English to French: more detail...
million instructions per second:
The word million instructions per second exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "million instructions per second":
MIPS; unit of measurement; unit
Synonyms for "million instructions per second":
Detailed Translations for million instructions per second from English to French
million instructions per second: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- million: million
- instruction: commande; contrainte; ordre; consigne; devise; mission; instruction; commandement; assignation; sommation; briefing; impératif; indication; manuel; cours; enseignement; classe; leçon; mandat; ordre de service
- instructions: guide; manuel; instructions; notice; mode d'emploi; réglementation; indications; autorisation; mandat; procuration; carte blanche; plein pouvoir
- second: deuxième; second; instant; moment; seconde; servir; aider; soigner; assister; dépanner; secourir; seconder; rendre service; tendre la main; être au service de; être utile à; prêter son aide; venir en aide de; montrer de l'obligeance; être serviable
million instructions per second:
Translation Matrix for million instructions per second:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | MIPS |