English to French: more detail...
The word brainsick exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "brainsick":
crazy; demented; distracted; disturbed; mad; sick; unbalanced; unhinged; insane
Synonyms for "brainsick":
Detailed Translations for brainsick from English to French
brainsick: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- brain: conception; compréhension; intelligence; intellect; tirelire; bobèche
- sick: dégoûtant; dégueulasse; morne; morose; malsain; insalubre; écoeuré; choquant; mélancolique; écoeurant; indisposé; répugnant; immonde; maladif; repoussant; malpropre; inconsolable; révoltant; crasseux; désolant; patraque; salement; sordidement; ayant mal au coeur; pris de nausées; fatigué; las de; faible; lâche; fragile; fade; frêle; insipide; faiblement; pâlot; pâlotte; fragilement; maladivement; pathologique; pathologiquement; qui en a ras le bol; qui donne envie de dégueuler; qui a envie de dégueuler
Translation Matrix for brainsick:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | crazy; demented; disturbed; mad; sick; unbalanced; unhinged |