
Detailed Translations for affectation from English to French


affectation [the ~] nomen

  1. the affectation (swank; pose; put on)
    le théâtre; la comédie; l'action; l'affectation; la manières; le chichi; l'artifice; le maniérisme; le titre; la portion
  2. the affectation (pretence; artificiality; circumvention; )
    l'affectation; l'artifice; la fausseté; le maniérisme

Translation Matrix for affectation:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
action affectation; pose; put on; swank To Do; act; action; agitating; campaign; claim; deed; demand; demonstration; effect; element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; influence; ingredient; legal claim; operate; parliamentary party; part; perform; petition; portion; principle ingredient; protest; public protest; rally; section; segment; share; work
affectation affectation; affectedness; artificiality; circumvention; far-fetchedness; mendacity; pose; pretence; pretense; put on; sneakiness; swank; untruthfulness appropriation; artificiality; assignment; mannerism
artifice affectation; affectedness; artificiality; circumvention; far-fetchedness; mendacity; pose; pretence; pretense; put on; sneakiness; swank; untruthfulness
chichi affectation; pose; put on; swank
comédie affectation; pose; put on; swank comedy; farce; make-believe; mannerism; play; production; sham; stage play; stand-up comedy
fausseté affectation; affectedness; artificiality; circumvention; far-fetchedness; mendacity; pretence; pretense; sneakiness; untruthfulness crookedness; deceit; dissimulation; duplicity; falseness; falsity; hypocrisy; illegitimacy; insincerity; sanctimoniousness; spuriousness
manières affectation; pose; put on; swank fuss; manners; morals
maniérisme affectation; affectedness; artificiality; circumvention; far-fetchedness; mendacity; pose; pretence; pretense; put on; sneakiness; swank; untruthfulness mannerism; popularity
portion affectation; pose; put on; swank board; brought-in capital; contribution; dose; element; elementary component; emergency ration; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; input; membership-fee; parliamentary party; part; parts; piece; pieces; portion; portions; principle ingredient; quantity; ration; section; segment; segments; share; shares
théâtre affectation; pose; put on; swank music hall; play; playhouse; production; stage; stage play; theater; theatre
titre affectation; pose; put on; swank beginning; beginning of a letter; caption; degree in science; denomination; designation; dignity; element; elementary component; fineness; fundamental ingredient; gold content; grade; head; heading; headline; hierarchy; ingredient; level; name; order of rank; parliamentary party; part; partner share; portion; principle ingredient; rank; section; segment; share; term; title
- affectedness; mannerism; pose
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- nambi-pambiness

Related Words for "affectation":

  • affectations

Synonyms for "affectation":

Related Definitions for "affectation":

  1. a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display1

Wiktionary Translations for affectation:

  1. an unusual mannerism
  2. an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real
Cross Translation:
affectation façon Gehabemeist negativ: (affektiertes) Verhalten
affectation affectation Geschraubtheitkein Plural, abwertend: geschraubte, gezierte, gekünstelte Art und Weise
affectation chichi; affectation aanstellerij — het zich aanstellen


Detailed Translations for affectation from French to English


affectation [la ~] nomen

  1. l'affectation (théâtre; comédie; action; )
    the affectation; the pose; the swank; the put on
  2. l'affectation
    the mannerism; the artificiality
  3. l'affectation
    the assignment
    – A process-related task that is delegated to a particular user. 2
  4. l'affectation
    the appropriation
    – A distribution of net income to various accounts or entities. 2
  5. l'affectation (artifice; fausseté; maniérisme)
    the affectation; the artificiality; the circumvention; the pretence; the mendacity; the sneakiness; the untruthfulness; the affectedness; the far-fetchedness; the pretense

Translation Matrix for affectation:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
affectation action; affectation; artifice; chichi; comédie; fausseté; manières; maniérisme; portion; théâtre; titre
affectedness affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme
appropriation affectation adjudication; admission; allocation; appropriation; attribution
artificiality affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme
assignment affectation adjudication; assignation; commandement; concession; consigne; contrainte; devise; dilemme; impératif; indication; instruction; mission; ordre; problème; question; sommation; tâche; tâche scolaire
circumvention affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme
far-fetchedness affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme
mannerism affectation comédie; maniérisme
mendacity affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme manque de sincérité; mensonge
pose action; affectation; artifice; chichi; comédie; manières; maniérisme; portion; théâtre; titre fait de poser comme modèle
pretence affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme apparence; façade; illusion; leurre; semblant; simulacre; simulation; trompe-l'oeil
pretense affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme apparence; façade; illusion; leurre; semblant; simulacre; simulation; trompe-l'oeil
put on action; affectation; artifice; chichi; comédie; manières; maniérisme; portion; théâtre; titre
sneakiness affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme perfidie; sournoiserie
swank action; affectation; artifice; chichi; comédie; manières; maniérisme; portion; théâtre; titre bluff; bravache; bravade; crâneur; esbroufeur; fanfaronnade; ostentation; vantardise
untruthfulness affectation; artifice; fausseté; maniérisme manque de sincérité; mensonge
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
pose faire de la figuration; figurer
put on allumer; brancher sur; brûler; chausser; faire du feu; faire fonctionner; faire marcher; flamber; habiller; mettre; mettre en circuit; mettre en marche; mettre feu à; nouer; prendre feu; s'enflammer; s'habiller; se couvrir; se vêtir; établir le contact
swank bluffer; exagérer; faire de l'esbroufe; faire de l'épate; faire le fanfaron; fanfaronner; se vanter; se vanter de
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
put on mis en circuit; mis en marche

Synonyms for "affectation":

Wiktionary Translations for affectation:

  1. operation that assigns a value to a variable
  2. an unusual mannerism
  3. an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real

Cross Translation:
affectation affectation; artificiality Geschraubtheitkein Plural, abwertend: geschraubte, gezierte, gekünstelte Art und Weise
affectation pose; affectation aanstellerij — het zich aanstellen

Related Translations for affectation