
Detailed Translations for accused from English to Spanish


accused [the ~] nomen

  1. the accused (suspect; defendant)
    el procesado; el acusado

accused adj

  1. accused (complained)

Translation Matrix for accused:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acusado accused; defendant; suspect
procesado accused; defendant; suspect
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acusado accused; complained debatable; disputable; imputable; open to question; questionable

Related Words for "accused":

Synonyms for "accused":

Related Definitions for "accused":

  1. a defendant in a criminal proceeding1

Wiktionary Translations for accused:

  1. defendant

Cross Translation:
accused acusado beklaagde — iemand die voor de rechter van iets beschuldigd wordt
accused acusado aangeklaagde — iemand tegen wie een aanklacht is ingediend
accused procesado; imputado; acusado Angeklagterdeutsches Recht: eine Person, gegen die die Eröffnung des Hauptverfahrens beschlossen ist (§ 157 StPO)


Conjugations for accuse:

  1. accuse
  2. accuse
  3. accuses
  4. accuse
  5. accuse
  6. accuse
simple past
  1. accused
  2. accused
  3. accused
  4. accused
  5. accused
  6. accused
present perfect
  1. have accused
  2. have accused
  3. has accused
  4. have accused
  5. have accused
  6. have accused
past continuous
  1. was accusing
  2. were accusing
  3. was accusing
  4. were accusing
  5. were accusing
  6. were accusing
  1. shall accuse
  2. will accuse
  3. will accuse
  4. shall accuse
  5. will accuse
  6. will accuse
continuous present
  1. am accusing
  2. are accusing
  3. is accusing
  4. are accusing
  5. are accusing
  6. are accusing
  1. be accused
  2. be accused
  3. be accused
  4. be accused
  5. be accused
  6. be accused
  1. accuse!
  2. let's accuse!
  3. accused
  4. accusing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for accuse:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
amanecer aurora; bowl; cup; dawn; daybreak; early morning; early morning hours; peep of day
clarear lighting up
eliminar clearing away; doing s.o. in; killing
enjugar paying off; payment; settlement
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acusar accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate charge; over-act
adivinar accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate advise; anticipate; conjecture; consider; divine the future; estimate; expect; forecast; foretell; guess; look forward; look forward to; postulate; predict; presume; presuppose; soothsay; speculate; suggest; suppose; surmise; tell fortunes; tell in advance; think over
amanecer accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach beam; blame; border; break; call upon; cheat; chirp; clearly define; con; dawn; define; demarcate; dun; edge; exhort; fence; fence in; fence off; flare; flicker; get a lighter shade of colour; give off light; glimmer; gull; hold it against s.o.; light; light up; lighten; lighten up; map out; mark out; move house; outline; radiate; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent; shimmer; shine; shine up; sparkle; spoof; summon; swindle; trace out; trick; twinkle; vibrate
amonestar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach admonish; blame; castigate; decry; denounce; exhort; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; reprove; resent; scarify; warn
arrebatar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach assault; blame; force; hold it against s.o.; move house; nick; pilfer; pinch; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent; shake off; snitch; steal; swipe; use force; wrest from
barruntar accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate conjecture; estimate; guess; postulate; presume; presuppose; speculate; suppose; surmise
borrar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach annul; blot out; clear; delete; disqualify; eliminate; erase; expel; fade away; melt; nullify; preclude; rescind; rub out; rule out; run; sweep away; tarnish; undo; wipe; wipe out; write off; write out
clarear accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach beam; cheat; clearly define; con; define; demarcate; fence; fence in; fence off; flare; flicker; get a lighter shade of colour; give off light; light; light up; lighten; lighten up; map out; mark out; outline; radiate; shimmer; shine; sparkle; swindle; trace out; twinkle; vibrate
condenar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach adjudicate; castigate; condemn; convict; curse; damn; decry; denounce; judge; sentence; try
conjeturar accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate advise; conjecture; consider; estimate; guess; postulate; presume; presuppose; speculate; suggest; suppose; surmise; think over
culpar accuse; blame; charge; charge with; denounce; discredit; hold against; imputate; incriminate; insinuate; rebuke; reprimand; reproach charge; over-act
eliminar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach annul; cancel; delete; demolish; disband; dismantle; disqualify; eliminate; expel; liquidate; nullify; rescind; strike out; undo; write off
enjugar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach dry; dry off; rinse; wash
hacer ver accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach
iluminarse accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach beam; brighten; clarify; clear up; enlighten; flare; flicker; give off light; radiate; shimmer; shine; sparkle; twinkle; vibrate
inculpar accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate charge; over-act
librarse de accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach cast off; shake off
notar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach attend; become aware of; behold; blame; chide; look at; notice; observe; perceive; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; see; see in; signal; spectate; view; watch; witness
reconvenir accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach admonish; blame; castigate; decry; denounce; exhort; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; scarify; warn
reprender accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach admonish; blame; blow a person up; castigate; censure; criticise; criticize; decry; denounce; dress down; exhort; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; scarify; scold; tell off; warn; wig
sacar accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach absorb; bail out; bale out; bring out; cheat; collect; draw up; excerpt; extract; fool; gain; get undone; go short; learn; play up; play up in a cardgame; pop; pull out; receive; show; strike up; take out; tap; trick; undo; unpick; untie
sospechar accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate postulate; presume; presuppose; suppose; surmise
- charge; criminate; impeach; incriminate

Related Words for "accuse":

Synonyms for "accuse":

Related Definitions for "accuse":

  1. bring an accusation against; level a charge against1
    • The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse1
  2. blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against1

Wiktionary Translations for accuse:

  1. attribute blame to someone

Cross Translation:
accuse acusar; acriminar beschuldigen — iemand de schuld geven van iets
accuse acusar; delatar; denunciar; acriminar; inculpar accuserdéférer à la justice quelqu’un comme coupable d’un délit, d’un crime.