
Detailed Translations for collections from English to French


collection [the ~] nomen

  1. the collection (recovery)
    l'encaissement; le recouvrement; la perception
  2. the collection (accumulation; gathering; clutter; )
    l'accumulation; la pile; la collection; le cumul; l'entassement
  3. the collection (gathering)
    la collecte; la quête
  4. the collection (assembling; crowd; accumulation; )
    la bande; la clique; l'accumulation; le rassemblement; la troupe; l'attroupement
  5. the collection
    – An object that contains a set of related objects. An object's position in the collection can change whenever a change occurs in the collection; therefore, the position of any specific object in a collection may vary. 1
    la collection
  6. the collection
    – A container for organizing clips. 1
    la collection
  7. the collection (SMS collection)
    – A set of resources in an SMS/Configuration Manager site. Collections are used to distribute software, view hardware and software inventories of clients, and access clients for remote control sessions. 1
  8. the collection
    – A type of specialized class in the .NET Framework for data storage and retrieval. These classes provide support for stacks, queues, lists, and hash tables. Most collection classes implement the same interfaces, and these interfaces may be inherited to create new collection classes that fit more specialized data storage needs. 1
    la collection
  9. the collection
    – An export format that maintains a group of images that is generated at export. 1
    la collection

to collection verb (collections, collectioned, collectioning)

  1. to collection (make a collection; collect money)
    recueillir des fonds; faire la quête; quêter
    • quêter verb (quête, quêtes, quêtons, quêtez, )

Conjugations for collection:

  1. collection
  2. collection
  3. collections
  4. collection
  5. collection
  6. collection
simple past
  1. collectioned
  2. collectioned
  3. collectioned
  4. collectioned
  5. collectioned
  6. collectioned
present perfect
  1. have collectioned
  2. have collectioned
  3. has collectioned
  4. have collectioned
  5. have collectioned
  6. have collectioned
past continuous
  1. was collectioning
  2. were collectioning
  3. was collectioning
  4. were collectioning
  5. were collectioning
  6. were collectioning
  1. shall collection
  2. will collection
  3. will collection
  4. shall collection
  5. will collection
  6. will collection
continuous present
  1. am collectioning
  2. are collectioning
  3. is collectioning
  4. are collectioning
  5. are collectioning
  6. are collectioning
  1. be collectioned
  2. be collectioned
  3. be collectioned
  4. be collectioned
  5. be collectioned
  6. be collectioned
  1. collection!
  2. let's collection!
  3. collectioned
  4. collectioning
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for collection:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accumulation accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; compilation; crowd; gang; gathering; pack; party; pile; piling up; set; sifting; sorting accumulation; heap; load; pile; piling up; stacking
attroupement accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set crowd; gathering; group; revolt; riot; tumult
bande accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set band; bandage; bobbins; clan; clique; coterie; couple; crowd; file; flounce; frill; gang; heel; horde; label; ligature; line; list; pair; private chat; rank; row; set; small circle; spools; strip; stripe; swathe; the two
clique accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set clan; clique; coterie; private chat; set; small circle
collecte collection; gathering will call
collection accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting compilation; row; sequence; series
cumul accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; blockage; congestion; constipation; cumulation; heap; jam; load; mess; mountain; muddle; pile; piling up; rollup; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stoppage
encaissement collection; recovery cash receipt; cashing; collecting; silvering
entassement accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; congestion; heap; load; mess; mountain; muddle; pile; piling up; stacking; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stowing
perception collection; recovery apperception; costs; detection; dues; fee; feeling; legal charges; levy; observation; observe; perception; perceptive faculty; perceptivity; powers of perception; sensation; sensory perception; tax; tax collectors office
pile accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; battery; cue; heap; heaps; load; pile; piles; piling up; stack; stacks
quête collection; gathering
rassemblement accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set accumulation; go shares; heap; hotchpotch; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; pile; piling up; put together; putting together; revolt; riot; tumult
recouvrement collection; recovery cover; cover up roof; covering; debt-claim; debt-recovery; roof; roofing over; top; trapping
regroupement SMS collection; collection aggregation; faction; grouping; pool; realignment; regrouping
troupe accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set band; bunch; cattle trail; clutter; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; gang; heap; herd; horde; hotchpotch; jumble; load; lot; medley; mishmash; mob; multitude; pack; party; troop; troupe; wattle
- accumulation; aggregation; appeal; assemblage; assembling; collecting; compendium; ingathering; solicitation
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
faire la quête collect money; collection; make a collection
quêter collect money; collection; make a collection
recueillir des fonds collect money; collection; make a collection
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bande tape
regroupement SMS SMS collection; collection
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- collecting; collection of debts; collection of taxes; gathering; recovery

Related Words for "collection":

Synonyms for "collection":

Related Definitions for "collection":

  1. the act of gathering something together2
  2. request for a sum of money2
  3. a publication containing a variety of works2
  4. several things grouped together or considered as a whole2
  5. An object that contains a set of related objects. An object's position in the collection can change whenever a change occurs in the collection; therefore, the position of any specific object in a collection may vary.1
  6. A container for organizing clips.1
  7. A set of resources in an SMS/Configuration Manager site. Collections are used to distribute software, view hardware and software inventories of clients, and access clients for remote control sessions.1
  8. A type of specialized class in the .NET Framework for data storage and retrieval. These classes provide support for stacks, queues, lists, and hash tables. Most collection classes implement the same interfaces, and these interfaces may be inherited to create new collection classes that fit more specialized data storage needs.1
  9. A user-defined and annotated group of points of interest. Users can create collections for their own use or make them searchable for use by other users.1
  10. An export format that maintains a group of images that is generated at export.1

Wiktionary Translations for collection:

  1. multiple related objects
  2. set of items
  1. réunion de plusieurs objets qui ont ensemble quelque rapport.
  2. ensemble de biens matériels ou immatériels servant à l’usage principal d’une activité.
  3. faisceau de blé, où les épis sont disposer d’un même côté.

Cross Translation:
collection collection verzameling — meerdere voorwerpen...
collection collection SammlungAnzahl von aufbewahrten, gezielt sammeln Gegenständen

Wiktionary Translations for collections:

Cross Translation:
collections encaissement; recouvrement InkassoBankwesen; Finanzwesen: das eintreiben, der Einzug von fälligen Geldforderungen (bei Banken, Behörden, Betrieben)

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for collections from French to English

collections form of collecter:

collecter verb (collecte, collectes, collectons, collectez, )

  1. collecter (aller chercher; emporter; enlever; )
    to take along; to take away; to pick up; to fetch; to collect; to take; come round for
    • take along verb (takes along, took along, taking along)
    • take away verb (takes away, took away, taking away)
    • pick up verb (picks up, picked up, picking up)
    • fetch verb (fetches, fetched, fetching)
    • collect verb (collects, collected, collecting)
    • take verb (takes, took, taking)
  2. collecter (rassembler)
    to carry together; share the load

Conjugations for collecter:

  1. collecte
  2. collectes
  3. collecte
  4. collectons
  5. collectez
  6. collectent
  1. collectais
  2. collectais
  3. collectait
  4. collections
  5. collectiez
  6. collectaient
passé simple
  1. collectai
  2. collectas
  3. collecta
  4. collectâmes
  5. collectâtes
  6. collectèrent
futur simple
  1. collecterai
  2. collecteras
  3. collectera
  4. collecterons
  5. collecterez
  6. collecteront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je collecte
  2. que tu collectes
  3. qu'il collecte
  4. que nous collections
  5. que vous collectiez
  6. qu'ils collectent
conditionnel présent
  1. collecterais
  2. collecterais
  3. collecterait
  4. collecterions
  5. collecteriez
  6. collecteraient
passé composé
  1. ai collecté
  2. as collecté
  3. a collecté
  4. avons collecté
  5. avez collecté
  6. ont collecté
  1. collecte!
  2. collectez!
  3. collectons!
  4. collecté
  5. collectant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for collecter:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
take avantage; bénéfice; gain; profit
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
carry together collecter; rassembler
collect aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir accepter; accueillir; aller chercher; aller prendre; amasser; apprendre; aspirer; assembler; assortir; assumer; chercher; chercher à recueillir; collectionner; conserver; cueillir; engager; entamer; faire des économies; fumer par les poumons; grouper; inhaler; moissonner; prendre; prendre communication; prendre connaissance; ramasser; rassembler; recevoir; recevoir communication; recueillir; renifler; respirer; récolter; réunir; s'instruire; se mettre au courant; venir chercher; économiser; épargner
come round for aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir
fetch aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir aller chercher; aller prendre; chercher; prendre; ramasser; venir chercher
pick up aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir absorber; aller chercher; aller prendre; amasser; annexer; apprendre; arrêter; avaler; chercher; collectionner; conserver; cueillir; dégoter; dénicher; déterrer; enchaîner; faire des économies; faire l'apprentissage de; incorporer; ingérer; mettre en état d'arrestation; prendre; ramasser; rassembler; recueillir; s'initier à; saisir; venir chercher; économiser; écrouer; épargner
share the load collecter; rassembler
take aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir accepter; accepter un cadeau; admettre; adopter; appliquer; apporter; assumer; barboter; chiper; choper; consacrer; dérober; désarrimer; employer; engager; enlever; faire usage de; faucher; marauder; piller; piquer; prendre; prendre des médicaments; prendre en service; rafler; retirer; s'emparer; saisir; se servir; se servir de; subtiliser; user; user de; utiliser; voler; ôter
take along aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir
take away aller chercher; améliorer; collecter; emporter; enlever; lever; prendre; ramasser; recueillir amoindrir; baisser; barboter; chiper; choper; diminuer; décliner; décroître; déporter; dérober; emmener; emporter; enlever; faucher; marauder; piller; piquer; porter; prendre; rafler; remporter; retirer; réduire; s'emparer; subtiliser; voler; ôter

Synonyms for "collecter":

Wiktionary Translations for collecter:

  1. récupérer, recueillir quelque chose.
  1. to collect an object, especially in passing

Cross Translation:
collecter collect inzamelen — bijeenbrengen
collecter collect collecteren — (overgankelijk) geld inzamelen door rondgang

External Machine Translations: