English to French: more detail...
The word countrywide exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "countrywide":
nationwide; comprehensive
Synonyms for "countrywide":
Detailed Translations for countrywide from English to French
countrywide: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- country: état; condition; royaume; situation; peuple; circonstance; empire; Etat; autorités; nation; campagne
- wide: vaste; grand; ample; large; étendu; considérable; abondant; copieux; énorme; largement; amplement; abondamment; surabondant; volumineux; grandement; copieuse; copieusement; étendue; élaboré; approfondi; spacieux; diffus; détaillé; extensif; circonstancié; verbeux; en détail; verbeuse; verbeusement; dans le détail; de façon prolixe; de façon détaillée
- Country: Country
Translation Matrix for countrywide:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | nationwide |
Synonyms for "countrywide":
Related Definitions for "countrywide":
External Machine Translations: