English to French: more detail...
last common ancestor:
last common ancestor → LUCA
Detailed Translations for last common ancestor from English to French
last common ancestor: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- last: ancien; précédent; passé; antérieur; d'avant; dernier; dernière; final; précédant; taille; forme; dernier-né; dernier nommé; dernièrement; derniers; rester; le plus jeune
- common: collectif; courant; commun; banal; habituel; normal; mondain; de mise; usuel; négociable; à la mode; vendable; dernier cri; d'usage; ayant cours; généralement admis; général; tout simple; indifférent; ordinaire
- ancestor: ancêtre; aïeul; père originel; ancêtre principal; élément ancêtre
Spelling Suggestions for: last common ancestor
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Wiktionary Translations for last common ancestor:
last common ancestor
biologie|fr paléontologie|fr (term, phylogénétque) dernier ancêtre commun universel.
External Machine Translations:
Related Translations for last common ancestor
Suggestions for last common ancestor in French
Spelling Suggestions for: last common ancestor
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