English to French: more detail...
The word button-down exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "button-down":
buttoned-down; conservative; conventional
buttoned; fastened
Synonyms for "button-down":
Detailed Translations for button-down from English to French
button-down: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- button: bouton; bouton-pression; lier; attacher; nouer; rattacher; attacher ensemble; lier ensemble; attacher l'un à l'autre; chapeau; casquette; bonnet; feutre; béret; couvre-chef; bouton de chemise; petit bouton-pression; bouton de souris
- down: duvet; sous; inférieur à; en-dessous de; au-dessaus de; en aval; en descendant; par terre; à terre; vers le bas; tackler; faire un croche-pied à; faire un croche-patte à; dessous; en bas; en dessous; kapok; d'en bas; à la renverse
Translation Matrix for button-down:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | buttoned-down; conservative |
Synonyms for "button-down":
Related Definitions for "button-down":
External Machine Translations: