
Detailed Translations for bungler from English to Spanish

bungler form of bungle:

Conjugations for bungle:

  1. bungle
  2. bungle
  3. bungles
  4. bungle
  5. bungle
  6. bungle
simple past
  1. bungled
  2. bungled
  3. bungled
  4. bungled
  5. bungled
  6. bungled
present perfect
  1. have bungled
  2. have bungled
  3. has bungled
  4. have bungled
  5. have bungled
  6. have bungled
past continuous
  1. was bungling
  2. were bungling
  3. was bungling
  4. were bungling
  5. were bungling
  6. were bungling
  1. shall bungle
  2. will bungle
  3. will bungle
  4. shall bungle
  5. will bungle
  6. will bungle
continuous present
  1. am bungling
  2. are bungling
  3. is bungling
  4. are bungling
  5. are bungling
  6. are bungling
  1. be bungled
  2. be bungled
  3. be bungled
  4. be bungled
  5. be bungled
  6. be bungled
  1. bungle!
  2. let's bungle!
  3. bungled
  4. bungling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

bungle [the ~] nomen

  1. the bungle (confused heap; mess; jumble; )
    el desorden; el caos
  2. the bungle (botch job; shoddy work; bungling; bungling work)
    el bricolaje; la porquería; el desastre; el chanchullos; el embadurnamiento; la obra mal hecha

Translation Matrix for bungle:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bricolaje botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work do it yourself work; doing odd jobs; fiddling; niggling; pottering; tinkering
caos bungle; bungling; confused heap; heap; jumble; mess; muddle caboodle; chaos; crisscross; debris; hash; hotchpotch; labyrinth; lumber; mayhem; maze; mess; muddle; omnium gatherum; rubbish; tangle; trash
chanchullos botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work articles; bungling; daubing; goods; items; mess up; messing; muddling; staining; stuff; things
desastre botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work accident; adversity; bad luck; bust-up; calamity; catastrophe; chicanery; collapse; crash; crisis; danger; destitution; disability; disaster; emergency situation; evil; fuss; handicap; harping on; hassle; joke; misery; misfortune; misère; moaning; nagging; physical defect; reverse; sagging; slump; smash; sorrow; squalor; state of emergency; tribulation; trouble; trouble making
desorden bungle; bungling; confused heap; heap; jumble; mess; muddle absence of order; caboodle; chaos; confusion; crisscross; daubing; debris; disarray; disorder; disorderliness; disturbance; hash; hotchpotch; interference; jumble; labyrinth; lumber; mayhem; maze; medley; mess; mishmash; mix-up; muddle; neglected mess; omnium gatherum; rubbish; staining; tangle; trash; trouble; welter
embadurnamiento botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work daubing; staining
obra mal hecha botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work
porquería botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work baloney; caboodle; carelessness; chaos; daubing; debris; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthy; filthyness; griminess; grubbiness; hash; humbug; inaccuracy; mayhem; mess; muck; muddle; neglected mess; obscenity; sloppiness; slovenliness; smut; staining; trumpery
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
actuar con torpeza botch; bungle flounder
atrapañar bungle; tinker
chapucear botch; bungle; mess; muck up cheat; clearly define; con; define; demarcate; fence; fence in; fence off; fiddle; fool about; fool around; fumble; make a mess; map out; mark out; mess; mess about; mess around; monkey; muck; muddle; muddle on; outline; slop; spill; swindle; tinker; trace out
desperdiciar bungle; tinker dissipate; lose; shed; squander; throw away; throw out; waste
echar a perder bungle; tinker corrupt; debase; deprave; forfeit; foul up; lose; mess up; muck up; pervert; ruin; throw away; throw out; upset
entretenerse botch; bungle
estropear bungle; tinker attack; blow; botch up; break; corrupt; crush; damage; dash; debase; deprave; destroy; erode; foul up; mess up; muck up; pervert; pulverise; pulverize; rub fine; ruin; ruin by neglect; run down; shatter; smash; spoil; throw in; upset
farfullar botch; bungle fool about; fool around; fumble; gabble; hang loosely; jabber; mess about; mess around; muddle; muddle on; mumble; speak thickly; splutter; talk drunk; tinker
frangollar bungle; mess; muck up cheat; clearly define; con; define; demarcate; dodge; fence; fence in; fence off; fool about; fool around; lie; map out; mark out; mess about; mess around; outline; swindle; trace out
gandulear bungle; mess; muck up go slow; idle; lie down on the job; lounge about; lounge around; malinger; sit around; slack
hacer cosas de casa por afición bungle; tinker do needlework; fiddle; mess around; potter; tinker
hacer mal botch; bungle aggrieve; be disadvantuous; bring evil upon; cause damage; cause disadvantage; cause injury; cause someone sorrow; cheat; clearly define; con; damage; defamate; define; demarcate; do harm; do wrong; do wrongly; dodge; fence; fence in; fence off; harm; harm somebody; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; infringe; injure; lie; map out; mark out; mess; mess about; misbehave; muddle; muddle on; offend; outline; slander; slop; spill; swindle; tinker; trace out; transgress; violate; wreak evil
haraganear bungle; mess; muck up idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around
holgazanear bungle; mess; muck up dawdle; go slow; idle; lie down on the job; linger; loaf; loiter; lounge about; lounge around; malinger; sit around; slack; tarry; waffle
malograr bungle; tinker backslide; cross; degenerate; destruct; devastate; eliminate; exhaust; foul up; go to seed; hinder; lay waste; liquidate; mess up; muck up; oppose; prevent; ruin; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset; wear out; work to death; wreck
- ball up; blow; bodge; bollix; bollix up; bollocks; bollocks up; botch; botch up; bumble; flub; fluff; fumble; muck up; muff; screw up; spoil
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
desastre a flop

Related Words for "bungle":

Synonyms for "bungle":

Related Definitions for "bungle":

  1. spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly1
    • I bungled it!1
  2. make a mess of, destroy or ruin1

Wiktionary Translations for bungle:

Cross Translation:
bungle chapucería; mamarrachada Murksumgangssprachlich: Arbeit mit schlechtem, fehlerhaftem oder unordentlichem Ergebnis
bungle arruinar; chapucear; chafallar gâcher — maçonnerie|fr délayer du plâtre, du mortier avec de l’eau.


bungler [the ~] nomen

  1. the bungler (fly-by-night)
    el chapucero; el manitas; el curandero; el matasanos; el charlatán
  2. the bungler (muddler; sad sack)
    el mamarracho; el mequetrefe; la persona torpe
  3. the bungler (muddler; sad sack)
    el chapucero
  4. the bungler (poor thing; poor devil; poor wretch)
    el pobrecito
  5. the bungler (muddler)
    el chapucero; el chapuzas
  6. the bungler (poor soul; wretch; duffer; )
    la pobrecita; el pobrecito; el desgraciado; el desdichado

Translation Matrix for bungler:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
chapucero botcher; bungler; fly-by-night; muddler; sad sack blockhead; blotter; broddler; cheapjack; dauber; dolt; duffer; floater; handyman; moron; odd-jobber; petty dealer; wastrel
chapuzas bungler; muddler bungling; daubing; dredging; fiddling; fight; fooling around; game of rough-and-tumble; hassle; mess up; messing; messing about; messing around; muddling; romp; romping; staining; tampering; thunder; thunder strokes
charlatán bungler; fly-by-night blabber; blabbermouth; boaster; braggart; charlatan; chatterbox; chattering fool; cheapjack; dawdler; driveller; gasbag; ginger-snap; gossip; laggard; loiterer; market vendor; medical genius; medical wizard; medicine man; milksop; petty dealer; quack; rattle; scald-head; slowcoach; slowpoke; snail; stick-in-the-mud; trifler; twaddler; waffler; windbag; witch doctor; yapper
curandero bungler; fly-by-night charlatan; cheapjack; gasbag; herb-doctor; herbalist; medical genius; medical wizard; medicine man; medicine-man; petty dealer; quack; windbag; witch doctor; witch-doctor
desdichado bungler; duffer; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; wretch
desgraciado bungler; duffer; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; wretch asshole; bastard; boor; child born out of wedlock; churl; clumsy fellow; creep; dolt; drip; hulk; ill-mannered brute; illegitimate child; louse; lout; monstrosity; nasty piece of work; ogre; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; prole; rotter; schlemiel; scoundrel; slob; swine; ugly fellow; unfortunate; villain; wet; wretch; wretched fellow
mamarracho bungler; muddler; sad sack
manitas bungler; fly-by-night cheapjack; petty dealer
matasanos bungler; fly-by-night charlatan; cheapjack; gasbag; medical genius; medical wizard; medicine man; petty dealer; quack; windbag; witch doctor
mequetrefe bungler; muddler; sad sack Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
persona torpe bungler; muddler; sad sack bastard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; slob; swine; yokel
pobrecita bungler; duffer; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; wretch unfortunate; wretch
pobrecito bungler; duffer; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; poor wretch; wretch bolt; clap of thunder; flash of lightning; poor fellow; poor wretch; streak; thunderbolt; unfortunate; wretch
- blunderer; botcher; bumbler; butcher; fuckup; fumbler; sad sack; stumbler
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
chapucero not tidy
desdichado disabled; disastrous; fatal; frugal; handicapped; unfortunate; wretched
desgraciado appalling; crying shame; crying to heaven; disabled; disastrous; disgraceful; disgusting; dismal; fatal; frugal; handicapped; inadequate; insufficient; outrageous; pitiful; pityful; plaintive; rank; regretful; sad; scandalous; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; unfortunate; unsatisfactory; woeful; wretched

Related Words for "bungler":

Synonyms for "bungler":

Related Definitions for "bungler":

  1. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence1

Wiktionary Translations for bungler:

Cross Translation:
bungler torpe kluns — een onhandig persoon
bungler chapucero Stümperabwertend: Person, die auf einem Gebiet, auf dem sie tätig ist, nur wenige oder gar keine Kenntnisse hat

External Machine Translations: