English to Spanish: more detail...
rose bay:
The word rose bay exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "rosebay":
Rhododendron maxima; rhododendron -
Synonyms for "rose bay":
oleander; Nerium oleander; poisonous plant
Synonyms for "rosebay":
Detailed Translations for rose bay from English to Spanish
rose bay: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- rise: aumentar; surgir; engrandecer; expansión; erectar; criarse; ponerse de pie; aumento; alza; despegue; escalar; alzarse; inclinarse hacia arriba; venir hacia arriba; levantarse; despegar; alzar; emerger; volarse; enarcar; levantar el vuelo; levantarse de un salto; alzar el vuelo; echarse a volar; tirar hacia arriba; tomar velocidad; subir; levantar; crecer; ascender; elevarse; montarse; cerro; colina; crecimiento; incremento; subida; progreso; bullir; borbotear; borbollar; crecida; avanzar; elevarse sobre
- rose: rosáceo; de color rosa; rosa; rosado; de color de rosa
- rosé: rosado; vino rosado
- bay: bahía; alazán
Translation Matrix for rosebay:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | Rhododendron maxima |
Synonyms for "rosebay":
Related Definitions for "rosebay":
rose bay:
Translation Matrix for rose bay:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | Nerium oleander; oleander |
Synonyms for "rose bay":
Related Definitions for "rose bay":
External Machine Translations: