
Detailed Translations for honestly from English to Spanish


Translation Matrix for honestly:

AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aboveboard; candidly; frankly

Related Words for "honestly":

Synonyms for "honestly":

Antonyms for "honestly":

  • dishonestly

Related Definitions for "honestly":

  1. in an honest manner1
    • in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it1
  2. (used as intensives reflecting the speaker's attitude) it is sincerely the case that1
    • honestly, I don't believe it1

Wiktionary Translations for honestly:

  1. in an honest manner

honestly form of honest:

honest adj

  1. honest (honourable; righteous; sincere; )
  2. honest (upright; sincere; true; )
  3. honest (fair)
  4. honest (good; well-behaved)
  5. honest (frank; sincere; straight; )
  6. honest (outspoken; straight; frank; straightforward)
  7. honest (straight)
  8. honest (decent; virtuous; reputable; )
  9. honest (straight; direct; frontal)

Translation Matrix for honest:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
claro brightness; clearness; lucidity; luminosity
ejemplar copy; example; model; sample; specimen
fiel pious person; religious person
franco franc
honesto honest person; righteous person; sincere person
honrado honest person; righteous person; sincere person
justo honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
recto anus; rectum
virtuoso virtuoso
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abierto fair; frank; honest; open; outspoken; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward accessible; amenable; approachable; blunt; burst open; candid; courteous; courtly; crude; explicit; frank; frankly; liberal; not closed; open; open-minded; opened; opened up; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; polite; public; square; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; unconcealed; unlocked; unprejudiced
real fair; honest actual; actually; aristocratic; as a matter of fact; considerable; dignified; distinguished; eminent; glorious; grand; imperial; in fact; kinglike; princely; prominent; real; realistic; really; regal; royal; stately; true
- dependable; fair; good; honorable; honourable; reliable; true
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
justo quite right
real real
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- fair; honorable; honourable; straightforward; upright
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abiertamente fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward blunt; bluntly; clean; contemplative; courteous; courtly; crude; explicit; frank; not closed; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; polite; readily; square; straight; straightforward
amable good; honest; well-behaved a kind manner; affable; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; appealing; assistent; attentive; attractive; benevolent; benign; bland; calm; calmly; charming; cherished; collected; comfortable; complaisant; composed; conciliatory; congenial; cooperative; cordial; cosy; cozy; cute; dear; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entrancing; exclusive; favorite; favourite; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; hearty; helpful; kind; kindly; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; nice; obliging; peaceful; placid; pleasant; pleasing; preferential; pretty; private; quiet; quietly; restful; select; selected; serene; silent; still; sweet; sympathetic; taking; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
auténtico fair; honest authentic; contemplative; effectively; genuine; in fact; in truth; indeed; original; pure; real; really; straight; sure; sure enough; true; truly; unadulterated; verily; veritable
bien educado clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; dignified; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; responsive; well bred; well educated; well raised; well-educated; well-mannered
bueno good; honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright; well-behaved accurate; agreeable; all right; alright; amiable; appetising; appetizing; at present; attractive; benevolent; charming; correct; delicious; divine; enchanting; enjoyable; entrancing; fine; friendly; good-natured; gorgeous; heavenly; in this moment; indeed; kind; lovely; mild; nice; now; nowadays; palatable; pleasant; precise; presently; pretty; right; scrumptious; subtle; sweet; tasty; that's it; well; well mannered; yummy
claramente fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward blunt; bluntly; clean; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; readily; square; straight; straightforward
claro fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward absolute; actual; acute; apparently; as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; biting; blank; blunt; bright; clarifying; clean; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; clever; cloudless; comprehended; comprehensible; cooked; crude; directly; discernible; distinct; done; downright; evident; explicit; fathomed; flagrant; frank; genuine; graphic; identifiable; in truth; indeed; intelligible; it's true; keen; light; luminous; manifest; naturally; not dark; obvious; obviously; of course; off colour; openly; outspoken; overt; pale; plain; pure; real; really; recognisable; recognizable; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; square; straight; straightforward; to be sure; transparent; truly; unadulterated; unambiguous; unburdened; unclouded; understandable; understood; unequivocal; unfinished; unmistakable; unmixed; unvarnished; washed out; without doubt
con franqueza fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward blunt; crude; explicit; frank; freely; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward
con sinceridad fair; honest genuine; heartfelt; sincere; upright
correctamente clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy aesthetic; classical; classy; elegant; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; in good style; in good taste; smart; sophisticated; stylish; tasteful
correcto clean; decent; fair; frank; honest; open; reputable; respectable; sincere; true; upright; virtuous; worthy accurate; aesthetic; after tax; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; classical; classy; correct; courteous; dignified; elegant; esthetic; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; impeccable; in good style; in good taste; neat; net; nett; perfect; precise; proper; properly; pure; reputable; respectable; right; smart; sophisticated; sporting; straight; stylish; tasteful; tidy; unadulterated; unmixed; well aware of; well-mannered
de veras fair; honest actual; actually; as a matter of fact; effectively; in fact; indeed; real; really; sure; sure enough; true; veritable
de verdad fair; honest actual; blatant; downright; effectively; genuine; in fact; in truth; indeed; it's true; plain; real; really; sheer; sure; sure enough; to be sure; true; truly; verily; veritable
decente clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy agreeable; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; fair; faultless; fine; fitting; genial; good-natured; great; honorable; honourable; impeccable; impressive; neat; perfect; pleasant; pristine; proper; properly; pure; reasonable; reputable; respectable; right; sporting; tidy; tolerable; virginal; well-mannered
digno clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy ceremonious; civil; decent; dignified; distinguished; full-fledged; high ranking; highranking; honorable; honourable; illustrious; neat; noteworthy; renowned; respectable; solemn; stately; up to par; up to the mark; weighty; worthy
directo fair; honest at once; businesslike; clear; cool; direct; directly; immediate; immediately; instantly; now; perpendicular; promptly; right away; right now; straight; straight away
docil good; honest; well-behaved docile; meek; obedient; submissive
educado clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy a kind manner; chivalrous; civil; cooperative; courteous; dignified; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well-mannered
ejemplar good; honest; well-behaved exemplary; model
fiable fair; honest dependable; reliable
fiel fair; honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright expressive; faithful; loyal; realistic; realistically; true; true-to-nature; truthful
francamente direct; fair; frank; frontal; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward absolute; blatant; blunt; bluntly; clean; crude; downright; explicit; frank; freely; mean; open; openly; outspoken; overt; pedestrian; plain; pure; quite common; readily; sheer; square; straight; straightforward; vile
franco fair; frank; honest; open; outspoken; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward bare; candid; carriage paid; for free; frank; free; free of charge; freight paid; genuine; gratis; gratuitous; heartfelt; liberal; open; open-minded; outspoken; prepaid; sincere; straight ahead; straight on; uncovered; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; unobstructed; unprejudiced; upright
genuino fair; honest maidenly; pure; straight; true; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; veritable; virginal
honesto clean; decent; fair; frank; honest; honorable; honourable; just; open; reputable; respectable; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true; true-hearted; upright; virtuous; worthy agreeable; becoming; chaste; civil; clean; decent; durable; every inch; fair; fine; genial; genuine; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honorable; honourable; in heart and soul; incorruptible; neat; pleasant; proper; reliable; respectable; right; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; substantial; undiscussed; upright; well mannered
honrado clean; decent; fair; frank; honest; honorable; honourable; just; open; reputable; respectable; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true; true-hearted; upright; virtuous; worthy civil; contemplative; decent; fair; faithful; honorable; honourable; loyal; neat; respectable; right; sporting
incondicional frank; honest; outspoken; straight; straightforward absolute; absolutely; awfully; certain; certainly; completely; definitely; final; fully; indisputable; outright; positive; sure; terribly; totally; unconditional; undoubted; utter; utterly
ingenuo fair; honest believing; candid; credulous; frank; genuine; gullible; heartfelt; liberal; naive; natural; naïve; open minded; open-minded; outspoken; simple; sincere; trustful; trusting; unprejudiced; unworldly; upright; wide-eyed
justo fair; honest accurate; becoming; befitting; clean; contemplative; correct; correctly; exact; fair; firm; fitting; just; justified; justly; lawful; legitimate; measured; moderate; precise; proper; reasonable; reasoned; right; rightful; sporting; standing-on; staunch; stiff; warranted; well-founded
leal fair; honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright assiduous; committed; dedicated; devoted; diligent; faithful; loyal; zeal
lealmente fair; honest
modélico good; honest; well-behaved exemplary; model
no salado fair; honest
obediente fair; good; honest; well-behaved accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; domesticated; flexible

Related Words for "honest":

Synonyms for "honest":

Antonyms for "honest":

Related Definitions for "honest":

  1. gained or earned without cheating or stealing1
    • an honest wage1
  2. not forged1
  3. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent1
    • honest lawyers1
    • honest reporting1
  4. marked by truth1
    • gave honest answers1
    • honest reporting1
  5. without pretensions1
    • worked at an honest trade1
    • good honest food1
  6. without dissimulation; frank1
    • my honest opinion1
  7. worthy of being depended on1
    • an honest working stiff1

Wiktionary Translations for honest:

  1. scrupulous with regard to telling the truth

Cross Translation:
honest sincero; honrado eerlijk — vrij van leugen en bedrog
honest franco; acendrado; sincero aufrichtigehrlich, einfühlsam sein
honest bueno brav — ehrlich, rechtschaffen, verlässlich, aufrichtig
honest probo; honesto ehrlich — nie/nicht lügend; anständig, fair seiend
honest serio ernsthaftaufrichtig, tatsächlich
honest bravo; leal; animoso bravecourageux ; vaillant
honest leal; honrado honnête — Qui est conforme à la vertu, à la probité, à l’honneur.
honest osado; valiente; bravo; leal; animoso vaillant — Qui a de la vaillance, qui est courageux.