English to Spanish: more detail...
whirling motion:
The word whirling motion exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.
Detailed Translations for whirling motion from English to Spanish
whirling motion: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- whirl: tornar; tornarse; revolotear; girar como una rueda; girar; rodar; dar vueltas; arremolinar; arremolinarse; dar vueltas a; caer en; hacer girar; oscilar; mecer; rizar; blandir; escorar; columpiarse; fluctuar; tambalearse; mecerse; bambolearse; serpentear; balancearse; renguear; hacer eses; moverse continuamente; entrar a chorros en; hacer oscilar; salir a borbotones de; saltar sobre; dar bandazos
- whirling: revoloteo
- mote: foso del castillo
- motion: propuesta; proposición