English to French: more detail...
color charge:
color charge → charge de couleur
Detailed Translations for color charge from English to French
color charge: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- color: coloration; coloriage; couleur; accent; nuance; teint; teinture; teinte; colorant; colorier; pigment; rougeur; matière colorante
- charge: compter; facturer; dénoncer; plainte; réclamation; accusation; imputation; plaintes; inculpation; doléances; insinuation; accuser; inculper; incriminer; charge; note; chargement; procès-verbal; notation; soupçonner; imputer; suspecter; charger; diriger; commander; ordonner; régir; décréter; assigner; dévouer; sommer; consacrer à; obliger à; encaisser; enjoindre; prescrire; dicter; accuser de; inculper de; frais
Wiktionary Translations for color charge:
color charge
physique|fr En physique des particules, tout particulièrement dans le cadre du modèle standard, propriété possédée par les quark, les antiquark et les gluon et qui détermine comment ces [[par
Related Translations for color charge
Detailed Translations for color charge from French to English
color charge: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- coloré: multi-coloured; many-coloured; richly coloured; many coloured; multi-colored; richly colored; bright; cheerful; colourful; colorful; florid; blooming; flowered; coloured; high-coloured; colored
- charge: weight; charges; charge; static; static electricity; electrical charge; burden; tax; duties; taxes; run; rush; assault; freight; load; raid; shipment; cargo; attack; scaling; storming; loading; chartering; freighting; freightment; transfer; transport; transportation; road transport; goods-traffic; carrying-traffic; tax collectors office
- charger: freight; load; lade; burden; aggravate; ship; heap up; denounce; charge with; imputate; accuse; insinuate; incriminate; charge; order; command; fill; exaggerate; recharge; overdo; heighten; blow up; charge with electricity; load a gun; weight; make heavier; impute
- chargé: laden; loaded; burdened; charged; ordered; instructed