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reduction to the ranks:
reduction to the ranks → abaissement
Detailed Translations for reduction to the ranks from English to French
reduction to the ranks: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- reduction: réduction; économie; baisse des salaires; réduction de dépenses; raccourcissement; diminution; déduction; baisse des prix; conversion; simplification; humiliation; abaissement; rabais
- to: jusqu'à ce que; sur; en; de; à; après; vers; dans; dessus; y; au-dessus; là; à côté de; jusqu'à
- the: ce; cela; ça; la; le; les; l'; le la les
- rank: échelle; titre; ordonnance; niveau; degré; classement; arrangement; hiérarchie; mise en ordre; gradation; ordre de préséance; notoriété; considération; renommée; prestige; réputation; ordre; position; échelon; grade; classer; classifier; catégoriser; ligne; bande; barre; file; règle; corde; rang; câble; rangs; rance; honteux; effrayant; inouï; criant; infâme; affligeant; scandaleux; honteusement; effroyablement; scandaleusement; se mettre en rangs; classer par ordre de priorité
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Wiktionary Translations for reduction to the ranks:
reduction to the ranks
action d’abaisser, de s’abaisser, ou résultat de cette action.
- abaissement → lowering; pulling down; dropping; reduction; dip; abasement; humiliation; fall; subsidence; sinking; cut; couching; prolapse; derogation; decay; destruction; ruin; adversity; failure; abatement; decrease; diminishment; curtailment; retrenchment; descent; decrepitude; abjection; abjectness; degradation; demotion; disrating; relegation; reduction to the ranks; deterioration
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Related Translations for reduction to the ranks
Detailed Translations for reduction to the ranks from French to English
reduction to the ranks: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- réduction: discount; abatement; decrease; cut; market; reduction; recess; economy; saving; shortening; dwindling; retrenchment; diminution; foreshortening; slackening; finance management; salary cut; cut down expenses; relief; fall; allowance; deduction; rebate; weakness; recession; softness; sell short; price-cut; drop in prices; diminishing; conversion; degradation; simplification; dishonering; disgracement; restricting; curtailment; reducibility; cutting short
- To: TB; terabyte
- thé: tea; tea-party; tea-fight
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