Detailed Translations for soapstone from English to French
soapstone: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- soap: savon; savonner
- stone: pierre; pavé; dalle; brique; dénoyauter; cailloux; rocher; caillou; roche; roc; pierrerie; noyau de fruits; en pierre; de pierre; noyau; graine; pépin; bijou; caillou roulé; galet roulé; bloc de rocher; lapider; lapider de pierres
- SOAP: SOAP; protocole SOAP
- tone: son; voix; note; timbre; musique; accent; sonorité; teinte; ton; note de musique; timbre sonore
Spelling Suggestions for: soapstone
Translation Matrix for soapstone:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | soap-rock; soaprock; steatite |
Synonyms for "soapstone":
Related Definitions for "soapstone":
External Machine Translations: