
Detailed Translations for hubble-bubble from English to Spanish


hubble-bubble [the ~] nomen

  1. the hubble-bubble (argy-bargy; fuss; stir; commotion; squabbling)
    el peso; el rollo; el lío; la carga; la molestia; la quejas; el jaleo; el alboroto; la dificultad; la discusión; la riña; la contienda; la problemas; el enredo; la agitación; el peleas; el estorbo; el follón; el trajín; la conmoción; la imputación; la dificultades; el líos; el tropiezo; el cargamento; la matraca; el disturbios; la trifulca; el tiquismiquis; el lamentos; la riñas; el tumulto; la pelotera; la complicaciones; el disgustos; la machaconería; el dimes y dirés; el dimes y diretes

Translation Matrix for hubble-bubble:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
agitación argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir ado; agitation; arousal; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; flow; fuss; highly strung; hubbub; hullabaloo; hurrying; hustle; hustle and bustle; incitement to; influx; instigation to; jittery; nervousness; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; rush; sea; sensation; shake up; song and dance; spin; spinning dive; squash; stampede; stress; swell; swinging; to-do; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; turmoil; unrest; upheaval
alboroto argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir bedlam; cabal; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; flow; fuss; howling; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; influx; interference; movement; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; roaring; row; rumor; rumour; rumpus; rush; sea; sensation; shake up; sound; squash; stampede; swell; swinging; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; upheaval; uproar; yelling
carga argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir baggage; burden; cargo; cartload; embarkation; enshipment; entraining; freight; haul; load; loading; luggage; pack; payload; shipment; upload; weight
cargamento argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir cargo; cartload; charges; embarkation; freight; haul; load; loading; shipment; weight
complicaciones argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chicanery; difficulty; fuss; hassle; trouble making
conmoción argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir ado; agitation; alluvion; beating of the waves; commotion; compassion; disorder; disturbance; emotion; feeling; fisticuffs; fuss; interference; irritability; irritation; pandemonium; pique; rebellion; revolt; riot; song and dance; to-do; turbulence; unrest; wash
contienda argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir battle; war
dificultad argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir difficulty; hitch; laboriousness; problematical case; task; worry
dificultades argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; defects; deficiencies; difficulty; disaster; discomforts; faults; hitches; misery; problems; troubles; vexation
dimes y diretes argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; quarreling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
dimes y dirés argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chicane; fuss
discusión argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; argument; association; battle of words; bickering; change of mind; chat; conversation; debate; debating society; disagreement; discussing; discussion; disputation; dispute; exchange of ideas; exchange of opinions; exchange of thoughts; exchange of views; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; quarrel; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; reaction to; romp; romping; scolding; society; squabble; squabbling; sustenance; talk; talking; talking about; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrangling
disgustos argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; chagrin; difficulty; ghastliness; horridness; nastyness; parsimony; vexation
disturbios argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chaos; commotion; confusion; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; interference; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; pandemonium; problems; rebellion; revolt; riot; riots; tangle; trouble; troubles; welter
enredo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir absence of order; chaos; confusion; conniving; crisscross; disarray; disorder; entanglement; interlocking; intrige; intrigue; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; plot; scheming; tangle; trapping; trouble; wangling; welter
estorbo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir barrier; chicanery; difficulty; fuss; hassle; hindrance; hotchpotch; impediment; inconvenience; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; trouble making; weight
follón argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir bustle; commotion; din; fight; fuss; game of rough-and-tumble; harping on; hubbub; moaning; nagging; romp; romping; trouble; whining
imputación argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir accusation; allegation; cargo; freight; hotchpotch; imputation; insinuation; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; shipment
jaleo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir bustle; difficulty; flow; fuss; hindrance; hustle; hustle and bustle; impediment; inconvenience; influx; load; messy performance; moaning; nagging; noise; nuisance; rush; sound; squash; stampede; trouble; weight; whining; worry
lamentos argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making
lío argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir ado; affair; beastliness; bother; bundle; bustle; commotion; complication; din; distress; entanglement; flirt; fuss; fuzz; hubbub; hustle; hustle and bustle; huzza; interlocking; intrige; mess; petting-party; plot; problem; rumpus; to-do; trouble
líos argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; beastliness; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; difficulty; disaster; discomforts; distress; misery; problems; trouble; troubles; vexation
machaconería argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir moaning; nagging; trouble; whining; worry
matraca argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir moaning; nagging; trouble; whining
molestia argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir ailment; block; bother; chicanery; complaint; daily pursuit; daily worry; difficulty; discomfort; discontent; discord; disease; disorder; dissatisfaction; fight; fuss; game of rough-and-tumble; hassle; hindrance; hotchpotch; impediment; inconvenience; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; romp; romping; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble; trouble making; unpleasantness; weight
peleas argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; brawls; combats; fights; quarreling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
pelotera argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
peso argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir balance; cargo; chicanery; compulsion; freight; fuss; hassle; haul; hotchpotch; jumble; load; loading; medley; mishmash; pressure; scales; shell; shipment; steelyard; trouble making; weigh-beam; weigh-house; weighhouse; weighing machine; weighing-house; weight; wrapper
problemas argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir adventures; annoyance; chagrin; chicanery; defects; deficiencies; difficulty; discomfort; discomforts; drudgery; faults; fight; flaws; fuss; game of rough-and-tumble; harping on; hassle; hitches; hotchpotch; jumble; medley; miseries; misery; misfortune; mishmash; moaning; nagging; perils; problems; romp; romping; shortcomings; sorrow; squalor; toiling; trouble; trouble making; troubles; troubling; vexation; worry; worrying
quejas argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir beefing; bleating; chicanery; complaining; complaint; fuss; grouching; grousing; growling; grumbling; hassle; lamentation; making complaints; snarling; trouble making
riña argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; brawl; bustle; chicanery; commotion; din; free-for-all; fuss; hassle; hubbub; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; trouble making; wrangling
riñas argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
rollo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; misery; misfortune; mix-up; moaning; muddle; nagging; role; role in theatre or movie; roll; sorrow; squalor; tangle; trouble; welter; whining
tiquismiquis argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; chicane; fuss; hairsplitting; niggling; nitpicking; pettifoggery; quarreling; quarrelling; quibble; quibbling; quibbling over words; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
trajín argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chicane; dragging; drudgery; flow; fuss; pressure of activities; rush; toil; toiling; worry
trifulca argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot
tropiezo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir blundering; hitch; slipping; stumbling
tumulto argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir cabal; chaos; clamor; clamour; commotion; confusion; din; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; fuss; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; interference; maze; mess; mix-up; movement; muddle; noise; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; row; rumor; rumour; rumpus; sound; tangle; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; welter
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
peso weight

Synonyms for "hubble-bubble":

  • hookah; narghile; nargileh; sheesha; shisha; chicha; calean; kalian; water pipe; hubbly-bubbly; pipe; tobacco pipe

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