
Detailed Translations for passed from English to Spanish


passed adj

  1. passed (over)
    encima; sobre; por

Translation Matrix for passed:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sobre binding; book cover; couvert; cover; envelope; wrapper
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sobre envelope
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
encima over; passed above all; besides; closed; dense; especially; further; furthermore; moreover; over; shut; what's more
por over; passed about; against; approximately; as of; at; because of; before; due to; for; in; in front of; on; on account of; over; owing to; round; to; up; upon; via
sobre over; passed above; over


to pass verb (passes, passed, passing)

  1. to pass (overtake; move past; ride past; sail past)
  2. to pass (expire; elapse; go by)
  3. to pass (occur; take place; happen)
  4. to pass (visit; come past; drop by; )
  5. to pass (hand over; give; delate; )
  6. to pass (hand; give; offer)
  7. to pass (spend)
  8. to pass (give; hand over; give to; hand)
  9. to pass (be going to; go; move; run; walk)
    ir; dirigirse
  10. to pass (get through)

Conjugations for pass:

  1. pass
  2. pass
  3. passes
  4. pass
  5. pass
  6. pass
simple past
  1. passed
  2. passed
  3. passed
  4. passed
  5. passed
  6. passed
present perfect
  1. have passed
  2. have passed
  3. has passed
  4. have passed
  5. have passed
  6. have passed
past continuous
  1. was passing
  2. were passing
  3. was passing
  4. were passing
  5. were passing
  6. were passing
  1. shall pass
  2. will pass
  3. will pass
  4. shall pass
  5. will pass
  6. will pass
continuous present
  1. am passing
  2. are passing
  3. is passing
  4. are passing
  5. are passing
  6. are passing
  1. be passed
  2. be passed
  3. be passed
  4. be passed
  5. be passed
  6. be passed
  1. pass!
  2. let's pass!
  3. passed
  4. passing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

pass [the ~] nomen

  1. the pass (i.d. card; permit)
    la tarjeta; el pase; el billete; el billete de entrada; el paso; el carnet; el pasaje; la documentación; la cartulina; el ticket; la legitimación; el carnet de identidad; el documento de identidad; la tarjeta de identidad
  2. the pass (pass-port; permit)
    el pasaporte
  3. the pass (mountain pass)
    el paso; el puerto de montaña; el pasaje de montaña; el pase
  4. the pass (entry permit; ticket; permit)
    el billete; el ticket; el billete de entrada; la tarjeta de identidad; el carnet; el carnet de identidad; la legitimación; el documento de identidad

Translation Matrix for pass:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avanzar advancing; making progress; progressing
billete entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket banknote; folding money; note; paper money
billete de entrada entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket
carnet entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket
carnet de identidad entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket I.D.; ID; identification; identification card
cartulina i.d. card; pass; permit
documentación i.d. card; pass; permit documentation
documento de identidad entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket I.D.; ID; identification; identification card; identity document
legitimación entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket I.D.; ID; identification; identification card; lawfulness; legality; legitimacy; rightfulness
pasaje i.d. card; pass; permit aisle; alley; corridor; crossing; expedition; gangway; hike; hiking tour; journey; march; passage; sea voyage; tour; transition; voyage
pasaje de montaña mountain pass; pass
pasaporte pass; pass-port; permit passport
pase i.d. card; mountain pass; pass; permit approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; permit; power; power of attorney; safe-conduct; safeguard; step; stride
paso i.d. card; mountain pass; pass; permit access; admission; admittance; aisle; alley; avenue; channel; country road; distance; ditch; door; doorway; fairway; footfall; footprint; footstep; forecourt; gait; gallop; gallopade; gangway; groove; in transit; journey; lane; pace; passage; passage through; path; pitch; porch; reach; road; round; scamper; small circle; step; stretch; stride; track; trail; tread; trot; veranda; vestibule; way
puerto de montaña mountain pass; pass
suceder happening; taking place
tarjeta i.d. card; pass; permit card; greeting card; greetings card; post card; postal card; postcard
tarjeta de identidad entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket I.D.; ID; identification; identification card
ticket entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket
- base on balls; bye; crack; fling; flip; go; head; laissez passer; liberty chit; mountain pass; notch; offer; passing; passing game; passing play; passport; qualifying; strait; straits; toss; walk; whirl
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acontecer happen; occur; pass; take place arise; come to light; happen; have room; occur; take place
adelantar move past; overtake; pass; ride past; sail past advance; call for; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; order; progress; rush; walk on before
alcanzar give; give to; hand; hand over; pass affect; bear; bring; bring along; bring in; carry; carry along; catch up; catch up with; come up alongside with; concern; end up; gain; get; get through; hit; move; obtain; reach; run in; strike; take in; touch; win
avanzar elapse; expire; go by; pass advance; ascend; assault; bring forward; call for; climb; force; go onward; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; march on; order; progress; rise; rush; stride along; to get promoted; use force; walk on before
dar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with administer; allocate; allot; allow; assign; bestow; bestow on; confer; deliver; dispense; distribute; donate; furnish; give; give a present; give along with; grant; hand out; hand over to; hear; inflict; interpellate; interrogate; offer; pay out; pour in; provide; question; ration; remit; send along with; send with; subsidise; subsidize; supply; swing; turn; veer
declinar elapse; expire; go by; pass break down; conjugate; crumble; decay; decline; denounce; disapprove; disclaim; disintegrate; fall apart; fall into decay; fall to bits; fall to pieces; fob off with; give way; go to pieces; go to ruin; incline; inflect; not follow up; object to; refuse; reject; repudiate; shelve; slant; slope; spurn; turn down
dirigirse be going to; go; move; pass; run; walk
entregar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with allow; book; bring; bring around; cash; cede; deliver; dispense; donate; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; furnish; give; give up; hand down; hand in; hand over; hand over to; inscribe; offer; order; pay; pay out; pay over; present; proffer; provide; put up for shipment; register; send; send round; ship; subscribe; supply; surrender; transfer; turn in; yield
expirar elapse; expire; go by; pass bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; conclude; decide; end; expire; finish; finish off; stop; terminate; wind up
frecuentar call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit date; frequent
gastar en pass; spend pay; spend
hacer entrega delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with
hacer una visita a call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit
ir be going to; go; move; pass; run; walk be going to; fit in; go; move; move on; walk
ir a call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit ought to; shall; will
ir a ver call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit check; control; drop by; drop in; examine; inspect; look at; look up; scrutinise; scrutinize; verify; view; visit; watch
ocurrir happen; occur; pass; take place arise; come to light; happen; happen to; occur; take place
ofertar give; hand; offer; pass display; hand in; hand over; offer; present; proffer; write out
ofrecer delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with bid fair; display; hand in; hand over; offer; present; promise; sacrifice; vow; write out
pasar call at; call on; come past; drop by; elapse; expire; go by; look for; look up; move past; overtake; pass; ride past; sail past; seek out; visit arise; be on one's deathbed; blab; close; come through; cross; decease; decline; deposit; die; draw; feed; go across; go over; happen; happen to; move over; occur; pass away; pass on; pull over; remit; send; shut; swipe; take place; tell; transfer; walk across; walk past
pasar a ver call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit drop by; drop in; visit
pasar el tiempo pass; spend
pasar por call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit adjudicate; be reported to be; bear; condemn; continue; drop by; drop in; encounter; endure; experience; feel; go on; go through; judge; live through; pass for; pass through; sentence; stand; sustain; take it further; travel through; try; visit; walk past
pasarse a ver a call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit
presentar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with advise; announce; display; exhibit; expose; hand in; hand over; inform; offer; present; prompt; render; show; showcase; suggest; unmask; whisper; whisper in someone's ear; write out
presentar una petición give; hand; offer; pass hand in; hand over; offer; present
proporcionar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with allow; donate; furnish; give; pay out; place at someone's disposal; provide; remit; supply
salir bien get through; pass be successful
solucionarse get through; pass land; turn out all right; turn up
suceder happen; occur; pass; take place arise; close; comply; draw; follow; happen to; have room; heed; imitate; listen; obey; occur; shut
tener éxito get through; pass be successful
transcurrir elapse; expire; go by; pass
transmitir delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with assign; broadcast; communicate; deposit; hand down; remit; send; transfer
traspasar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with assign; change; change over; cross; stop over
visitar call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit check; control; drop by; drop in; examine; inspect; look at; scrutinise; scrutinize; see; see over; see round; verify; view; visit; watch
- authorise; authorize; blow over; buy the farm; cash in one's chips; clear; come about; communicate; conk; decease; devolve; die; draw; egest; elapse; eliminate; evanesce; exceed; excrete; exit; expire; extend; fade; fall; fall out; fleet; give; glide by; go; go across; go along; go by; go on; go past; go through; guide; hand; hap; happen; kick the bucket; lapse; lead; legislate; make it; make pass; occur; overhaul; overstep; overtake; pass along; pass away; pass by; pass off; pass on; perish; put across; reach; return; run; sink; slide by; slip away; slip by; spend; surpass; take place; top; transcend; travel by; turn over
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- passing
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- deliver; endure; exist; get through; go by; last; pass from hand to hand; pay for; pronounce; surpass

Synonyms for "pass":

Antonyms for "pass":

Related Definitions for "pass":

  1. of advancing the ball by throwing it1
    • a pass play1
  2. success in satisfying a test or requirement1
    • he got a pass in introductory chemistry1
  3. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team1
    • the pass was fumbled1
  4. (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls1
  5. a flight or run by an aircraft over a target1
    • the plane turned to make a second pass1
  6. (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate1
  7. a usually brief attempt1
  8. a complimentary ticket1
    • the star got passes for his family1
  9. a permit to enter or leave a military installation1
    • he had to show his pass in order to get out1
  10. a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions1
    • the media representatives had special passes1
  11. any authorization to pass or go somewhere1
    • the pass to visit had a strict time limit1
  12. you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent1
  13. one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer)1
    • it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass1
  14. a difficult juncture1
    • a pretty pass1
  15. the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks1
    • we got through the pass before it started to snow1
  16. a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs1
  17. (military) a written leave of absence1
    • he had a pass for three days1
  18. eliminate from the body1
  19. come to pass1
  20. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life1
  21. disappear gradually1
    • The pain eventually passed off1
  22. transmit information 1
  23. grant authorization or clearance for1
  24. pass over, across, or through1
  25. pass into a specified state or condition1
  26. travel past1
    • The sports car passed all the trucks1
  27. go across or through1
    • We passed the point where the police car had parked1
  28. move past1
    • A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window1
    • He passed his professor in the hall1
  29. cause to pass1
    • She passed around the plates1
  30. pass by1
  31. transfer to another; of rights or property1
    • Our house passed under his official control1
  32. be inherited by1
  33. place into the hands or custody of1
  34. throw (a ball) to another player1
    • Smith passed1
  35. allow to go without comment or censure1
    • the insult passed as if unnoticed1
  36. make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation1
    • They passed the amendment1
  37. go unchallenged; be approved1
  38. accept or judge as acceptable1
    • The teacher passed the student although he was weak1
  39. go successfully through a test or a selection process1
    • She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now1
  40. be superior or better than some standard1
  41. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point1
  42. pass time in a specific way1

Wiktionary Translations for pass:

  1. move or be moved from one place to another
  2. change from one state to another
  3. move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge
  4. die
  5. happen
  6. go from one person to another
  7. advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness
  8. go through any inspection or test successfully
  9. to be tolerated
  10. to continue
  11. go through the intestines
  12. go by, over, etc

Cross Translation:
pass pasar; adelantar passeren — voorbijgaan, voorbijsteken, inhalen
pass entregar aangeven — aanreiken
pass aprobar bestehentransitiv: erfolgreich absolvieren
pass dictar sentencia; fallar fällenvon einer Entscheidung: etwas verbindlich festlegen
pass pasar passenKarten- und Würfelspiel: darauf verzichten, etwas zu tun, anzusagen oder zu setzen, wenn man dazu an der Reihe ist
pass pasar; veranear verbringenbesonders mit Angaben von Zeit und Zeiträumen (Jugend, Alter, Leben, Ferien, Wochenende, usw.): eine Zeitdauer verstreichen lassen
pass pasar vorüberfahren — ohne anhalten etwas mit einem Fahrzeug seitlich passieren
pass exceder dépasseraller au-delà de quelque chose.
pass pasar passer — Aller d’un lieu à un autre (Sens général)
pass acertar; lograr réussir — Avoir une bonne ou une mauvaise issue.

Related Translations for passed