
Detailed Translations for fellows from English to Spanish


fellows [the ~] nomen

  1. the fellows (chaps; guys; blokes)
    la jóvenes

Translation Matrix for fellows:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
jóvenes blokes; chaps; fellows; guys youngsters; youth; youths

Related Words for "fellows":


fellow [the ~] nomen

  1. the fellow (colleague)
    el colega
  2. the fellow (bloke; man; gent; )
    el caballero; el señor; el hombre; el chico; el compañero; el macho; el tío; el chaval; el amo; el joven; el hombrecillo; el tipo; el hombrecito; el fulano
  3. the fellow (pal; friend; buddy; )
    el amigo; el compadre; el compañero; el camarada; el amiguito; la compañera; el socio; la amiga
  4. the fellow (friend; companion; business associate; )
    el compañero; el amigo
  5. the fellow (companion; mate)
    el compañero; el acompañante
  6. the fellow (bloke; chap; man; lad)
    el chaval; el hombre; el tío; el fulano; el tipo; el joven
  7. the fellow (guy; chap; lad)
    el chaval; el tío; el tipo
  8. the fellow (guy; bloke; chap)
    el caballero; el señor; el chico; el hombre; el soberano
  9. the fellow (buster; dude)
    – an informal form of address for a man 1
    el tipo; el tío

Translation Matrix for fellow:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acompañante companion; fellow; mate buddy; companion; follower; guide; hanger-on; mate
amiga buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal acquaintance; companion; female partner; partner
amigo buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; companion; confidante; female partner; friend; mate; pal; partner
amiguito buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; companion; confidante; female partner; friend; matie; matties herring; pal; partner; young herring
amo bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; man; mister; type squire
caballero bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; guy; man; mister; type Jonkheer; gent; horseman; horsewoman; king; knight; lord; master; mister; nobleman; officer; rider; ruler; squire; staff member; young man
camarada buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; companion; confidante; female partner; mate; partner
chaval bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; guy; lad; man; mister; type baby boy
chico bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; guy; man; mister; type baby; baby boy; child; guy; infant; kid; kiddy; lad; lass; little boy; little chap; little child; little girl; little kid; male; naughty boy; nipper; rascal; scamp; small child; small one; sonny; tike; tiny tot; toddler; tot; tyke; youth
colega colleague; fellow best friend; bosom friend; buddy; clerk; close friend; colleague; companion; confidante; employee; fellow worker; female partner; hand; laborer; labourer; learned friend; manpower; mate; member of staff; partner; staff member; worker
compadre buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal buddy; companion; female partner; mate; partner
compañera buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal buddy; companion; consort; fellow student; female partner; husband; life companion; life partner; mate; mistress; partner; spouse; wife
compañero bloke; buddy; business associate; chap; chum; companion; comrade; cove; fellow; friend; gent; man; mate; mister; pal; partner; type best friend; bosom friend; buddy; chum; close friend; colleague; companion; confidante; consort; female partner; friend; learned friend; life companion; life partner; mate; matie; matties herring; member of the firm; pal; pall; partner; spouse; young herring
fulano bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; lad; man; mister; type
hombre bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; guy; lad; man; mister; type being; gent; human; human being; individual; king; lord; male; man; master; mister; mortal; person; ruler
hombrecillo bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; man; mister; type baby boy; lad; little boy; little chap
hombrecito bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; man; mister; type baby boy; lad; little boy; little chap; male
joven bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; lad; man; mister; type adolescent; boy; cub; lad; minor; pup; puppy; whippersnapper; young man; young person; youngster; youth
macho bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; man; mister; type macho
señor bloke; chap; cove; fellow; gent; guy; man; mister; type Mr.; Sir; gent; king; lord; master; mister; ruler; sir; squire
soberano bloke; chap; fellow; guy Jonkheer; absolute monarch; absolute sovereign; authorities; establishment; gent; governor; king; lord; master; mister; monarch; nobleman; power; ruler; squire; usurper; viceroy; young man
socio buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal alley; buddy; business partner; cock; company member; dick; mate; member; member of the congregation; member of the firm; partner; penis; prick; rod; sod; trading partner; willie
tipo bloke; buster; chap; cove; dude; fellow; gent; guy; lad; man; mister; type announcement; bird; build; category; character; class; creation; creature; dandy; declaration; disclosure; figure; fop; genre; gentleman; human; human being; individual; kind; lone wolf; loner; man; person; posture; poultry; print letter; proclamation; publication; shape; size; sort; stature; style; type
tío bloke; buster; chap; cove; dude; fellow; gent; guy; lad; man; mister; type character; cock; dick; individual; male; man; penis; prick; rod; sod; uncle; willie
- associate; beau; blighter; bloke; boyfriend; chap; colleague; companion; comrade; confrere; cuss; familiar; fella; feller; gent; lad; mate; swain; young man
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
joven junior
- bloke; chap; guy
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acompañante accompanying; attendant
amigo friendly
chico diminutive; inadequate; inferior; little; low-grade; middling; minuscule; short; shortish; small; tiny; undersized
joven gawky; lanky; loutish; young; youngish; youthful
soberano aristocratic; considerable; dignified; distinguished; eminent; glorious; grand; kinglike; princely; prominent; regal; royal; sovereign; stately

Related Words for "fellow":

Synonyms for "fellow":

Related Definitions for "fellow":

  1. a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman1
  2. a boy or man1
    • there's a fellow at the door1
  3. a person who is member of one's class or profession1
    • he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers1
  4. a friend who is frequently in the company of another1
  5. an informal form of address for a man1
    • Say, fellow, what are you doing?1
  6. a member of a learned society1
    • he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association1
  7. one of a pair1
    • one eye was blue but its fellow was brown1

Wiktionary Translations for fellow:

Cross Translation:
fellow varón; macho; hombre manspersoon — een persoon van het mannelijk geslacht, man
fellow tío; huevón; man; cuate Kerl — eine männliche Person (Dieser Begriff kann sowohl eine positive als auch eine negative Konnotation tragen je nach Eigenschaft der Männlichkeit, die angesprochen wird.)
fellow tío Mackernorddeutsch: Kamerad, der gleichzeitig Chef ist, so der Kapitän und Schiffseigner zum Beispiel auf einem Fischkutter, auch allgemeiner: jemand, der eine Chefposition inne hat
fellow tío Mackerumgangssprachlich, abwertend: Mann; oftmals jemand, der mindestens etwas fremd ist und mit dem Beiklang Chauvi, Macho
fellow camarada; compañero camarade — Celui ou celle qui, en partager les occupations, la vie d’une ou de plusieurs personnes, contracter avec elles une sorte d’amitié et une communauté d’intérêts.
fellow individuo individu — didact|fr entité autonome qui ne peut être ni partager ni diviser sans perdre les caractéristiques qui lui sont propres.
fellow tío; tipo; chaval; güey; wey mec — individu masculin
fellow hombre; varón; macho mâlehomme dans l’espèce humaine.

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