
Detailed Translations for lumpen from English to Spanish


Translation Matrix for lumpen:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- lumpish; unthinking

Synonyms for "lumpen":

Related Definitions for "lumpen":

  1. mentally sluggish1


lump [the ~] nomen

  1. the lump (swelling; curving; bruise; rounding; swollen spot)
    el hinchamiento; la hinchazón
  2. the lump (swelling; swollen spot)
    el bulto; el bollo; la hinchazón; el punto hinchado
  3. the lump (clot)
    el mastuerzo; el chanclo; el grumo; el pedazo; el pedazón; el golpe; el zueco; el terrón; el terrones; el borrones; la galocha; la mancha; el toque; el borrón; la limanda; el trozón
  4. the lump (swelling; hump)
    la roncha; el bulto
  5. the lump (little lump; little bit; piece)
    el trocito; la pieza; la parte; el trozo; el documento; el fragmento
  6. the lump (bruise; swelling; bump)
    la herida; la lesión

Translation Matrix for lump:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bollo lump; swelling; swollen spot ball; ball of wool; block; blow; brain; brain-pan; bread roll; dent; growth; knob; roll; tumor; tumour
borrones clot; lump blobs; spatters
borrón clot; lump blob; clot; dab; dollop; draft; inkblot; rough book; rough draft; rough work; rough-copy book; slush
bulto hump; lump; swelling; swollen spot backpack; bale; bruise; bulging; bump; contusion; growth; hump; knapsack; knob; rucksack; slice; tumor; tumour
chanclo clot; lump clog; dab; dollop; galosh; wooden shoe
documento little bit; little lump; lump; piece brevet; certificate; certificate of qualification; charter; declaration; diploma; document; documented; essay; handout; lecture; licence; license; manuscript; message; paper; script; scripture; text; wording; writing
fragmento little bit; little lump; lump; piece chunk; flotsam and jetsam; fragment; part; piece; piece of wreckage; portion; section; segment; shard; splinter; wreckage
galocha clot; lump dab; dollop
golpe clot; lump bang; battle; blast; blow; boom; bump; clout; colossus; crack; crash; dab; dollop; hook; jab; kink; knock; monster; nonsense; nudge; punch; rubbish; shake; slap; smack; small slap; strapper; tattle; thud; thump; wallop; war; whopper
grumo clot; lump chunk; dab; dollop; head of lettuce
herida bruise; bump; lump; swelling hurt; hurting; injury; trauma; wound
hinchamiento bruise; curving; lump; rounding; swelling; swollen spot
hinchazón bruise; curving; lump; rounding; swelling; swollen spot arising; bombast; bruise; contusion; distension; emerging; empty rhetoric; expanding; growing; increasing; knob; puffiness; ranting; rising; swelling; swollen spot; thickening; tumidity
lesión bruise; bump; lump; swelling injury; trauma
limanda clot; lump dab; dollop
mancha clot; lump bang; blame; blob; blot; blow; clot; dab; dirt-mark; dollop; fault; hamlet; mop; reproach; slap; slush; spatter; speck; splash; spot; stain; swab
mastuerzo clot; lump bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine
parte little bit; little lump; lump; piece board; branch; brigade; chunk; department; detachment; division; dose; limb; noise level; part; part of the body; piece; portion; quantity; section; segment; share; small part; sound intensity; sound level; sound volume; volume; ward
pedazo clot; lump bite; board; bruise; chunk; contusion; dab; dollop; fragment; morsel; mouthful; part; piece; portion; section; segment; shard; share; splinter
pedazón clot; lump bastard; boor; brute; churl; clumsy fellow; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine
pieza little bit; little lump; lump; piece board; branch; brigade; checker; chunk; department; detachment; division; gaming piece; limb; part; part of the body; piece; portion; section; segment; share; ward
punto hinchado lump; swelling; swollen spot
roncha hump; lump; swelling bruise; contusion
terrones clot; lump
terrón clot; lump bunch; chunk; crowd; dab; dollop; heap; hunk; lot; piece; pile
toque clot; lump bang; blow; brushstroke; dab; dollop; slap; stroke of the brush; touch
trocito little bit; little lump; lump; piece fragment; hint; little bit; particle; piece; section; semblance; small trace; trace
trozo little bit; little lump; lump; piece bite; board; chunk; loaf; morsel; mouthful; part; piece; portion; section; segment; share
trozón clot; lump bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine
zueco clot; lump clog; dab; dollop; wooden shoe
- ball; chunk; clod; clump; gawk; glob; goon; hunk; lout; lubber; lummox; oaf; puffiness; stumblebum; swelling
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- chunk; collocate
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- chunk
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
mastuerzo abstemious; arrogant; awkward; boorish; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; ill-bred; impudent; insolent; not very good; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; unmannerly; wooden

Related Words for "lump":

Synonyms for "lump":

Related Definitions for "lump":

  1. a compact mass1
  2. a large piece of something without definite shape1
    • a lump of coal1
  3. an awkward stupid person1
  4. an abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement1
  5. group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side1
  6. put together indiscriminately1
    • lump together all the applicants1

Wiktionary Translations for lump:

  1. -
  2. group, set, or unit
  3. A small, shaped mass of sugar
  4. something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group

Cross Translation:
lump montón; pila; cúmulo; acervo massa — grote hoeveelheid
lump masa; bloque blocmasse, gros morceau d’une matière pesante et dure, telle que la pierre, le marbre, le fer non encore travailler.
lump giba; joroba; córcova; tuberosidad; tubérculo bosseenflure, tumeur sur une région osseuse, causer par un choc ou une contusion.
lump acné; grano bouton — Petite tumeur se formant sur la peau
lump hinchazón enflure — État de ce qui est enflé (1)
lump grumo grumeau — Petite portion durcir ou cailler de sang, de lait ou de tout autre matière liquide.
lump masa; acervo; montón; cúmulo; pila masseamas de plusieurs parties qui faire corps ensemble.
lump pedazo; trozo; pieza; parte morceauportion séparée d’une chose solide qui peut être manger.
lump obra; parche; acta; certificado; acto; trozo; parte piècepartie, portion, morceau d’un tout.
lump tuberosidad; tubérculo protubérance — didactique|fr éminence, saillie.

External Machine Translations: