; el raspador; el rascador; el regateador; el cambalachero; el embrollador
  2. the niggard (skinflint; screw)
    el avaro; el codicioso; el atesorador

Translation Matrix for niggard:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
atesorador niggard; screw; skinflint miser; skin-flint
avaro haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; screw; short arms deep pockets; skinflint money-grubber; screw
cambalachero haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint cheapskate; horse-trader; shady trader; trafficker
codicioso niggard; screw; skinflint miser; skin-flint
embrollador haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint cheapskate; horse-trader; shady trader; trafficker
mercachifle haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint cheapskate; horse-trader; shady trader; trafficker
rascador haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint doodler; scraper; scraping-knife; scratcher; scrawler; scribbler; shave hook; slice; spatula
raspador haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint scraper; scraping-knife; scriber
regateador haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint cheapskate; horse-trader; shady trader; trafficker
roñica haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint
roñoso haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint
tacaño haggler; miser; money-grub; niggard; short arms deep pockets; skinflint claw; grab; tentacle
- churl; scrooge; skinflint
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avaro avaricious; catty; miserly; niggardly; querulous; stingy
codicioso avid; covetous; desirous; eager; eager for; eagre; grasping; greedy; keen; keen on; longing for; moneygrubbing; thirsty
roñoso churlish; dirty; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; scabby; smutty
tacaño look at the penny twice before spending; meager; meagre; puny; skinny; thin

Related Words for "niggard":

Synonyms for "niggard":

Related Definitions for "niggard":

  1. a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend1