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  1. masses:
  2. Mass:
  3. mass:
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  1. masses:
  2. masser:
  3. Wiktionary:


Detailed Translations for masses from English to French


masses [the ~] nomen

  1. the masses (bulk; biggest part; greater part; main body)
    la plupart; la plus grande partie
  2. the masses (crowds; throngs; swarms)
    la masses; la foules; le troupeaux

Translation Matrix for masses:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
foules crowds; masses; swarms; throngs
masses crowds; masses; swarms; throngs
plupart biggest part; bulk; greater part; main body; masses
plus grande partie biggest part; bulk; greater part; main body; masses
troupeaux crowds; masses; swarms; throngs
- hoi polloi; mass; multitude; people; the great unwashed

Related Words for "masses":

Synonyms for "masses":

Related Definitions for "masses":

  1. the common people generally1

Wiktionary Translations for masses:

  1. people, especially a large number


Mass [the ~] nomen

  1. the Mass (worship; mass; service)
    la messe; l'office divin

Translation Matrix for Mass:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
messe Mass; mass; service; worship boon; favor; favour; goodwill; grace; mass; patronage; service; support
office divin Mass; mass; service; worship

Related Words for "Mass":

  • Masses

Related Definitions for "Mass":

  1. (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist1
  2. a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite1
    • the priest said Mass1
  3. a musical setting for a Mass1
    • they played a Mass composed by Beethoven1

Wiktionary Translations for Mass:

  1. (Roman Catholic Church) the principal liturgical service

masses form of mass:

mass [the ~] nomen

  1. the mass (a whole lot; multitude; heap; )
    la masse; l'abondance; la multitude; la profusion; la grande quantité; le tas; l'amas
  2. the mass (Mass; worship; service)
    la messe; l'office divin
  3. the mass (favour; service; grace; )
    le faveur; la grâce; la messe

Translation Matrix for mass:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abondance a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot abundance; affluence; excess; excessiveness; exuberance; luxury; multitude; overabundance; overflow; profusion; surplus
amas a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot a whole lot; bunch; crowd; heap; lot; lots; pile; quite a lot; tons
faveur boon; favor; favour; goodwill; grace; mass; patronage; service; support advantage; favor; favour; favouring; preference; privilege
grande quantité a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot a whole lot; lots; quite a lot; tons
grâce boon; favor; favour; goodwill; grace; mass; patronage; service; support absolution; amiability; benevolence; blessing; charm; clemency; compassion; elegance; excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; kindness; loving kindness; mercy; pardon; remission; sweetness; sympathy
masse a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot a whole lot; accumulation; bunch; clot; clutter; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; gang; gathering; group; heap; herd; horde; load; lot; lots; lump; mob; multitude; pack; party; pile; piling up; quite a lot; sledge hammers; tons; troop; troupe; wattle; weight
messe Mass; boon; favor; favour; goodwill; grace; mass; patronage; service; support; worship
multitude a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot a whole lot; countless; lots; quite a lot; tons
office divin Mass; mass; service; worship
profusion a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot abundance; affluence; luxury; multitude; profusion
tas a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot a whole lot; accumulation; bag and baggage; bunch; caboodle; crowd; heap; heaps; hotchpotch; load; lot; lots; pile; piles; piling up; quite a lot; rick; stack; stacks; tons
- bulk; hoi polloi; masses; multitude; people; the great unwashed; volume
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aggregate; aggregated; aggregative
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- accumulate; form

Related Words for "mass":

Synonyms for "mass":

Related Definitions for "mass":

  1. formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole1
  2. the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field1
  3. the property of something that is great in magnitude1
    • he received a mass of correspondence1
  4. an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)1
  5. the common people generally1
    • separate the warriors from the mass1
  6. a body of matter without definite shape1
    • a huge ice mass1
  7. join together into a mass or collect or form a mass1
    • Crowds were massing outside the palace1

Wiktionary Translations for mass:

  1. religion: celebration of the Eucharist
  2. religion: Eucharist
  3. -
  4. physics: quantity of matter which a body contains
  1. masser en un tout compact.
  2. Disposer en masses
  1. Assemblage de plusieurs choses réunies, accumulées comme en un seul tas (1)
  2. Recueil, fatras, collection (3)
  3. Rassemblement de beaucoup de personnes (4)
  4. masse, gros morceau d’une matière pesante et dure, telle que la pierre, le marbre, le fer non encore travailler.
  5. multitude de gens
  6. amas de plusieurs parties qui faire corps ensemble.
  7. (christianisme) rite catholique qui commémore la mort de Jésus-Christ, et qui se fait par le ministère du prêtre devant un autel.

Cross Translation:
mass messe mis — een godsdienstoefening in de katholieke kerk, een eucharistieviering
mass masse massa — totale hoeveelheid materie in een object
mass masse MassePhysik: die Ursache, dass der Materie Trägheit und Gravitation eigen ist; nach der Relativitätstheorie mit Energie äquivalent
mass Messe MesseMusik: Musikgattung, in der Texte der Messe [1] vertont werden
mass messe MesseReligion: christliche Gottesdienstform, die aus Wortgottesdienst und Eucharistiefeier besteht
mass foire MesseWirtschaft: Warenschau
mass massive; massif; volumineuse; volumineux massig — mit Masse ausgestattet; über genügend, ausreichend Masse verfügend

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for masses


Detailed Translations for masses from French to English


masses [la ~] nomen

  1. la masses (foules; troupeaux)
    the throngs; the swarms; the masses; the crowds

Translation Matrix for masses:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
crowds foules; masses; troupeaux
masses foules; masses; troupeaux plupart; plus grande partie
swarms foules; masses; troupeaux
throngs foules; masses; troupeaux

Wiktionary Translations for masses:

  1. people, especially a large number

masses form of masser:

masser verb (masse, masses, massons, massez, )

  1. masser
    to massage; do massage

Conjugations for masser:

  1. masse
  2. masses
  3. masse
  4. massons
  5. massez
  6. massent
  1. massais
  2. massais
  3. massait
  4. massions
  5. massiez
  6. massaient
passé simple
  1. massai
  2. massas
  3. massa
  4. massâmes
  5. massâtes
  6. massèrent
futur simple
  1. masserai
  2. masseras
  3. massera
  4. masserons
  5. masserez
  6. masseront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je masse
  2. que tu masses
  3. qu'il masse
  4. que nous massions
  5. que vous massiez
  6. qu'ils massent
conditionnel présent
  1. masserais
  2. masserais
  3. masserait
  4. masserions
  5. masseriez
  6. masseraient
passé composé
  1. ai massé
  2. as massé
  3. a massé
  4. avons massé
  5. avez massé
  6. ont massé
  1. masse!
  2. massez!
  3. massons!
  4. massé
  5. massant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for masser:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
do massage masser
massage masser façonner; former; modeler; mouler

Synonyms for "masser":

Wiktionary Translations for masser:

  1. Disposer en masses
  2. Pétrir avec les mains
  1. to perform a massage on somebody

Cross Translation:
masser massage masseren — het toepassen van uitwendige druk op de zachte weefsels

External Machine Translations: