English to Spanish: more detail...
The word old-hat exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "old-hat":
banal; commonplace; hackneyed; shopworn; stock; threadbare; timeworn; tired; trite; well-worn; unoriginal
antique; demode; ex; old-fashioned; outmoded; passe; passee; unfashionable; unstylish
Synonyms for "old-hat":
Detailed Translations for old-hat from English to Spanish
old-hat: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- old: antiguo; anticuado; viejísimo; antiquísimo; chapado a la antigua; a la antigua; clásico; viejo; sénior; anciano; de edad avanzada
- HAT: HAT; herramienta Seguimiento de estado y actividad
- hat: sombrero; cubierta; cúpula; capilla; boina; marquesina; capucha; capota; cobertizo; domo; recubrimiento; montera; redecilla; cofia; dombo; bonete; gofia; quepis; birreta; birrete; cimborio; pañuelo de cabeza; gorro; gorra; sombrerito; sombrero pequeño
Translation Matrix for old-hat:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | antique; demode; ex; old-fashioned; outmoded; passe; passee |