
Detailed Translations for binding from English to French


binding verb

  1. binding (bookbinding)
    ligoter; rélier; lier; attacher
    • ligoter verb (ligote, ligotes, ligotons, ligotez, )
    • rélier verb
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )

binding [the ~] nomen

  1. the binding (link; band; bond; thickness)
    la liaison; l'épaisseur; le rapport; la relation
  2. the binding (book cover; cover)
    la couverture; le couvre-livre; la jaquette; l'enveloppe; le protège-livre
  3. the binding
    – A process by which software components and layers are linked together. When a network component is installed, the binding relationships and dependencies for the components are established. Binding allows components to communicate with each other. 1
    la liaison
  4. the binding (data binding)
    – The process of creating a link between a property and a source. The source can be local or external. 1
  5. the binding
    – A relationship created between a property and a source. The source can be local or external. 1
    la liaison
  6. the binding
    – In Analysis Services, a defined relationship between an attribute or a measure and one or more underlying columns in a dimension or fact table. 1
    la liaison
  7. the binding
    – A representation of the communication path between actors. 1
    la liaison

Translation Matrix for binding:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
couverture binding; book cover; cover bedcover; bedspread; blanket; counterpane; cover; cover up roof; cover-up blanket; covering; coverlet; disguise; façade; flyleaf; hammer-cloth; roof; roofing; roofing over; slip; thatching; tiling; top
couvre-livre binding; book cover; cover covers; jackets; wrappers
enveloppe binding; book cover; cover couvert; cover; envelope; hull; husk; packaging; packing; shell; wrapper; wrapping
impératif assignment; command; imperative; instruction; order
jaquette binding; book cover; cover cloak; coat; dress-coat; dress-suit; dust-cover; jacket; overcoat; swallow-tail; tail coat
liaison band; binding; bond; data binding; link; thickness OLE/DDE link; affair; agreement; alliance; amorous adventure; appointment; association; bond; combination; connection; contact; courtship; date; junction; junctions; league; liaison; line; link; linkage; linking; linking together; love affair; pact; relationship; relative context; romance; romanticism; telephone connection; union; wooing
protège-livre binding; book cover; cover
rapport band; binding; bond; link; thickness account; agreement; alliance; amorous adventure; announcing; association; bond; commentary; connection; courtship; giving notice of; intercourse; junction; league; legend; liaison; link; love affair; minutes; myth; narration; pact; proclaiming; record; relation; relationship; report; romance; romanticism; story; survey; tale; union; wooing
relation band; binding; bond; link; thickness acquaintance; affair; agreement; alliance; amorous adventure; association; bond; combination; connection; contact; courtship; junction; junctions; knowledge; league; liaison; line; link; linkage; linking; love affair; pact; relation; relationship; relative context; romance; romanticism; telephone connection; union; wooing
épaisseur band; binding; bond; link; thickness corpulency; fatness; viscosity
- back; bandaging; book binding; cover; dressing; ski binding
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
attacher binding; bookbinding adhere; affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; cling; combine; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; knot; lace; lash; link; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; pinion; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
liaison link
lier binding; bookbinding affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; bridge; button; button up; captivate; chain; combine; confirm; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; knot; lash; link; moor; pinion; secure; shackle; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
ligoter binding; bookbinding bind; bind fast; bind up; captivate; chain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; intrigue; join; pinion; shackle; tie; tie up
rélier binding; bookbinding
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
liaison linking
liaison de données binding; data binding
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- fastening
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assujetissant binding
coactif binding; stringent
coercitif binding; stringent
consciencieusement binding; stringent accurate; accurately; basic; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; considerate; detailed; dutiful; elementary; essential; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; scrupulous; scupulous; stringent; thorough; with attention; with care
consciencieux binding; stringent accurate; accurately; basic; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; considerate; detailed; dutiful; elementary; essential; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; scrupulous; scupulous; stringent; thorough; with attention; with care
contraignant binding; stringent
exact binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; correct; detailed; emphatic; exact; exactly; exhaustive; explicit; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; right; scrupulous; stringent; true; truethfull; with emphasis
exactement binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; closely; conscientious; correct; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; right; scrupulous; sharply; stringent
formel binding; stringent absolute; absolutely; certain; certainly; definitely; emphatic; explicit; final; formal; indisputable; official; pointed; positive; stately; sure; unconditional; undoubted; with emphasis
impératif binding; stringent compelling; imperative
minutieusement binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; cautious; closely; conscientious; conservative; correct; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; right; scrupulous; sharply; stringent
minutieux binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; correct; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; right; scrupulous; stringent
méticuleusement binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; conscientious; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; first-class; first-rate; in detail; meticulous; minutely; natty; painstaking; posh; precise; precisely; scrupulous; scupulous; slick; smart; spick and span; stringent; swell; tip-top; top-notch
méticuleux binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; conscientious; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; facetiously; filmy; first-class; first-rate; in detail; meticulous; minimal; minutely; natty; painstaking; posh; precise; precisely; scrupulous; scupulous; slick; slight; smart; spick and span; stringent; swell; tip-top; top-notch
obligatoire binding bound; committed; compulsory; mandatory; obligatory; obliged; required
précis binding; stringent accurate; accurately; boxed; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; correct; detailed; emphatic; encirkled; exact; exactly; exhaustive; explicit; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; outlined; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; right; scrupulous; stringent; well-aimed; with emphasis
précisément binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; conscientious; correct; detailed; emphatic; exact; exactly; exhaustive; explicit; in detail; just; meticulous; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; right; scrupulous; stringent; with emphasis
rigoureux binding; stringent accurate; accurately; conscientious; cutting; exact; exactly; inflexible; meticulous; nipping; precise; punctual; rigorous; severe; snappy; stern; strict; stringent
soigneux binding; stringent accurate; accurately; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; considerate; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; in detail; meticulous; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; scrupulous; scupulous; stringent; thorough; with attention; with care

Related Words for "binding":

Synonyms for "binding":

Related Definitions for "binding":

  1. executed with proper legal authority2
    • a binding contract2
  2. the act of applying a bandage2
  3. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book2
    • the book had a leather binding2
  4. strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration2
  5. one of a pair of mechanical devices that are attached to a ski and that will grip a ski boot; the bindings should release in case of a fall2
  6. the capacity to attract and hold something2
  7. A process by which software components and layers are linked together. When a network component is installed, the binding relationships and dependencies for the components are established. Binding allows components to communicate with each other.1
  8. The process of creating a link between a property and a source. The source can be local or external.1
  9. A relationship created between a property and a source. The source can be local or external.1
  10. In Analysis Services, a defined relationship between an attribute or a measure and one or more underlying columns in a dimension or fact table.1
  11. A representation of the communication path between actors.1

Wiktionary Translations for binding:

  1. spine of a book
  1. bande qui sert à ceindre le front et la tête.
  2. Ce qui sert à lier
  3. métier du relieur, art de relier les livres.
  1. Qui contraindre à faire quelque chose.
  2. Qui a la force d’obliger suivant la religion, suivre la loi.

Cross Translation:
binding ferme verbindlich — bindend


to bind verb (binds, binding)

  1. to bind (pinion; tie; tie up; )
    ligoter; nouer; lier; attacher; relier; bâillonner; garrotter; fixer; ficeler
    • ligoter verb (ligote, ligotes, ligotons, ligotez, )
    • nouer verb (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • relier verb (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • bâillonner verb (bâillonne, bâillonnes, bâillonnons, bâillonnez, )
    • garrotter verb (garrotte, garrottes, garrottons, garrottez, )
    • fixer verb (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • ficeler verb (ficelle, ficelles, ficelons, ficelez, )
  2. to bind (tie together; connect; knot)
    attacher; boutonner; nouer
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • boutonner verb (boutonne, boutonnes, boutonnons, boutonnez, )
    • nouer verb (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
  3. to bind (bind together; tie together; tie)
    relier; attacher; lier ensemble; attacher ensemble; nouer; boutonner
    • relier verb (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • nouer verb (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • boutonner verb (boutonne, boutonnes, boutonnons, boutonnez, )
  4. to bind (plug; demarcate; put under seal; )
    colmater; taper; obturer; calfeutrer
    • colmater verb (colmate, colmates, colmatons, colmatez, )
    • taper verb (tape, tapes, tapons, tapez, )
    • obturer verb (obture, obtures, obturons, obturez, )
    • calfeutrer verb (calfeutre, calfeutres, calfeutrons, calfeutrez, )
  5. to bind (lash; tie)
    lier; attacher; fixer; nouer; aiguilleter
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • fixer verb (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • nouer verb (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
  6. to bind (button up; button; knot; )
    attacher ensemble; nouer; attacher; lier ensemble; lier; rattacher; attacher l'un à l'autre
    • nouer verb (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • rattacher verb (rattache, rattaches, rattachons, rattachez, )
  7. to bind (tie; tie up; join; fasten)
    attirer dans un piège; piéger; tendre un piège à
    • piéger verb (piège, pièges, piégons, piégez, )
  8. to bind (put together; combine; add; mix)
  9. to bind
    – To connect a control to a field or group in the data source so that data entered into the control is saved to the corresponding field or group. When a control is unbound, it is not connected to a field or group, and data entered into the control is not saved. 1
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )

Conjugations for bind:

  1. bind
  2. bind
  3. binds
  4. bind
  5. bind
  6. bind
present perfect
  1. have bound
  2. have bound
  3. has bound
  4. have bound
  5. have bound
  6. have bound
past continuous
  1. was binding
  2. were binding
  3. was binding
  4. were binding
  5. were binding
  6. were binding
  1. shall bind
  2. will bind
  3. will bind
  4. shall bind
  5. will bind
  6. will bind
continuous present
  1. am binding
  2. are binding
  3. is binding
  4. are binding
  5. are binding
  6. are binding
  1. be bound
  2. be bound
  3. be bound
  4. be bound
  5. be bound
  6. be bound
  1. bind!
  2. let's bind!
  3. bound
  4. binding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for bind:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening; fixing; tieing up
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aiguilleter bind; lash; tie
attacher attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; connect; fasten; fix; join; knot; lash; pinion; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up adhere; affix; attach; attach to; bind round; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; cake on; cant; cling; combine; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; lace; link; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
attacher ensemble attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up combine; connect; couple; link; unite
attacher l'un à l'autre attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
attirer dans un piège bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up
boutonner bind; bind together; connect; knot; tie; tie together button up
bâillonner bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up
calfeutrer bind; close; demarcate; fence off; plug; put under seal; seal; shut; stop up caulk
colmater bind; close; demarcate; fence off; plug; put under seal; seal; shut; stop up darn; fill up; mend
ficeler bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up fasten; secure; tie up
fixer bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; lash; pinion; tie; tie up advise; affix; attach; attach to; bring down; buckle; confirm; connect; consider; corner; couple; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; inspect; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; paste in; paste on; paste together; screw on; secure; strap; suggest; suture; take down; thighten; think over; tie up; watch
garrotter bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up
lier attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; fasten; fix; join; knot; lash; pinion; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; attach to; binding; bookbinding; bridge; captivate; chain; combine; confirm; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; link; moor; secure; shackle; tie on to; tie up
lier ensemble attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
ligoter bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up binding; bookbinding; captivate; chain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; intrigue; shackle; tie up
mettre ensemble add; bind; combine; mix; put together lay next to each other; place beside; place next to each other; place together; put together
nouer attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; connect; fasten; fix; join; knot; lash; pinion; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; attach to; bind round; connect; enter; enter into; fasten; hang; hang up; put on; secure; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
obturer bind; close; demarcate; fence off; plug; put under seal; seal; shut; stop up fill
piéger bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up entrap
rattacher attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; suture
relier bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie together; tie up attach; bridge; captivate; chain; connect; couple; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; interlink; intrigue; link; make a match; pander; shackle; tie together; tie up
taper bind; close; demarcate; fence off; plug; put under seal; seal; shut; stop up bang; drum; ground; hammer; hit; knock; pound; punch; push; slap; smack; spike; tap; tap at; thump; type; typewrite
tendre un piège à bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up
- adhere; attach; bandage; bond; constipate; hold; hold fast; jam; obligate; oblige; seize; stick; stick to; tie; tie down; tie up; truss

Related Words for "bind":

Synonyms for "bind":

Antonyms for "bind":

Related Definitions for "bind":

  1. something that hinders as if with bonds2
  2. cause to be constipated2
  3. form a chemical bond with2
    • The hydrogen binds the oxygen2
  4. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted2
  5. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord2
  6. secure with or as if with ropes2
  7. make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope2
    • The Chinese would bind the feet of their women2
  8. wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose2
  9. provide with a binding2
    • bind the books in leather2
  10. stick to firmly2
  11. create social or emotional ties2
  12. To connect a control to a field or group in the data source so that data entered into the control is saved to the corresponding field or group. When a control is unbound, it is not connected to a field or group, and data entered into the control is not saved.1

Wiktionary Translations for bind:

  1. transitive connect
  2. transitive put together in a cover, as of books
  1. Fixer
  2. (familier, fr) Occitanie|fr exaspérer, gonfler.
  3. (vieilli) attraper, saisir subtilement, en parlant du chat et de quelques autres animaux. On dit plutôt « agripper ».
  4. lier au moyen d’un nœud, d'un lien.
  5. lier de nouveau, refaire le nœud qui liait et qui est défaire.

Cross Translation:
bind relier inbinden — losse geschriften tot een enkel boekwerk verwerken
bind relier inbinden — door stevige omwikkeling bijeenhouden
bind lier binden — (reflexiv) sich verpflichten

Related Translations for binding