English to Spanish: more detail...
just right:
The word just right exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "just right":
to a T; to the letter; to perfection
Synonyms for "just right":
Detailed Translations for just right from English to Spanish
just right: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- just: justamente; hace poco tiempo; solamente; sólo; únicamente; no más que; precisamente; exacto; bueno; sincero; fiel; recto; honrado; leal; honesto; recien; recientemente; justo; simplemente; en breve; en suma; lisa y llanamente; en una palabra; para ser breve; en resumidas cuentas; apenas; rozando; por poco; sólamente
- right: bueno; bien; acertado; exacto; exactamente; justamente; conveniente; razón; derecho; justicia; derecha; diestro; a la derecha; egual; precisamente; calculador; conforme; de acuerdo; recién; justo; sincero; correcto; honrado; honesto; decente; equitativo; adecuado; apropiado; aplicable
just right:
Translation Matrix for just right:
Adverb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | to a T; to perfection; to the letter | |
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | just enough |
Synonyms for "just right":
Related Definitions for "just right":
External Machine Translations: