
Detailed Translations for saving from English to Spanish


saving [the ~] nomen

  1. the saving (cut down expenses; reduction; retrenchment; )
    la reducción de gastos; el ahorro; la economía
  2. the saving (cleft; gap; cavity; )
    la muesca; escopladura; la entalladura
  3. the saving (storing)
    el depósito; el almacén

Translation Matrix for saving:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ahorro curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening being economical; cost reduction; cut back in costs; frugality; savings; thrift
almacén saving; storing Indonesian shop; department store; depository; emporium; freight depot; goods shed; storage; storage accommodation; storage place; store; storeroom; vault; warehouse
depósito saving; storing armored car; armoured car; cistern; collecting basin; container; deposit; deposit at; depository; depot; dregs; entrust to; holder; last bit; leave with; lees; lodge with; receptacle; remnant; repository; reservoir; residuum; rest; sediment; sludge; storage basin; store; storeroom; tank; the last bit; warehouse; water reservoir; water tank
economía curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening being economical; cost reduction; cut back in costs; economics; economy; political economy; trade and industry
entalladura cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving cartel; carving; cut; gash; groove; incision; indentation; nick; notch; piece of bread; piecie; score; slash; slice of bread
escopladura cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving
muesca cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving cut; gash; groove; incision; indentation; nick; notch; score; slash
reducción de gastos curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening
- deliverance; delivery; economy; preservation; rescue
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- redeeming; redemptive

Related Words for "saving":

Synonyms for "saving":

Related Definitions for "saving":

  1. bringing about salvation or redemption from sin1
    • saving faith1
  2. characterized by thriftiness1
    • wealthy by inheritance but saving by constitution1
  3. recovery or preservation from loss or danger1
    • a surgeon's job is the saving of lives1
  4. an act of economizing; reduction in cost1
    • there was a saving of 50 cents1
  5. the activity of protecting something from loss or danger1

Wiktionary Translations for saving:

Cross Translation:
saving salvamento; puesta a salvo; rescate; recuperación Bergung — die Rettung oder das Auffinden von etwas verschütten
saving ahorro épargne — économie|fr économie dans la dépense.


to save verb (saves, saved, saving)

  1. to save (economize; cut down; economise)
  2. to save (rescue)
  3. to save (put money in the bank; spare; bank)
  4. to save (spare; consider)
  5. to save (economize; spare; moderate; have left; economise)
  6. to save (guard from; preserve; shield)
  7. to save (gather together; collect; glean; horde; pick up)
  8. to save (store; lay aside; put away)
  9. to save (protect; preserve; shield; guard)
  10. to save (maintain; preserve; protect; keep up)
  11. to save
    – To write data (typically a file) to a storage medium. 2

Conjugations for save:

  1. save
  2. save
  3. saves
  4. save
  5. save
  6. save
simple past
  1. saved
  2. saved
  3. saved
  4. saved
  5. saved
  6. saved
present perfect
  1. have saved
  2. have saved
  3. has saved
  4. have saved
  5. have saved
  6. have saved
past continuous
  1. was saving
  2. were saving
  3. was saving
  4. were saving
  5. were saving
  6. were saving
  1. shall save
  2. will save
  3. will save
  4. shall save
  5. will save
  6. will save
continuous present
  1. am saving
  2. are saving
  3. is saving
  4. are saving
  5. are saving
  6. are saving
  1. be saved
  2. be saved
  3. be saved
  4. be saved
  5. be saved
  6. be saved
  1. save!
  2. let's save!
  3. saved
  4. saving
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for save:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
apartar averting; lay by; turning away
juntar compilation; go shares; join; joining; joining together; joining up; linking; pointing; put together; uniting
menos minus; minus sign
recoger picking up; taking in
reunir compilation; joining together; uniting
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acopiar bank; collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; put money in the bank; save; spare buy up; collect; gather
acumular bank; collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; put money in the bank; save; spare accumulate; augment; collect; expand; gather; heap up; increase; mount up; multiply; pack together; pack up; pile up; place upon; range together; reproduce; roll up; scrape together; scrape up; stack; stow
ahorrar bank; collect; cut down; economise; economize; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; put money in the bank; save; spare allow; decline; donate; economise; economize; give; moderate; regress; save up; use less; waining
apartar lay aside; put away; save; store accomodate someone; avert; board; dissociate from; divert; fend off; get undone; isolate; keep off; lay off; lodge; offer someone lodges; parry; pass the buck; place; place apart; pull out; push off; put apart; seclude; send; separate; set apart; shelter; shift onto; station; swing; turn; turn away; unpick; untie; veer
coleccionar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare accumulate; amass; assemble; collect; gather
combinar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare bridge; combine; connect; interlink; join; link; unite
compaginar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare
compilar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare build; collect; compile; compose; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; gather; invent; make; manufacture; prepare
conservar guard from; keep up; maintain; preserve; protect; save; shield can; conserve; cure; insert; keep; keep up; maintain; pickle; preserve; provide for; retain; salt; souse; support; tin
defensar guard; preserve; protect; save; shield
depositar sobre lay aside; put away; save; store bring down; deposit; lay; laydown; place; put down; set; set down; situate; station; take down
disimular guard; preserve; protect; save; shield blur; camouflage; conceal; disguise; dissemble; hide; hush up; nick; pinch; snitch; steal; veil
economizar bank; cut down; economise; economize; have left; moderate; put money in the bank; save; spare be economical; economise; economize; go short; haggle; manage economically; moderate; pinch and scrape; skimp; stint; use less; whittle
esconder guard; preserve; protect; save; shield blur; camouflage; cloak; conceal; cover; disguise; elbow out; envelop; gloss over; hide; hide away; hush up; lock up; mantle; mask; push aside; push away; put away; shroud; stash away; stuff away; suppress; swathe; tuck away; veil; wrap
guardar guard; guard from; keep up; maintain; preserve; protect; save; shield close; conserve; cover; don't let go of; draw; fence in; fence off; guard; herd; hide away; hoard; hold; keep; keep and eye on; keep at home; keep watch over; lay up; lock up; look on; monitor; observe; patrol; pot; preserve; protect; put away; put in safety; put up; restrain; retain; safeguard; salvage; seclude; secure; separate; set apart; shut; stash away; stock; store; stuff away; supervise; tuck away; watch; watch over
juntar bank; collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; put money in the bank; save; spare accumulate; amass; assemble; attach; be partners; bring together; collect; connect; couple; flush; flush a wall; gather; get together; go shares; grout; join; link; make a match; mortar; pander; put together; unite
perdonar consider; save; spare allow; apologise; apologize; bestow; donate; excuse; forgive; give; give a present; give away; grant; let off; misdeal; offer; pardon
poner a un lado lay aside; put away; save; store
poner en el establo lay aside; put away; save; store
poner en el garaje lay aside; put away; save; store
proteger guard; guard from; preserve; protect; save; shield check in; cover; fence in; fence off; guard; herd; keep watch over; lock up; patronise; patronize; protect; safeguard; shield; watch over
quedar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare continue; last; linger; loiter; remain; sojourn; stay
recoger collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; save bring in; cash; catch; clean; clear; clear away; clear the table; collect; collect money; come round for; draw in; empty the table; fetch; gather; get; glean; harvest; haul in; obtain; pack together; pack up; pick; pick up; pluck; pluck off; put away; range together; reap; scrape together; scrape up; seize; snatch; sneak up on; stow away; sweep up; take; take along; take away; take in; take unaware; tattle; tidy up; twig
respetar consider; save; spare esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; keep promise; keep to it; obey; praise; respect; stick to; value highly
reunir bank; collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; put money in the bank; save; spare accumulate; amass; assemble; bring together; bundle; collect; gather; get together; join; pack together; pack up; put together; range together; reunite; scrape together; scrape up; unite
salvar rescue; save bridge; lay up; put in safety; put up; salvage; secure; stock; store; tide over
sobrar bank; put money in the bank; save; spare have left
- bring through; carry through; deliver; economise; economize; hold open; keep; keep open; lay aside; make unnecessary; preserve; pull through; redeem; relieve; salvage; salve; save up; spare; write
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
a excepción de barring; except for; save; subject to
además de barring; but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; subject to; to the exclusion of; with the exception of in addition to
amén de but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; to the exclusion of; with the exception of
aparte de barring; but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; subject to; to the exclusion of; with the exception of
con excepción de barring; but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; subject to; to the exclusion of; with the exception of
fuera de but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; to the exclusion of; with the exception of above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more
menos but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; to the exclusion of; with the exception of banal; below the belt; coarse; fewer; gross; least; less; mean; minus; more restricted; nasty; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; vulgar
menos de but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; to the exclusion of; with the exception of

Related Words for "save":

Synonyms for "save":

Related Definitions for "save":

  1. (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring1
    • the goalie made a brilliant save1
    • the relief pitcher got credit for a save1
  2. make unnecessary an expenditure or effort1
    • This will save money1
    • I'll save you the trouble1
    • This will save you a lot of time1
  3. record data on a computer1
  4. to keep up and reserve for personal or special use1
    • She saved the old family photographs in a drawer1
  5. accumulate money for future use1
    • He saves half his salary1
  6. spend less; buy at a reduced price1
  7. retain rights to1
  8. spend sparingly, avoid the waste of1
    • This move will save money1
  9. refrain from harming1
  10. save from ruin, destruction, or harm1
  11. save from sins1
  12. bring into safety1
  13. To write data (typically a file) to a storage medium.2

Wiktionary Translations for save:

  1. block that prevents an opponent from scoring
  1. to help someone to survive
  2. store for future use
  3. to write a file to a disk
  4. redeem or protect someone from eternal damnation
  5. economize
  6. accumulate money
  1. except, with the exception of

Cross Translation:
save ahorrar uitsparen — deu: sparen
save escatimar; economizar; ahorrar sparen — geld niet uitgeven
save salvar redden — actie ondernemen om iets of iemand uit de moeilijkheden te halen
save almacenar; guardar opslaan — informatica|nld vastleggen of bewaren van gegevens
save economizar; ahorrar bezuinigen — door zuinig met geld of iets anders om te gaan de uitgaven verminderen
save conservar; guardar bewaren — ervoor zorgen dat iets niet verloren raakt
save economizar; ahorrar besparen — minder geld uitgeven, bezuinigen
save economizar; ahorrar besparen — minder van iets gebruiken of verbruiken
save salvar retten — jemanden oder etwas aus einer bedrohlichen Lage befreien, erlösen, in Sicherheit bringen
save tapar rettenSport: einen gegnerischen Punkt oder ein Tor verhindern
save salvar retten — etwas vor drohendem Verlust bewahren, erhalten
save ahorrar; economizar; escatimar sparenGeld für die spätere Verwendung ansammeln
save conservar conservermaintenir en bon état, apporter le soin nécessaire pour empêcher qu’une chose ne se gâter, ne dépérir.
save mantener maintenirtenir ferme et fixe.
save guardar préserver — préserver
save salvar sauvegarder — Prendre sous sa sauvegarde. Se dit en parlant des personnes et des choses.
save salvar sauvergarantir, préserver, tirer du péril, mettre en sûreté.
save economizar; ahorrar économiserdépenser avec ménagement, avec le souci d’épargner.
save ahorrar; economizar épargner — Ménager quelque chose, ne l’employer qu’avec réserve.

Related Translations for saving